Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 579–590, 2004.
2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
Pollen flow of cultivated rice measured under experimental conditions
Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Biodiversity Science and Ecological Engineering,Institute of Biodiversity Science,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China;*Author for correspondence (e-mail:; fax:186-21-65642468)
Received 10 July 2002; accepted in revised form 5 February 2003
Key words: Ecological risk, In situ conservation, Oryza sativa, Pollen flow, Rice, Transgene escape
Abstract. The pollen flow pattern of a cultivated rice variety, Minghui-63, was studied at horizontal and vertical levels under experimental conditions. Data obtained from pollen traps for six designed populations (as pollen sources) at different intervals showed that the dispersal of rice pollen decreased with the increase of distance from pollen sources and that the rice pollen flow was significantly influenced by weather conditions, particularly by wind direction and speed. For a mean wind speed of 2.52 m/s in a downwind direction, the observed distance of rice pollen dispersal was 38.4 m, indicating that rice pollen grains normally disperse at a relatively small range. However, the maximum distance of rice pollen flow could be up to 110 m, using regression analysis of pollen flow and wind speed, when the wind speed reached 10 m/s in this study. The frequency of pollen flow was positively correlated with pollen source size within a given range, suggesting that pollen flow will occur effectively at a considerable rate in rice fields with sufficiently large pollen sources. In addition, many more pollen grains were detected at the height of 1.0–1.5 m than at 2.0 m, indicating that rice pollen mainly disperses at relatively low heights. Results from this study are useful both for minimizing transgene escape from transgenic rice and in situ conservation of wild relatives of rice, as well as for hybrid seed production, where an effective isolation buffer zone needs to be established.
With the rapid development of transgenic technology, an increasing number of transgenic crop varieties have been released into the environment, since the first transgenic tomato modified for delayed ripening was officially approved for commercial production. Alongside this, there have been growing debates about the biosafety of transgenic crops, e.g. concerning the degree to which release into the environment might bring ecological risks, including transgene escape to non-transgenic crop populations or to close wild relative species through cross-pollination. Transgene escape could lead to contamination of non-transgenic varieties or cause serious weed problems (Arriola 1997; Raybould 1999; Dale et al. 2002). Therefore, effective measures should be taken to minimize transgene escape, in addition to cautiously assessing environmental impacts and monitoring ecological consequences of transgenic crop release.
Pollen flow is one of the essential components in the ecological risk assessment of transgenic crops, because pollen can act as a vehicle to disseminate transferred alien genes. Such an assessment usually includes pollen spreading rate, the maximum distance of pollen dispersal (horizontal), spatial dynamics of pollen movement (vertical), and the patterns of pollen dispersal of a crop (Amand et al. 2000). On the other hand, the understanding of pollen flow is also significant for the in situ conservation of wild relatives of crop species, particularly for those that are important genetic resources for crop improvement but are endangered or under great threat either by direct human activities or other factors. Efficient in situ conservation of wild relative species should consider the strategic selection of conservation sites where an effective isolation distance between a crop (particularly the transgenic crop) and its wild relative species needs to be determined to avoid contamination of the target species by pollen flow. Considerable pollen flow between crops and wild relatives will result in outcrossing and, consequently, alter the gene pool of wild and cultivated species (Ellstrand et al. 1999). Moreover, pollen pollution must be avoided in conventional crop breeding, especially for hybrid rice. Therefore, solid studies of crop pollen flow can provide valuable information for determining the minimum isolation distance for the buffering area between crops and their wild relatives or between breeding fields, for both prevention of transgene escape and successful in situ conservation guidance, or for harvesting high quality commercial seeds.
It is shown in the literature that airborne pollen flow can follow an exponential leptokurtic pattern and can be greatly influenced by meteorological factors, especially microclimatic conditions, such as wind speed and direction, ambient temperature, and relative air humidity (Tonsor 1985; Jackson and Lyford 1999; Galan et al. 2000). It is generally understood that pollen dispersal is linked to height, that herbaceous species have more intensive pollen content at lower heights (Alcazar and Comtois 2000), and that airborne pollen flow and source size are more significant than density, as is the case in anthophilous pollen flow (Rognli et al. 2000). However, the pollen flows of different plants mediated by various vectors differ significantly in their dispersal patterns (Alcazar et al. 1998). It is therefore necessary to carry out a detailed investigation of pollen flow of a particular species, where ecological r
随着转基因技术的迅速发展,自第一批转基因晚熟番茄被正式批准商业化生产以来,越来越多的转基因作物品种被释放到环境中。除此之外,关于转基因作物的生物安全性,例如关于释放到环境中可能带来生态风险的程度,包括转基因逃逸到非转基因作物群体或通过交叉授粉接近野生近缘物种,一直存在越来越多的争论。转基因逃逸可能导致非转基因品种的污染或引起严重的杂草问题(Arriola 1997;Raybould 1999;Dale等)。2002)。因此,除了审慎评估环境影响和监测转基因作物释放的生态后果外,还应采取有效措施尽量减少转基因逃逸。
文献表明,气载花粉流动可遵循指数型轻库尔特模式,并可受气象因素,特别是小气候条件,如风速和风向、环境温度和相对空气湿度的影响很大(Tonsor 1985;Jackson and Lyford 1999;Galan等)。2000)。一般认为,花粉散布与高度有关,草本植物在较低的高度上具有更密集的花粉含量(Alcazar和Comtois 2000),并且空气中花粉的流动和来源的大小比密度更重要,如嗜人花粉的流动(Rognli等)。2000)。然而,由不同载体介导的不同植物的花粉流动在分散模式上显著不同(Alcazar等人。1998)。因此,有必要对特定物种的花粉流动进行详细调查,其中生态风险评估要求对花粉流动进行准确的估计,包括花粉扩散的距离和强度(Amand等)。2000)。
水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是世界上最重要的谷类作物之一,为全球50%以上的人口提供主食。为了提高世界不断增长的人口的粮食安全,水稻生产率,通过转基因方法培育了一些具有农用有益基因的水稻新品种。这些转基因水稻品种中的一些已经释放到中国进行田间试验(黄等人。2002)。在这些转基因水稻品种广泛释放到环境中之前,应进行与这些转基因水稻品种相关的潜在生态风险的详细研究。水稻是一种风媒植物,具有气传的花粉流,但对其花粉流的模式知之甚少,尽管有一些文献记录了禾本科植物的花粉流,这可能是水稻花粉流的预测参考(McDonald 1980;Norris-Hill 1997;Fernandez等)。1998)。
普通野生稻(O.Griff.)是栽培稻的祖先种,是水稻改良的重要遗传资源(Oka 1988)。在一些亚洲国家,如中国、越南、泰国和孟加拉国。因此,在这些国家的遗传资源规划中,对这种物种的有效保护是优先考虑的。研究表明,O.和O.之间的自发杂交和基因流动在自然界中频繁发生,这是由于它们有限的生殖隔离(Lu 1999;Song等。2002)。当转基因水稻品种通过某些原始和稀有O.种群的污染而释放到其附近时,这给野生近缘物种带来了转基因逃逸的严重风险。因此,准确的水稻花粉流动数据对于确定栽培稻种和野生稻种之间的有效隔离或缓冲区是重要的,这对于转基因水稻的安全释放和野生稻遗传资源的原位保存都是必要的。因此,本试验旨在研究不同天气条件下水稻花粉的流动,特别是花粉源大小和花粉受体高度对花粉散布的影响。
表1. 为花粉流动实验设计栽培稻明恢63群体。
人口代码 |
人口规模 |
人口形态 |
MP-1 |
半径5 0.3米 |
圆圈 |
MP-2 |
半径5 0.6米 |
圆圈 |
MP-3 |
半径5 1.2米 |
圆圈 |
MP-4 |
半径5 2.4米 |
圆圈 |
MP-5 |
半径5 4.8米 |
圆圈 |
MP-6 |
6 3 10 m2 |
矩形 |
2000年在同一地点构建了MP-6群体。增补种群MP-6的构建基于1999年实验的发现,即在明恢-63花期从北向南吹来了相对盛行的风,并且风速对花粉流动有可检测的影响。明恢63种子在6月中旬发芽,7月中旬移栽,间隔10 3 18cm。湖南省水稻农业系统以土壤整理和灌溉管理为主。
9月中旬至10月中旬,明恢-63花期有花粉流动记录。花粉流量的测量包括两个部分:每个来源的花粉流量距离和特定间隔的花粉密度。利用Kearns和Inouye(1993)描述的花粉捕捉方法,在所有试验地中检测花粉的存在并测量其密度。显微镜玻璃片(7.623 2.54cm)上涂有凡士林,并粘附在木制陈腐物上;在每块地里,每隔一定时间放置三个陈腐物。除MP-5群体外,所有群体均以花高水平排列玻片,其中玻片分别以0、0.5、1.0、1.5和2.0m的不同高度排列。所有样地均顺风布置,间隔1.2m。MP-1–MP-5群体分布在1.2~24m之间,MP-6群体分布在1.2~48m之间。此外,对于MP-5群体,在8个地理方向上围绕花粉源布置了与上述相同间隔的小区,以便检测花粉流动与风向之间的关系(图1)。这些是东部、东南部、南部、西南部、西部、西北部、北部和东北部,2
图形1. 花粉流量测量说明。(a)MP-1-4种群;(b)MP-5种群;(c)MP-6种群。符号“1”表示花粉带的位置;阴影圆圈或矩形表示明恢63;箭头表示盛行的风。
采用方差分析(ANOVA)方法,分析了不同花粉源大小、风速和风向、受体高度对花粉流速的影响,包括花粉散布距离和花粉密度。对MP-1–MP-5群体中花粉流量与花粉源大小呈显著相关关系的变异体进行回归分析。回归模型还用于分析花粉流动与风向(MP-5)或风速(MP-6)之间的关系。所有统计分析都是使用STATISTICA for Windows软件包(单用户版本(5.0),StatSoft Inc.1995)执行的。
图形2. MP-1-MP-5明恢-63群体在下列气象条件下的花粉向下风流动:温度5 33.1 8C,空气湿度5 67.4%,风速5 1.72m/s,花粉源半径5。
以地理方向为独立变量,距离为协变量的ANOVA分析表明,MP-5群体周围(半径5 4.8m)的地理方向花粉散布存在显著差异(F =5 4.888,P = 0.004)。发现更多的花粉粒向南和东南方向分散(图3)。回归分析表明,随着距离的增加,花粉在各个方向的分布总体上减少(r=520.624,P=0.001),但不同方向的花粉流动距离差异显著。图3显示花粉散布发生在距花粉源24米以内的北部、东北部、西部和西南方向,但超过24米的其他方向。花粉密度在24~1.2之间的比率:
图形3. 在相同的小气候条件下,MP-5明恢-63群体花粉以8个方向流动,温度为533.48C,空气湿度为565.2%,风速为51.52m/s。
df1 MS df2 MS F P |
温度(8C)35.2 6 2.77 |
35.9 6 3.23 |
34.2 6 3.16 |
2 |
14.47 12 |
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