原文作者 David Erdos 单位 剑桥三一学院
专业 法学 学生姓名 陈嘉雯
外文文献出处:David Erdos. The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU[J]. The Cambridge Law Journal,2015,74(2):
374 The Cambridge Law Journal [2015]
The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU. By GLORIA GONZAacute;LEZ FUSTER [Cham: Springer, 2014. xvi, 274 pp. Hardback pound;90. ISBN 3319050222.]
The emergence of data protection as a legally recognised EU fundamental right, which began with its identification in Article 8 of the EU Charter of 2000 and was consolidated in the granting of this right treaty status in 2009, will undoubtedly come to be recognised as one of the most central developments in EU data protection since its genesis in the 1990s. It is true that Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) jurisprudence has often elided this new right with that of the more traditional right to privacy, especially as instantiated within the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Nevertheless, the role of data protections separate status in structuring an increasingly autonomous EU perspective is increasingly apparent, not least in the recent case of C-131/12, Google Spain, Google Inc. v Agencia Espantilde;ola de Proteccioacute;n de Datos (AEPD), Mario Costeja Gonzaacute;lez, EU:
C:2014:317, which recognised the right of individuals in certain circumstances to require that search engines de-index public domain material relating to them. Moreover, the potential for such autonomy to lead to heightened tension with the ECHR is also ever more likely, especially following the CJEUs Opinion 2/13, EU:C:2014:2454, on the EUs proposed accession to the European Convention.
Although finalised before either of the above decisions were handed down, Fusters impressive monograph seeks to explore an aspect of the EU data-protection architecture which is of clear and growing importance. Moreover, she shows herself far from unaware of the complexity of the relationship between data protection and more traditional fundamental rights notions such as the right to privacy. To the contrary, such complexity forms an essential part of her core argument that:
the surfacing in EU law of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data is best described as a series of legal operations of distinction and in-distinction. This means that notions such as “privacy”, “private life”, “data protection” and “personal data protection” have over the years sometimes functioned in EU law as distinct, different, and separate, whereas in some occasions they have worked as equal or at least equivalent, or in-differentiated (thus, not as the object of any distinction) (p. 254).
It is also clear that this process has not yet reached a fully coherent or settled conclusion. In sum:
Article 8 of the Charter marked a key step in the emergence of the right to personal data protection in EU law, but cannot be regarded as amounting by itself to the culmination of a process of recognition, or of integration into EU law. Such a process is a matter of fact still on-going, and its outcome is dependent on the constant reading and re-writing of Article 8 of the Charter both in EU positive law, and in the EU Court of Justices case law (pp. 260–61).
In effect, what Fuster offers us is the historical prelude to a legal concept – data protection as an EU fundamental right – which will clearly be of central importance in the future.
原文作者 Shakila Bu Pasha 单位 赫尔辛基大学法学院,赫尔辛基,芬兰
原文作者 David Erdos 单位 剑桥三一学院
专业 法学 学生姓名 陈嘉雯
外文文献出处:David Erdos. The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU[J]. The Cambridge Law Journal,2015,74(2):
374 The Cambridge Law Journal [2015]
The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU. By GLORIA GONZAacute;LEZ FUSTER [Cham: Springer, 2014. xvi, 274 pp. Hardback pound;90. ISBN 3319050222.]
The emergence of data protection as a legally recognised EU fundamental right, which began with its identification in Article 8 of the EU Charter of 2000 and was consolidated in the granting of this right treaty status in 2009, will undoubtedly come to be recognised as one of the most central developments in EU data protection since its genesis in the 1990s. It is true that Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) jurisprudence has often elided this new right with that of the more traditional right to privacy, especially as instantiated within the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Nevertheless, the role of data protections separate status in structuring an increasingly autonomous EU perspective is increasingly apparent, not least in the recent case of C-131/12, Google Spain, Google Inc. v Agencia Espantilde;ola de Proteccioacute;n de Datos (AEPD), Mario Costeja Gonzaacute;lez, EU:
C:2014:317, which recognised the right of individuals in certain circumstances to require that search engines de-index public domain material relating to them. Moreover, the potential for such autonomy to lead to heightened tension with the ECHR is also ever more likely, especially following the CJEUs Opinion 2/13, EU:C:2014:2454, on the EUs proposed accession to the European Convention.
Although finalised before either of the above decisions were handed down, Fusters impressive monograph seeks to explore an aspect of the EU data-protection architecture which is of clear and growing importance. Moreover, she shows herself far from unaware of the complexity of the relationship between data protection and more traditional fundamental rights notions such as the right to privacy. To the contrary, such complexity forms an essential part of her core argument that:
the surfacing in EU law of the fundamental right to the protection of personal data is best described as a series of legal operations of distinction and in-distinction. This means that notions such as “privacy”, “private life”, “data protection” and “personal data protection” have over the years sometimes functioned in EU law as distinct, different, and separate, whereas in some occasions they have worked as equal or at least equivalent, or in-differentiated (thus, not as the object of any distinction) (p. 254).
It is also clear that this process has not yet reached a fully coherent or settled conclusion. In sum:
Article 8 of the Charter marked a key step in the emergence of the right to personal data protection in EU law, but cannot be regarded as amounting by itself to the culmination of a process of recognition, or of integration into EU law. Such a process is a matter of fact still on-going, and its outcome is dependent on the constant reading and re-writing of Article 8 of the Charter both in EU positive law, and in the EU Court of Justices case law (pp. 260–61).
In effect, what Fuster offers us is the historical prelude to a legal concept – data protection as an EU fundamental right – which will clearly be of central importance in the future.
原文作者 Shakila Bu Pasha 单位 赫尔辛基大学法学院,赫尔辛基,芬兰