Share pledging and financial constraints in China
Zijian Chenga, Zhangxin (Frank) Liub , Yupu Sunb
aAccounting Department, Business School, Shandong University, Weihai, China bDepartment of Accounting and Finance, University of Western Australia Business School, Perth, WA, Australia
We investigate the relationship between the intensity of share pledging activities and the level of financial constraint in publicly listed firms in China. We show that the high financial constraint level may motivate insiders to use share pledging as an alternative funding source and an expropriation mechanism. Although overall share collateralisation can cause a subsequently more constrained financing condition, we find evidence that share pledging made by the controlling shareholder is likely to mitigate financial constraints in the following year. Our findings are robust to alternative measures and an instrumental variable for dealing with endogeneity problems.
Key words: Share pledge; Financial constraint; Controlling shareholder
JEL classification: G32, G35
doi: 10.1111/acfi.12729
1. Introduction
When shareholders offer up stocks in their company as collateral for personal loans, this activity is called share pledging. Insidersrsquo; pledging is legal and pervasive across the globe, including in the US, the UK, Mainland China, Hong Kong and India, among others. The last 15 years have witnessed a rapid expansion on share pledging in the Chinese market from near none to a record high of 5 trillion yuan ($US720 billion). This individual borrowing activity also attracts media attention as an essential cause of the Chinese stock crash in both 2015 and 2018. The prevalence and impact of share pledging naturally raise questions among researchers: What are the rationales behind this type of individual transaction? What impact would it have on firmsrsquo; financial constraint, as a way to proxy for financial health? Our interest is in
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understanding the relationship between the intensity of share pledging activities and the level of financial constraint.
Share pledging is valuable to corporate insiders as it allows insiders to capture the capital and maintain the benefits of holding the stocks, such as dividend payments and voting rights. However, a drop in the stock price could trigger demand from lenders for extra collateral if pledgers cannot meet the margin requirement. Given the potential short selling by brokerages, pledging firms have to bear excess compounding risk from the forced sell-offs, causing agency problems between insiders and outside shareholders (Anderson and Puleo, 2015; Wang and Chou, 2018; Dou et al., 2019). As pledging insiders are likely to lose their control rights after sell-offs, insiders have incentives to support stock prices by manipulating their companiesrsquo; strategies, which negatively affects firmsrsquo; performance. One example can be that pledging firms are more likely to employ earnings management, repurchasing programs or conservative innovation projects, relative to non-pledging firms (Chan et al., 2018; DeJong et al., 2018; Pang and Wang, 2018). Previous work regarding share pledging focuses on the impact of pledge activities on shareholders but provides little explanation on what may contribute to corporate insidersrsquo; engagement in share pledging despite its costly consequences.
We examine the relationship between financial constraints and share pledging, which may shed light on the motivation behind pledging activities. Dividend payments are primary sources of funds for corporate insiders who tie most wealth with their companies. High-dividend policy is prevalently applied as access to liquidity and as an expropriation mechanism in ownership concentrated companies (Chen et al., 2009; Huang et al., 2011). Insiders can also expropriate corporate resources through high-leverage policy (Liu and Tian, 2012; Lingmin, 2016). As these two channels of funds are less accessible in financially constrained companies, insiders are likely to engage in share pledging as an alternative approach.
Further, pledging activities may affect the subsequent level of financial constraints in companies. This paper provides two potential insights: First, share pledging in the previous year may enhance financing constraints in companies, as investors demand a higher cost of capital accounting for the expropriation risk. Second, prior pledging activities are likely to mitigate financial constraints, with the likelihood that pledgers reinvest funds into corporate projects. Both these two effects could be amplified if shares are pledged by the controlling shareholders. On the one hand, controlling shareholders have more power to use the control-ownership wedge to expropriate the outside shareholders; on the other hand, they are more likely to pledge shares to fund corporate investments for long-term firm performance than other participants since they own the majority of outstanding shares. In light of this, we specifically conduct a close examination on controlling shareholders and expect their share pledging activity may have a different effect on the degree of financial constraints.
We investigate the relation between share pledging and financial constraints by utilising a rich database of all publicly listed firms in the Chinese stock market, where share-based loans are prevalent. Our sample consists of 26,543 firm-year observations from 3,724 public firms listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges from 2003 to 2018. We examine share pledging on two dimensions: whether shareholders pledge shares in a given financial year, and additionally, whether the quantity of pledging shares matter. We examine
首次发表: 2020年12月3日
股份质押对公司内部人士而言很有价值,因为它可以让内部人士获得资本并维持持有股票的利益,例如股息支付和投票权。但是,如果质押人不能满足保证金要求,那么股价下跌可能会触发贷方对额外抵押品的需求。考虑到经纪人潜在的卖空行为,质押公司必须承受强制抛售带来的额外复合风险,从而导致内部人和外部股东之间的代理问题(Anderson和Puleo,2015年; Wang和Chou,2018年; Dou等人,2019年))。由于质押的内部人可能会在抛售后失去控制权,因此内部人有动机通过操纵公司的策略来支持股价,这对公司的业绩产生了负面影响。一个例子是,相对于非质押公司,质押公司更可能采用盈余管理,回购计划或保守的创新项目(Chan等人,2018年; DeJong等人,2018年; Pang和Wang,2018年)。先前有关股票质押的工作着重于质押活动对股东的影响,但几乎没有解释什么可能导致公司内部人士参与股票质押,尽管其后果代价高昂。
我们研究了融资约束与股份质押之间的关系,这可能揭示了质押活动背后的动机。股息支付是那些将大部分财富与公司联系在一起的公司内部人士的主要资金来源。高股息政策普遍被用作拥有所有权的公司的流动性获取和征用机制(Chen等,2009; Huang等,2011)。内部人员还可以通过高杠杆政策来占用公司资源(Liu和Tian,2012年; Lingmin,2016年))。由于这两种资金渠道在财务拮据的公司中较难获得,因此内部人士可能会以替代方式参与股票质押。
我们通过利用中国股票市场上所有以股份为基础的贷款的所有上市公司的丰富数据库,研究股票质押与融资约束之间的关系。我们的样本包括2003年至2018年在上海和深圳证券交易所上市的3,724家上市公司的26,543家公司年观察结果。我们从两个维度检查了股票质押:股东是否在给定的财政年度内质押了股票,此外,数量是否质押股份的问题。我们通过使用个人级别的质押比率,研究了驱动融资约束对内部人对股票质押的决定产生影响的机制。公司级别的质押比率旨在研究公司的股票抵押对其财务受限水平的影响。2016年),我们采用了三种不同的衡量标准,包括KZ指数(Lamont等, 2001),每股股息和按收益衡量的股息(Cheng等, 2017)。当使用这两个概念的替代度量时,我们的主要结果是可靠的。为了确定股票质押和融资约束之间的因果关系,我们在逻辑和OLS回归中使用关键自变量的滞后值。我们还考虑采用一种工具变量方法来处理内生性和遗漏变量偏差。
据我们所知,我们的研究是第一个研究个人股份质押活动与公司融资约束之间因果关系的研究。由于缺乏对股票质押活动背后的理论基础的研究,我们的研究通过确定融资约束作为内部人股票质押活动的推动因素,为文献做出了贡献。鉴于很少有关于金融约束对个人投资者活动的影响的讨论,因此我们的论文也增加了关于金融约束的文献。我们的分析增强了对股票质押近期趋势后果的当前理解,并确认了与股票质押活动相关的代理成本的先前结果(Anderson和Puleo,2015年; Wang和Chou,2018年); Dou等人2019)。此外,我们设法通过考虑公司中的所有股份质押活动来探索不同类型的质押者的潜在动机。结果验证了以股份为基础的贷款作为对整个股东集团的征收机制,但作为控制股东的替代公司融资策略的使用。我们对股份质押的定义可能会增加相关文献的数量,因为以前的研究通常仅限于一小部分质押者,包括控股股东,董事和具名高管(Anderson和Puleo,2015年; Pang和Wang,2018年) ; Wang和Chou,2018 ; Li等,2019)。我们为李等人的先前研究提供了潜在的解释。(2019),他们发现相反的证据表明,股票质押仅专注于最大的股东,可以使内部股东和外部股东的利益保持一致。
本文的其余部分安排如下。第 2开发我们的假设。第 3节礼物我们的数据和经验模型。第四部分 报告了实证结果和稳健性检验。第5节 总结和总结。
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