
 2022-12-25 14:13:51

Managing the salinization and drainage problems of irrigated areas through remote sensing and GIS techniques


The development of irrigated agriculture is a requirement for feeding the rising world population but without proper drainage provisions, this development can result in irrigation-induced salinization in agricultural areas. The management of salinization and drainage problems at the regional level are considerably hindered due to lack of good quality data because the regional studies entail distributed data, while usual hydrological measurements offer only point data. With the emergence of new geospatial techniques and tools such as GIS and remote sensing, the regional salinization and drainage studies have become easier in recent times. The GIS and remote sensing techniques are vital means and provide a better alternative to the conventional techniques in monitoring and assessment of poor-drainage affected salinized areas. These geospatial techniques present apt solutions to map the degree and severity of drainage-induced land salinization, mainly in large regions. This paper provides an overview of GIS and remote sensing techniques used for the management of salinization and drainage problems of water resources in irrigated areas. The indication of the salinization and drainage problems of water resources along with the importance of the study is presented. The rationale and background of the environmental problems of irrigated areas are provided. The combined applications of geospatial techniques in managing the environmental problems are detailed. Finally, the applications of GIS and remote sensing techniques in various case studies across the globe are discussed and some conclusions are summarized.

Keywords:Soil salinization;Remote sensing and GIS;Irrigated agriculture;Drainage of irrigated lands;Agricultural sustainability

1. Introduction

The development of irrigated agriculture is necessary for feeding the rising world population (Xie et al., 2018; Das et al., 2015; Lomba et al., 2017; Singh, 2015a,b) which is likely to reach between 9 and 10 billion in 2050 (United Nations, 2017). Nevertheless, without proper drainage provisions, this development can result in irrigation-induced salinization and rising watertable problems in agricultural areas (Singh and Panda, 2012a,b,c; Singh, 2017). Drainage and salinization problems are prevalent in irrigated areas of the world (Arslan, 2012). Unrelenting irrigation over a large number of years without sufficient drainage facilities resulted in large tracts of irrigated areas becoming infertile (Smedema, 1990). Singh et al. (2016, 2012), Akkaya Aslan and Gundogdu (2007), and Singh (2018, 2014a, 2012)reported that irrigation-induced land salinization has put serious risks to the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. They also stated that salinization and rising watertable problems has enlarged considerably during the last few decades on account of the speedy expansion of large-scale irrigation (Singh, 2011, 2010). Drainage is necessary not only for the removal of water which prevents rising watertable but also for removing the salts which prevent salinization from rootzone. Bos and Boers (1994) stated that land drainage is one of the key inputs to get better yields per unit of farmland.

The management of salinization and drainage problems of irrigated agriculture are considerably hindered due to lack of good quality data (Elhag, 2016). This is mainly serious in dry areas where inspection infrastructure is feeble (Brunner et al., 2007). Regional salinization and drainage studies entail distributed data, while usual hydrological measurements offer only point data (Wondzell et al., 2009). In the lack of necessary widespread data, the regional studies cannot deliver reliable outputs (Kasahara and Hill, 2006). With the emergence of new geospatial techniques and tools such as GIS (geographic information system) and remote sensing, the regional studies have become easier in recent times (Stisen et al., 2011; Dar et al., 2010; Gebreyohannes et al., 2013). 通过遥感和GIS技术管理灌溉地区的盐碱化和排水问题


灌溉农业的发展对于喂养新兴世界人口是必要的(Xie et al.,2018;Das et al.,2015; Lomba et al.,2017;Singh,2015a,b),可能会达到9到10 2050年为10亿(United Nations, 2017)。然而,如果没有适当的排水设施,这种发展会导致灌溉引起的盐碱化和不断上升的地下水位在农业领域中的问题(Singh and Panda, 2012a,b,c;Singh,2017)。世界灌溉地区的排水和盐碱化问题非常普遍(Arslan,2012)。在没有足够的排水设施的情况下,大量的灌溉工作持续不断,导致大片灌溉地区变得不孕(Smedema,1990)。Singh等人(2016年,2012年),Akkaya Aslan和Gundogdu(2007年)Singh(2018,2014a,2012年)报告说,灌溉引发的土地盐渍化给灌溉农业的可持续性带来了严重风险。他们还指出,由于大规模灌溉的迅速扩大,过去几十年来盐碱化和不断增加的水资源问题已经大大增加(Singh,2011,2010)。排水不仅对于防止水分增加的水的去除是必要的,而且对于去除防止从根区域盐化的盐也是必需的。Bos和Boers(1994)指出,土地排水是提高单位耕地产量的关键投入之一。

由于缺乏高质量的数据,灌溉农业的盐碱化和排水问题的管理受到严重阻碍(Elhag,2016)。这主要是在检查基础设施薄弱的干旱地区严重(Brunner et al.,2007)。区域盐碱化和排水研究需要分布式数据,而通常的水文测量仅提供点数据(Wondzell等,2009)。由于缺乏必要的广泛数据,区域研究无法提供可靠的结果(Kasahara和Hill,2006年)。随着GIS (地理信息系统)和遥感等新的地理空间技术和工具的出现,区域研究近来变得更加容易(Stisen等人,2011; Dar等人,2010; Gebreyohannes等人,2013)。Tsihrintzis等人 (1996年)和Becker(2006年)提供了利用地理空间技术管理农田水资源问题的各个方面。Tlapaacute;kovaacute;等人。(2016)展示了在捷克共和国测绘地下排水系统的遥感技术的好处。在过去的几十年中,学者们广泛使用GIS和遥感技术来解决灌溉地区的排水和盐渍化问题(Zewdu等,2015; Muller和van Niekerk,2016; Oikonomidis等,2015; Quan等, ,2010年)。本文概述了用于管理灌溉区水资源盐碱化和排水问题的地理信息系统和遥感技术。

2 原理

引流不畅有关盐渍化和浅层地下水位农业领域的问题都可以通过点样关键区域(乔杜里,1998年)。通常情况下,这些问题通过盐渍地估计,气象水文农业经济分析和数值模拟等保守的实践进行分析( Wang et al。,2006)。不过,这些做法需要大量难以获得的数据。因此,在数据检测点微弱的地区分析盐渍化风险是很复杂的。此外,这些做法既不符合时间效率也不符合成本效益( Singh,2016年)。

诸如地理信息系统遥感等地理空间技术为解决排水引发土地盐碱化的程度和严重程度提供了合适的解决方案,主要在大区域( Kumar等,2015; Chowdary等,2008)。自20世纪60年代以来,地理空间技术被广泛用于评估土地盐碱化,而各种彩色航空照片被用来绘制受盐影响的地区(Fan等,2015 )。遥感的核心是量化和记录地球表面回波的电磁辐射

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