
 2023-03-13 11:35:23


原文作者 Catherine L. Lawson amp; JoAnne Katz

单位 密苏里州西部州立大学经济系;密苏里州西部州立大学刑事司法/法律研究系





评估恢复性司法计划的早期实证工作侧重于赔偿协议及其异常高的完成率,这是这种解决青少年犯罪方法的主要结果。许多研究人员认为,这是一个错误。据一位这样的作家说,德里克R. 布鲁克斯(2000), 恢复性司法试图产生三种(而非一种)基本结果:


在道歉和宽恕的社会仪式中(i) 提供和接受由于他们内在的人类尊严和价值而应得到的价值和尊重,以及(ii) 相互谴责罪犯行动,同时在仪式上“抛弃”或取消犯罪者的越轨行为.道德地位.

  1. 赔偿:犯罪者通过“弥补”对受害者造成的物质伤害来对犯罪承担应有的责任,即同意提供公平且双方可接受的赔偿和/或赔偿形式。

(3) 转型:相关个人和社区在某种程度上从犯罪行为中体现的暴力、侵略和统治循环的条件中解放出来...。




许多(也许是大多数)恢复性司法的支持者将其视为打击犯罪的第一道防线,也是最具成本效益的一道防线,但他们并不认为这是打击所造成的全方位伤害所需的唯一制裁措施由个人(或单位)不法行为者。在约翰的作品中找到了一个例子:提出了金字塔设计,如图。 恢复性司法技术包括基础

三角,在下一级采用威慑方法(例如,使用罚款和传统的赔偿安排),并将丧失行为能力——监禁作为最后的手段。金字塔中这些组成部分的特殊安排不仅在可行的情况下用成本较低的方法替代了成本较高的方双击这样一种观念,即当不那么主导的社会控制形式有机会发挥作用时,尊重和遵守强制会更成功第一的。Brai thwaite提供的证据表明,该模型已成功应用于健康和安全监管以及个人和单位犯罪领域。



至少乍一看,上述恢复性司法程序的显着特征似乎与贝克尔模型的理性选择视角缺乏共同点。虽然这在很大程度上是正确的,但这两种截然不同的犯罪和正义构想方式之间存在重要的一致性。首先,对犯罪和更普遍的法律的经济分析来自基本的新古典主义观点,即政府对社会问题的解决方案可能与最佳结果有很大不同,而私营部门的安排往往会提高效率。在刑事司法领域,这种情绪体现在John DiIulio所说的一种新兴的知识分子和大众共识,即以社区为导向的犯罪问题解决方案是唯一可以收获真正红利的方法” 。恢复性司法就是这样一种以社区为导向的解决方案,一种背离传统犯罪观点的人,首先也是最重要的是,这是对国家的一种犯罪,并且主张重罪案件的控制权交还给受其影响最大的人一受害者、 犯罪者和社区。

此外,在贝克尔对犯罪经济模型的原始陈述中,他提出了一一个系统,其中“....犯罪行为的定义从根本上不是由行为的性质而是由一个人无法补偿他造成的“伤害”。这个概念是在对一个系统的推测的背景下讨论的,其中惩罚规范是一个最佳罚款,与模型的计算一致, 而不是试图同时实现威慑、报复和赔偿。Becker证明,确定最佳罚款所需的信息少于确定其他类型的惩罚。因此,罚款优于替代性惩罚,替代性惩罚应仅用于损害超过犯罪者可获得的补偿资源的情况。

这种将赔偿作为修复损害的基础的概念在民法中通过侵权责任制度得到了很好的确立,并且是法律经济学观点的一个关键焦点(例如,参见库特和乌伦,2000)。考虑恢复性司法的一种方式是将同一概念作为其出发点的系统。恢复性司法方法的重点一“修复伤害”、 “恢复”个人和社区、“弥补”罪行、“治愈”一源自将刑事司法系统作为一种机制的另一种视角使受犯罪活动影响的个人变得完整。因此,像贝克尔一样,恢复性司法的支持者主张将民法的基本取向扩展到刑法领域。

尽管有这些相似之处,但很明显,恢复性正义取向至少在几个重要方面超越了贝克尔的表述和犯罪的经济模型。首先,它对充分修复损害所需的赔偿类型的看法大不相同。虽然物质或金钱赔偿是解决方案的一部分,但总体目标是通过和解和改造过程治愈受害者并挽救罪犯,如前所述。其次,恢复性司法的观点隐含着高度的信心,即在大多数情况下,犯罪者确实拥有修复伤害所需的资源。这是因为,最终,实现这一目标所需的大部分资源本质上都是非货币性的,即面对自己造成的伤害并对其负责的能力和意愿,感到懊悔和沟通一下,等等。那么在这种观点下,当前环境中缺乏的关键要素是能够将那些(现有)资源用于解决问题的.程序,即恢复性而非报复性刑事司法程序。许多经济学以外的研究人员,包括恢复性司法的支持者,认为将犯罪所涉及的决策过程描述为涉及成本和收益的比较评估的理性过程是难以置信的。批评是在大多数犯罪中起作用的许多心理影响只是使经济方法““未指明”(布雷思韦特,2002, p. 124)。 此外,Braithwaite 等批评者指出,有证据表明,无论是在个人犯罪领域还是公司监管领域,对惩罚程度等变量的行为反应都不能用单调递增的函数来充分描述相反,根据对公平性、可行性以及制裁威胁珍视价值的程度的看法,在特定情况下可能会发生本质.上不可预测的逆转。而且,经济模型的许多批评者认为,贝克尔承认的情况,即修复伤害所需的赔偿水平超过了罪犯的资源,有可能造成比修复更多的伤害。一个例子是公司白领刑事被告因真正赔偿所需的罚款水平而破产,无辜的员工作为结果。在这种情况下增加惩罚的严厉程度的实际用处是有限的。尽管存在这些分歧,一些恢复性司法倡导者认为, 犯罪经济模型在推荐最佳惩罚水平方面的作用有限,只要在动态框架中理解此类建议,即只有在恢复性努力失败后才实施传统制裁。


在评估改善美国少年司法制度的建议的背景下,最引人注目的事实是风险有多大。马克最近的估计科恩(1998) 使社会因犯罪和吸毒而失去一名青年的代价在1.7至230万美元之间。许多经济学家已经探讨了从旨在减少青少年犯罪行为发生率的各种早期干预策略中获益的潜力(参见,例如,格林伍德等人,1998) 并且还被发现相当大。经济学家已经确定了针对在押少年的特殊治疗方案(参见,例如,利普西,1992) 这承诺至少会略微减少累犯。到目前为止,恢复性司法计划似乎还没有进入经济学家的雷达屏幕,但其他学科正在对现有计划进行实证评估。各种研究已经证明了积极的结果关于客户满意度(受害者和罪犯)、赔偿完成率、累犯和成本。最近,至少有两组研究人员做出了努力(拉蒂默等人,2001年; Umbreit 等人,2002年)从广泛研究的小程序中系统地提取有意义的证据。1

关于量化措施能否充分体现恢复性司法方法的影响,人们提出了许多问题。正如前面所讨论的,相信从这种方法中获得的许多好处本质.上是非货币性和长期性的。强调此类计划的可衡量结果,例如赔偿协议的完成率和降低的累犯率,可能低估了该方法的真正意义。更糟糕的是,它可能使研究人员得出结论,前面提到的恢复性正义(和解、赔偿和转变)的关键属性都存在,而实际上它们可能不存在。迄今为止完成的许多研究也存在选择偏倚的可能性,因为很少有人完成恢复性司法与传统少年司法方法的前瞻性随机分配。关于后一 个问题的一个例外是1997年由印第安纳大学的研究人员与哈德逊研究所和印第安纳波利斯市合作开始的一项正在进行的随机研究(见雷诺茲,2001) 。迄今为止的结果令人鼓舞: 90%的受害者对其案件的处理表示满意,而68%的案件通过传统方式处理,80% 的罪犯履行了赔偿协议,而对被分配赔偿的青少年则为58%通过其他方式,完成恢复性司法会议的罪犯的再逮捕率比同行低25-45%



外文文献出处:Journal of Socio-Economics 33 (2004) 175–188


Restorative justice: an alternative approach to juvenile crime

Catherine L. Lawson a,JoAnne Katz b,1

a Department of Economics, Missouri Western State College, 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64507, USA

b Department of Criminal Justice/Legal Studies, Missouri Western State College,

4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64507, USA

1、Restorative justice

Restorative justice programs in the US are modeled on programs begun in the 1970s and1980s in New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere, as well as on certain features of Japanrsquo;s criminal justice system and cultural practice


Restorative justice: an alternative approach to juvenile crime

Catherine L. Lawson a,JoAnne Katz b,1

a Department of Economics, Missouri Western State College, 4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64507, USA

b Department of Criminal Justice/Legal Studies, Missouri Western State College,

4525 Downs Drive, St. Joseph, MO 64507, USA

1、Restorative justice

Restorative justice programs in the US are modeled on programs begun in the 1970s and1980s in New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere, as well as on certain features of Japanrsquo;s criminal justice system and cultural practices. While there are a variety of different forms that restorative justice programs take, an essential feature of all of them is that the victims of crime play an important role in the criminal justice process. This is a departure from the norm in the US, where victims traditionally have little say in the criminal justice system and court proceedings. In the usual situation, victims may serve as witnesses, providing details about the crime and their losses, but they rarely have an opportunity to confront those who have harmed them or to suggest ways that offenders can be held accountable. Restorative

justice programs offer an alternative by providing a face-to-face meeting between the victim of a crime and the offender in a safe, structured environment. The session is facilitated by a trained mediator, who may be a police officer, a volunteer from the community, or a professional staff member of the court. During the course of the mediation session, the victim tells the offender about the impact of the crime. This could include a discussion of the loss itself and of the victimrsquo;s rage at being violated, as well as a recounting of the repercussions of the crime, such as loss of income from being off work or the erosion of onersquo;s personal sense of safety and security. The offender, who is typically very uncomfortable sitting across the table from someone he or she has harmed in some way, explains how and why he or she committed the crime. Then together, the victim and the offender decide how the offender can make amends to the victim. Restitution might involve paying for financial losses with earnings from a job, performing some kind of community service work, or taking on specific tasks that would benefit the victim. A written document outlining the terms of the agreed restitution is signed by both the victim and the offender. Individuals close to and supportive of both the victim and the offender are generally present at such meetings, and may or may not play an active role in the discussion. Early empirical work evaluating restorative justice programs has focused on the restitution agreements, and their unusually high completion rates, as the primary outcome of this approach to juvenile crime. This, according to a number of researchers, is a mistake.

According to one such writer, Derek R. Brookes (2000), there are three—not one—essential outcomes that restorative justice attempts to produce:

(1) Reconciliation: where the victim and the offender—in the social rituals of apology and forgiveness (i) offer and receive the value and respect owed by virtue of their intrinsic human dignity and worth, and (ii) engage in a mutual condemnation of the criminal act, whilst ceremonially lsquo;casting offrsquo; or decertifying the offenderrsquo;s deviant ... moral status ... .

(2) Reparation: where the offender takes due responsibility for the crime by lsquo;making goodrsquo; the material harm done to the victim, that is, by agreeing to provide a fair and mutually acceptable form of restitution and/or compensation ... . 178 C.L. Lawson, J. Katz / Journal of Socio-Economics 33 (2004) 175–188

(3) Transformation: where the individuals and communities concerned experience some degree of liberation from the conditions that perpetuate the cycle of violence, aggression and domination exemplified in criminal behavior ... .

Early empirical work evaluating restorative justice programs has focused on the restitution agreements, and their unusually high completion rates, as the primary outcome of this approach to juvenile crime. This, according to a number of researchers, is a mistake.

According to one such writer, Derek R. Brookes (2000), there are three—not one—essential outcomes that restorative justice attempts to produce:

(1) Reconciliation: where the victim and the offender—in the social rituals of apology and forgiveness (i) offer and receive the value and respect owed by virtue of their intrinsic human dignity and worth, and (ii) engage in a mutual condemnation of the criminal act, whilst ceremonially lsquo;casting offrsquo; or decertifying the offenderrsquo;s deviant ... moral status ... .

(2) Reparation: where the offender takes due responsibility for the crime by lsquo;making goodrsquo; the material harm done to the victim, that is, by agreeing to provide a fair and mutually acceptable form of restitution and/or compensation ...

(3) Transformation: where the individuals and communities concerned experience some degree of liberation from the conditions that perpetuate the cycle of violence, aggression and domination exemplified in criminal behavior ... .The performance of reparation without the other two components risks a number of counterproductive outcomes, including re-victimizing the victim, if there is a lack of remorse on the part of the offender, and adverse consequences for recidivism, if the offender experiences the requirement of restitution merely as something imposed by the system rather than an expression of his own remorse. In relation to this latter problem, one researcher (Blagg, 1985, quoted in Brookes) describes the likely perception of offenders as follows:... they were punished by an authority figure; they were powerless to prevent the process, they acquiesced; they then, in order to retain peer-group



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