
 2023-03-13 11:31:12


原文作者 伊万·斯曼尼奥




关键词:股东大会决议; 资本公司会议无效决议; 非法行为; 虚假声明; 波兰民法典



然而,为了回答前面提出的问题,似乎有必要澄清对矛盾概念的理解。最高法院2008年12月12日的判决,二278/08,法家,苏预法院2012年12月20日的判决,三84/12,OSNC 2013,第7–8期,第83项。相反——最高法院2013年9月18日的决议,III CZP 13/13,OSNC,2014年,第3期,第23项,其中指出《商业公司法》的规定“约束股东决议的无效性,在《民法典》第58条第1款和第2款提到的无效性条件中只有一个条件,即仅其与该法案的矛盾。通过有争议的决议规避该法的目的或其与社会共存原则的矛盾不是《商业公司法》条款中宣布决议无效的法定先决条件”。





在案例法7中提出的立场是,“违反社会共存原则”一词包含在《商业公司法》第249条第1款或第422条第1款中提到的良好行为概念中,是废除资本公司会议决议的基础。 然而,值得指出的是,根据《商业公司法》第2条,有不同的立场证明适用《民法典》第58条第2款的可能性。在我个人看来,这种立场是错误的,因为只有产生法律效力并至少包括一项意愿声明的决议才能被定性为法律行为9,因此,根据《民法典》第58条第2款,只有这些决议可以被宣布无效,而不考虑该条的处置,其他决议不能被定性为法律行为。例如,值得一提的是与财务报表审批相关的资本公司会议决议,这些决议不能被定性为法律行为,

拉德万斯基(Warszawa: C. H. Beck,2008),34其中建议将法律行为理解为“由法律制度构建的民法实体的约定行为,其内容至少在基本程度上决定其法律后果”。这位作者认为:“这一定义一方面表明了意愿声明的基本含义,这是对民法关系的规定





由于根据《商业公司法》的规定,立法者将违反《商业公司法》第252条第1款和第425条第1款所述法案的决议与违反《商业公司法》第249条第1款和第422条第1款所述非法律性质规范的决议区分开来, 应该假定,它的合理意图是暂时限制对违反非法律性质规范的决议提出质疑的可能性,其时限比违反该法的决议规定的时限短得多。




Ivan Smanio

Admissibility of Using the Provisions of the Polish Civil Code as a Basis for Declaring Resolutions of Meetings of Capital Companies Invalid

According toArticle 58 sect; 1 of the Polish Civil Code, a legal transaction contrary to the law and a legal transaction aimed at circumventing the law are different grounds for declaring a legal transac- tion invalid, whereas according toArticle 252sect; 1 andArticle425sect; 1 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code basis for declaring resolutions of the shareholder meeting invalid is only their contradiction with the law. Therefore, the question arises as to whether it is admissible to declare the invalidity of the reso- lutions of the shareholder meeting which were intended to circumvent the law and whether the resolu- tions of the shareholder meeting can be qualified as legal actions.

A positive answer to the last of the above questions raises further doubts, namely whether the contradiction of the resolutions with the principles ofsocial coexistence referred to in Article 58 sect; 2 of the Civil Code may also be grounds for declaring the resolutions of the shareholder meeting invalid, and whether it may be stated underArticle 58 sect; 3 of the Civil Code that only a part of the resolutions of the shareholder meeting 剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料

Ivan Smanio

Admissibility of Using the Provisions of the Polish Civil Code as a Basis for Declaring Resolutions of Meetings of Capital Companies Invalid

According toArticle 58 sect; 1 of the Polish Civil Code, a legal transaction contrary to the law and a legal transaction aimed at circumventing the law are different grounds for declaring a legal transac- tion invalid, whereas according toArticle 252sect; 1 andArticle425sect; 1 of the Polish Commercial Companies Code basis for declaring resolutions of the shareholder meeting invalid is only their contradiction with the law. Therefore, the question arises as to whether it is admissible to declare the invalidity of the reso- lutions of the shareholder meeting which were intended to circumvent the law and whether the resolu- tions of the shareholder meeting can be qualified as legal actions.

A positive answer to the last of the above questions raises further doubts, namely whether the contradiction of the resolutions with the principles ofsocial coexistence referred to in Article 58 sect; 2 of the Civil Code may also be grounds for declaring the resolutions of the shareholder meeting invalid, and whether it may be stated underArticle 58 sect; 3 of the Civil Code that only a part of the resolutions of the shareholder meeting is invalid. The second important issue is the possibility of applying the provi- sions on defects in the declarations of will referred to in Articles 82-88 of the Civil Code to the votes of shareholders and on their basis to declare the resolutions of the shareholder meeting invalid.

Conclusions resulting from the conducted deliberations confirm the possibility of proper application of the provisions of the Civil Code as a basis for declaring the resolutions of the share- holder meeting invalid, with the reservation that when applying these provisions, the nature of indivi- dual resolutions of the meetings ofcapital companies should be taken into account and that the in- validity of these resolutions cannot be declared “by law” ( absolute invalidity), but only as part ofan appeal against the resolutions in the mode provided for in the Commercial Companies Code.

Ivan Smanio

M. A. of juridical science

ORCID – 0000-0001-6424-4440

Key words:

resolutions of the shareholder meeting, invalid resolutions of meetings of capital companies, unlawful acts, defects in declarations ofwill, Polish Civil Code


1. Admissibility of applying the provisions of the Polish Civil Code on unlawful acts as a basis for dec- laring resolutions of meetings of capital companies invalid

The distinction between le- gal acts contrary to the Act and legal acts aimed at circumventing the Act, referred to in Art. 58 sect; 1 of the Ci- vil Code, is characterized by the fact that, despite the statutory separation, for both types of legal acts the Polish legislator provides for one common sanction in the f



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