
 2022-11-26 20:19:12

The Study on Land Expropriation Compensation Standard Based on Farmland Development Rights

KONG Lingyan

School of Economics and Management, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.


Land expropriation compensation standard is the core issue of land expropriation system. The present unified annual output value standard and the area of integrated land price cannot solve the problems bringing by low compensation standard, and are still the compensation for landrsquo;s original use. The lack of farmland development rights is the fundamental reason. This paperrsquo;s research purpose is to establish a new land compensation standard which is based on farmland development rights. First of all, the paper discussed the concept of farmland development rights and land expropriation compensation. Secondly, after analyzing the status quo of land expropriation compensation standard system which is in our country, it instructed the necessity to set up the farmland development rights based on farmland expropriation. At last, based on the construction of land expropriation compensation standard which is on the basis of farmland development rights, the paper proposed that a fair and reasonable land expropriation compensation standard should include farmland use economic value, farmland social security value and farmland development rights value.


With the development of the urbanization process, the demand for land increases and the scope of land expropriation expands gradually. The government acquires land from farmer collectivity as state-owned construction land to transfer to the land users. The value-added benefits are mainly shared by government, while, farmers get very little. At the same time, the land expropriation compensation which given by rural collectivity and farmers is still in a low level, so it violated the farmerrsquo;s right to survive and develop to a certain extent. The series of phenomena shows that our countryrsquo;s current farmland property right system has shortcomings and the current land expropriation compensation system is unreasonable. The lack of farmland development rights whose location is clear and affiliation is specific makes the farmer collective and individual interests severely depressed. Due to lie in the monopolistic status, the government monopolizes the development rights and the benefits from development rights. Therefore, in order to share the rights of farmland value-added income, it is necessary to accurately locate farmland development rights, and establish land expropriation compensation standard considering farmland development rights, so as to ensure farmersrsquo; rights and interests are no longer violated.

1 . C O N C E P T O F F A R M L A N D



1.1 Farmland Development Rights

Farmland development right is the sub-concept of land development right, and is also the agricultural land development right. Farmland development rights in our country mainly includes three aspects: the right of agricultural land converted to collective construction land, the right of agricultural land converted to state-owned urban land for construction purposes, and the right of improving intensive degree of land use through adjusting the structure of agricultural inputs. The main content of the paper is to research our countryrsquo;s land expropriation compensation standard which is based on farmland development rights, and land expropriation is to convert the collective agricultural land to state-owned urban construction land. The farmland development rights in this paper are defined the use rights of agricultural land converted to urban construction land.

1.2 Land Expropriation Compensation

Land expropriation compensation refers to the compensation which is given to the holder of the land who suffers the loss for land expropriation. For the purpose of public interests, the legal procedure, reasonable land expropriation compensation are the three elements of land expropriation behavior. The reasonable land expropriation compensation is a precondition for the existence of land expropriation. Because our country is a dual structure of urban and rural land, urban land is owned by the state, while rural and suburban land is owned by farmer collectivity except that special provisions in the law shall be owned by the state. Therefore, our countryrsquo;s land expropriation mainly refers to the expropriation of collective land, and our countryrsquo;s land expropriation compensation mainly refers to the reasonable compensation which is given to farmers and farmer collectivity land-expropriated.

2 .S T A T U S Q U O O F L A N D



2.1 Confined by the Old Ideas of Compensating for Land Original Use and Annual Output Value Multiple

Compared with the huge added-value in the process of farmland non- agriculturalization, our countryrsquo;s land expropriation compensation standard is low for a long time. The direct reason of which is that farmland expropriation compensation standard is not on the basis of the farmland market and the future value, but just according to annual output value multiple of land original use to compensation. From the constitution thoughts and methods of unified annual output value standard and area of integrated land price, both still compensate in accordance with the agricultural use in fact, based on the basic measurement of annual output value multiple. For example, the biggest difference between unified annual output value standard and annual output value multiple is the measurement of farmland annual output value. The measuring range of annual output value multiplier method only limits in the output of








随着城市化进程的推进,对土地的需求增加,土地征用的范围逐渐扩大。政府征用农民集体土地作为国家土地建设用地转让给土地使用者。增值收益主要由政府分享,农民获得很少。同时,农村集体农民征地补偿仍处于较低水平,这在一定程度上违背了农民生存和发展的权利。这一系列现象表明,我国现行的农地产权制度存在弊端,现行征地补偿制度不合理。农地发展权缺乏定位清晰、相互联系、相互作用的要素。过于重视特殊情况使农民集体和个人利益严重压抑。由于处于垄断地位,政府垄断开发权和获取的好处。因此,为了分享土地增值收益的权利,有必要准确定位农地发展权,建立土地征收补偿 以农地发展权为标准,确保农民权益不再受侵害。

  1. 农田的概念 发展权和土地


农地发展权是土地发展权的子概念,也是农地发展权。我国农地发展权主要包括三个方面: 农地权利转化为集体建设用地,农地权利转化为城市国有土地建设用地,并提高强度的权利 通过调整农业投入结构的土地利用综合程度。本文的主要内容是研究我国基于土地征收补偿标准和农田的发展权,土地征收是将农业集体土地向国有建设用地。本文的农田发展权限定为转为城市建设用地的农用地使用权。



  1. 土地现状 我国的标准制度


我国土地征收标准由于并未给予巨大的附加值在农地城市化过程中,很长一段时间都低于正常水平而仅仅按年产值的土地使用权倍数来补偿。从统一的年度产值标准和综合用地面积的宪法思想和方法。价格方面,两者仍按照实际使用补偿,根据年产值基本计量倍数。例如,统一年度最大的区别 产值标准和年产值倍数是耕地年产值的计量。年产值乘数法的测量范围仅限于镧产量。第二征收区块,统一年度产值标准的测量范围向市(县)行政范围延伸,并增加部分校正因子。关于测量的综合地价的地区,全国各地的平衡确定2-3种测量方法的结果。然而不同的地区总是使每年以产值倍数法为主要方法。


统一的年度产值标准和综合地价面积由政府根据原有使用价值计算,不考虑耕地开发增值收入 。农地被征用后,政府以市场化的方式高价出让。因此,巨大的差别收益都由政府共享的过程中完成耕地非农化,而补偿农民获得土地出让金只有很少的一部分。



2.3 年统一产值标准土地综合价格的问题的实践












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