Towards a Normalized Reference System
in Building Construction Planning for Automated Quantitative Assessment
and Optimization of Energy and Cost E ciency
Gerald Zwettler1, Paul Track2,4, Florian Waschaurek3,4, Richard Woschitz2,4,
Elmar Hagmann3,4, and Stefan Hinterholzer1
1 School of Informatics, Communication and Media, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Softwarepark 11, 4232 Hagenberg, Austria
2 RWT PLUS ZT GmbH, Karlsplatz 2/6-7, 1010 Wien, Austria
3 Dipl. Ing. Wilhelm Sedlak GmbH,
Quellenstraszlig;e 163, 1100 Wien, Austria
4 ARGE Innovation Bautechnik und Bauprozessoptimierung OG, Quellenstraszlig;e 163, 1100 Wien, Austria
Abstract. The conceivable future shortage in fossil resources and sav-ings in building construction engineering for competitiveness on the market are the ecological and economic stimulus for well-considered and optimized architecture and material choice to maximize the trade-o between cost and energy optimization. BauOptimizer construction plan-ning application allows monitoring and optimization of both, energy and cost e ciency from the very first planning iteration to the final design. Simulated building construction costs and the energy cost forecast for the next decades are linked together to establish a quantitative assessment of construction plan e ciency and further allowing to automatically eval-uate all possible planning variants by altering the construction types of the walls, the windows and all other modalities. Based on the solution space of planning variants and legal norms, a construction site specific scale for assessing the quality of a single construction plan compared to the theoretically most e cient design to achieve can be performed.
Keywords: modeling and simulation, energy and cost e ciency, multi-criteria optimization, computer-based design.
- Introduction
The architectural and construction planning of a building has to balance between di erent aspects and diverse satisfaction of needs of the involved stakeholders. The architect wants to express his inspiration and all of his ideas, like jutties or shifted walls, as artistic spirit of the construction plan design without having
M.L. Reyes et al. (Eds.): IT Revolutions 2011, LNICST 82, pp. 39–57, 2012.
c Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2012
40 G. Zwettler et al.
to think about construction costs, expected energy demand and plain, e cient building shapes all the time. In contrast, the building owner wants a maximized net floor area to be achieved by optimally exploiting the available space of the building construction lot. An indispensable key aspect of todayrsquo;s architecture to consider is energy e ciency[1,2]. Although higher investments in insulation material typically go along with significantly increased construction costs of the building hull, amortization and repayment is typically expected to be achieved within the next couple of years, as the expected savings in heating demand re-lated energy costs sum up very fast over the years. Furthermore, norms and restrictions of the legislative body must be considered from the very first plan-ning phase to get the final design approved or be awarded a grant for ecologic architecture. For achieving a balanced building construction design, all of these aspects must be considered from a very early planning stage. The traditional process of architectural planning, illustrated in Fig. 1(a), emphasizes the artistic freedom at the early stages. The importance and relevance of the key aspects, construction and energy costs, and related legislative restrictions grows in the later planning phases. Not considering the entire model from the very begin-ning increases the risk of cost and time consuming re-design to finally meet all requirements and restrictions.
(a) Traditional Planning Process (b) Improved Planning Process
Fig. 1. Illustration of the iterative building construction planning process. The rel-evance of energy and construction cost considerations typically doesnrsquo;t grow before the later phases, thus increasing the risk of requirements for re-design and additional planning phases if certain requirements cannot be fulfilled (a). Utilizing automated simulation and modeling, the energy and cost aspects can be considered from the very first planning steps (b).
Utilizing BauOptimizer software, the risk for requiring a re-design can be sig-nificantly reduced, as the entire model with all aspects can be evaluated from the very first planning actions until the final construction, see Fig. 1(b). The multi-criterion optimization of the design requires a balanced linkage of the di erent, partially oppositional aspects of building construction to serve as common basis of quantitative comparison. Linking together construction costs and expected en-ergy costs over a certain period of time allows the establishment of an e ciency term, which facilitates balancing the two key goals of building construction plan-ning. Increased investments into energy saving strategies can redeem within a
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period of amortization. Consequently investment costs can be o set against a reduction in energy demand. It has to be explicitly stated that the co
总体而言,最多有18种不同的模式类别来指定一个单一的规划项目。对于每个模态类别,某种构造组装,例如 25厘米的砖石墙与12厘米EPS-F绝缘材料,必须被选为建筑模型的参数。每个结构由主要结构层(钢,砖石,混凝土)和可以相对于其厚度变化的绝缘层(EPS,矿棉)组成。此外,对于某种构造组装,可以存在保持恒定的附加层,参见示例Tab.3。
part |
modality |
Rsi |
Rse |
F |
wall |
towards air |
0.13 |
0.04 |
1.00 |
wall |
adjoined heated |
0.00 |
0.00 |
0.00 |
wall |
adjoined unheated 0.13 |
0.13 0.70 |
ground adjoined unheated 0.17 |
0.17 0.60 |
ground towards soil |
0.17 |
0.00 |
0.70 |
roof |
towards air |
0.10 |
0.04 |
1.00 |
roof |
adjoined unheated 0.10 |
0.10 0.90 |
roof |
under soil |
0.17 |
0.00 0.70 |
part |
modality |
shading f actor |
window inside jalousie |
0.88 |
window outside jalousie |
0.24 |
window marquee |
0.36 |
window roller shutter |
0.19 |
window full shading |
0.00 |
window without shading |
0.99 |
表3.土壤上一层施工总施工厚度为0.634m,累积热阻0.17(Rsi Rse),施工总电阻为2.673(R[m2K/W ]),导致U- 值0.374 W/m2K.。对于这种构造概念,可变主要结构是层3,可变绝缘层是层1.在优化期间,其它组件保持固定。
layer material |
d[m] |
lambda;[W/mK] |
1 |
foam glass granules |
0.160 |
0.085 |
2 |
PAE insulation film |
0.002 |
0.230 |
3 |
steel reinforced concrete plate 0.300 |
2.500 |
4 |
bituminous primer |
0.000 |
— |
5 |
optional ground sealing |
0.005 |
— |
6 |
polysterence concrete |
0.060 |
— |
7 |
subsonic noise insulation |
0.020 |
0.040 |
8 |
PAE insulation film |
0.002 |
0.230 |
9 |
screed |
0.070 |
— |
10 |
lining |
0.015 |
— |