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英语原文共 12 页,剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料

A sustainable perspective on affecting local authorities urban freight transport:

Factors in the planning procedures

Maria Lindholma

“Chalmers University of Technology,Division for Logistics and Transportation,d1296Gdteborg,Sweden”


Freight transport has a minor role in transport planning procedures in most cities,although freight transport operations represent a substantial proportion of emissions.The focus in this research is the local authority perspective of sustainable urban freight transport and the aim is to contribute to the understanding of how freight transport affects the urban environment and how awareness and knowledge within the local authority effects the urban freight transport situation.The analysis is based on four studies:a literature study,a review of transport in three cities via in-depth interviews,a review of freight in four cities via in-depth interviews and finally a review of freight in all Swedish cities via a questionnaire survey.Three aspects are considered throughout the research:the sustainability concept,knowledge and awareness as well as barriers and drivers.The results confirm that knowledge and awareness in the area of urban freight transport is low,which generates a low level of interest in the subject and makes it hard to predict outcomes of certain actions.The implication for local authorities is that the issue of urban freight transport should gain a higher priority on the agenda.

@2010 Elsevier Ltd.Open aocess under CC BY-NC-ND license

Keywords:City logistics;freight transport planning;sustainable transport;urban freight transport


This paper investigates sustainable freight transport in urban areas from the perspective of the local authorities The main focus is the transportation process and how it is affected be decisions and prerequisites created be local authorities.It is the planning procedure of how to handle freight transport that occurs to,from and through the urban area from the local authority perspective that is investigated.City urban planning,political views,transport and infrastructure planning are important factors within local authorities that affect urban logistics,but the views of logisticians are rarely used in the planning process.The paper aims to map out an environmental perspective on urban freight transport to offer an understanding of the area,identifying important factors,and therefore laying the groundwork for further research.The overall research question is formulated as:How does freight transport knowledge and awareness in local(city)authorities affect sustainable freight actions in urban areas?Issues such as laws and regulations,infrastructure,finance,politics and culture,practical concerns,technology,and impacts are the factors upon which the results centre.Barriers and drivers within those groups of factors have been identified and are the main result from the research.Knowledge of those factors,barriers,and drivers could be used when working with sustainable urban freight issues,as well as describing and developing the area itself.

The main stakeholder studied and discussed are the local authority and their contacts with other stakeholders and actors(transport operators,retailers,trade organizations,and others that depend on freight transport).The focal point in the study is the transportation process and planning,not political science or urban planning一although those areas are closely related to the research area.The system studied is the freight transport operations carried out within the urban area(road bound)and how this system can be handled as efficiently as possible.However,private cars,public transport,or other types of personal transport are excluded,as well as infrastructure issues,vehicle types,and fuel discussions.How to optimize transport or certain specific detailed solutions to urban freight transport(e.g.urban consolidation centres or environmental zones)could occur as discussions,but are not integral aspects of this paper.Contributing factors to the urban environment(emissions,congestion etc.)from freight transport are discussed.The geographical limitations are urban areas(defined as the city centre areas together with suburban areas,and not countryside areas of municipalities).Suggestions and assumptions are based on the existing structure and optimized according to the physical urban plans of each city studied.Though the focus of the study is small and medium sized cities in Europe(based on Swedish municipalities as well as a number of northern European cities),the results should be useful for and applicable to other contexts.The number of inhabitants in small and medium sized cities in Europe varies from less than 10,000 up to around 1,000,000.Large Swedish cities represent approximately the size of medium-sized cities in Europe.

This paper starts with a discussion of the research method and a frame of reference for the research conducted.Thereafter the results from the studies are presented,both qualitative and quantitative.The paper closes with discussion of the findings and conclusions.


Freight transport has a minor role in transport planning procedures in most cities although the transport

operations of freight represent a substantial proportion of emissions.It is therefore interesting to note how this minor focus on freight has an impact on the freight transport situation in cities.Earlier studies in the area show that there is an existing problem,but those studies are mainly based on literature reviews and discussion groups and not actual case studies.In this research another approach has been chosen to confirm those theories,as well as develop them.Except from basic literature reviews,a number of surveys have been conducted to find empirical data on the perspectives of local autho



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