
 2022-11-22 16:26:27

The Idea of Law in Classical Chinese Legalist Jurisprudence

Author:Eric C.lp (The University of Hong Kong)

Article in Global Jurist , January 2009


Being one of the most eminent schools of jurisprudence in Eastern Philosophy, Classical Chinese Legalism has a lot to offer to the understanding of the underlying forces which shaped East Asian legal systems even to the present day. I will comprehensively reconstruct the Legalist idea of law in three dimensions, (1) law and society, (2) law and politics, and (3) law and morality. I will refute the overtly negative and simplistic conventional readings that suggest that Legalism is merely a Legal Positivist blueprint of authoritarian statecraft. The long–neglected connections between Legalism and the cosmic order have grounded law on a particular political morality. Despite being plagued by some difficulties, the Legalistsrsquo; contributions to social theory, anthropology, and procedural values are signicant, even to researchers in a global era.

KEYWORDS: Chinese Law, Legalism, Han Fei, law and the cosmic order, China, jurisprudence


The impressive existence of a massive body of penal-oriented codified laws in Imperial China is unchallengeable. Traditional Chinese Law was the product of a bitter compromise between the influential and competing ideologies of Confucianism and Legalism, resulting in hybrid roles of being both the guardian of the cosmic order, and a secular institution of social control. Classical Legalism constituted one of the most important philosophical traditions in ancient Chinarsquo;s lsquo;Spring and Autumnrsquo; and lsquo;Warring Statesrsquo; Periods . Despite the element of law in its name, the school was primarily noted for its advocacy of effective statecraft as a means to shape an extremely orderly society and create a strengthened State.

What distinguishes Legalism from its contemporaries is its highly practical orientation. A number of fajia adherents had assumed State chancellorships and experimented successful reforms. The Qin Dynasty which unified China and created a two thousand year-old imperial State, had in fact adopted Legalism as its official ideology. However, the Legalists, if not also the prestige of law, declined altogether with this short-lived regime. Virtually no succeeding dynasty ever expressly declared its policies as fazhi (rule by law), and none of the subsequent mainstream schools of thought focused on the study of law and jurisprudence. Many ideas of the fajia, good or bad, were simply dismissed due to the prevalence of State Confucianism, which is in theory at odds with Legalist tenets.

Legalism was considered as the only classical philosophical tradition in China to have a deep understanding of law. Yao compared the “law” studied by the Legalists with the contemporary common understanding of law. He contended that law for the fajia is constructed on State-strengthening policies and used as an objective standard of human behavior. This was foreign to the other branches of ancient Chinese philosophy. Even though Legalism did not develop as a standalone intellectual movement in most of Traditional Chinarsquo;s history, its impact on the course of development of the countryrsquo;s history and philosophy should not be overlooked. Indeed, many classified the guiding ideology of the Imperial Chinese State as lsquo;Confucian in outlook, Legalist in substancersquo;. Fu has advanced the argument that Chinese politics, whether traditional or modern, is inherently Legalist. According to him, ruling elites were more than prepared to manipulate Confucian rhetoric skillfully to justify the Legalist ends of upholding the pricy of power. He further described the Legalists, who lived one thousand and eight hundred years earlier, as being lsquo;more Machiavellianrsquo; than Machiavelli himself; and Legalismrsquo;s everlasting influence on Chinese politics had far exceeded the degree of Machiavellirsquo;s on Western political discourse.

It is without doubt that the fajia has substantially contributed to a significant portion of the very principles that shaped the legal and political structures inherited by the numerous dynasties of Traditional China. State Confucianism as a political ideology distinguished itself from Classical Confucianism by incorporating heavy Legalist and Daoist elements. Therefore, the reevaluation of Classical Legalism is beneficial not only to the understanding of legal history in the Chinese State, but also to the answering of the question of whether the rule of law has indigenous roots in the Far East. However, inquiries into Legalist jurisprudence, as opposed to political theory, are currently underdeveloped, not only in the West, but also in the East. Most literature on the subject was contributed by political scientists and philosophers predominantly interested in the ontology, metaphysics, and statecraft of Legalism.

2. The Place of Law in the Theory and Practice of Classical Legalism

Law occupies a central position in the theory and practice of Classical Legalism,but emphases vary. The term lsquo;fajiarsquo; was first employed by Sima Tan, an early-Han historian, in his discussions of the groupings of Legalist writers among the six mainstream philosophies in the Pre-Qin period. He and his son, Sima Qian, the lsquo;Grand Historianrsquo; as he was called,one of the greatest scholars of history in Traditional China, concluded that the closeness of personal relationships and statuses in the social hierarchy were of no relevance to the Legalists, because for them, everything ought to be determined before the law once and for all.Legalist philosophy mandates that the supremacy of authority should be centralized in the hands of the Ruler.While other philosophical movements tend to justify the exercise of political power as the execution of heavenly will, the Legalists disagreed. Many of them suggested that laws, social order, and military power are nothing but means to the exer



作者:Eric C.lp (香港大学)

文章刊载于 《全球法学家》(2009.4)



















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