Wu Liu, Renhong Zhu, Yongkang Yang,
I warn you because I like you: Voice behavior, employee identifications, and transformational leadership,
The Leadership Quarterly,
Volume 21, Issue 1,
Pages 189-202,
ISSN 1048-9843,
Voice behavior refers to the behavior that proactively challenges the status quo and makes constructive changes. Previous studies have explored the antecedents of employees voice behavior, but to whom employees are likely to voice their thoughts has remained rarely examined. We propose that voice behavior is target-sensitive and that there are two types of voice behavior: speaking out (voice toward peers) and speaking up (voice toward the supervisor). Transformational leadership facilitates both speaking out and speaking up. However, it produces effects on employees via different types of employee identifications. Specifically, social identification predicts only speaking out, while personal identification predicts only speaking up. In contrast, affiliative extra-role behavior is less target-sensitive, and transformational leadership influences affiliative extra-role behavior via both social identification and personal identification. We examined our hypotheses by collecting both self-reported and coworker data from 191 Chinese employees in different organizations. Our hypotheses gained general support from the data. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Voice behavior;Transformational leadership;Extra-role behavior;
“Because it is a consensus-oriented environment, your power comes from whether people see you as agreeable and easy to work with. Being a rebel is not embraced. (Female, investment banking firm)
The person in charge is paranoid. I felt uncomfortable giving him any advice because he might lash out at me. ”
— from Milliken, Morrison amp; Hewlin, 2003, pp. 1461, 1466
The above two quotes describe a phenomenon that organizational researchers have investigated for decades: employees are usually reluctant to voice their thoughts in organizations (e.g., Dutton amp; Ashford, 1993, Edmondson, 1999, Morrison amp; Phelps, 1999, Van Dyne et al., 1995). At the same time, voice behavior, which is defined as “proactively challenging the status quo and making constructive suggestions” (Van Dyne et al., 1995: 266), is generally believed to play a critical role in organizations because nowadays organizations rely more and more on innovation and quick responses to survive in the rapidly changing markets and severe competitions (e.g., Edmondson, 1999, Morrison amp; Phelps, 1999). Not surprisingly, a common theme in voice research is to find the factors that encourage employees to express their concerns and opinions freely about organizational issues (Edmondson, 1999, LePine amp; Van Dyne, 1998, Morrison amp; Phelps, 1999). Individual factors such as satisfaction (LePine amp; Van Dyne, 1998, Withey amp; Cooper, 1989) and general self-efficacy (LePine amp; Van Dyne, 1998, Morrison amp; Phelps, 1999), and situational factors such as team psychological safety (Edmondson, 1999) have been found to be positively associated with employees voice behavior. More recent work has stressed the importance of leaders in motivating employees to voice their thoughts (Detert amp; Burris, 2007, Edmondson, 2003, Morrison amp; Phelps, 1999). However, the literature has left two important questions unanswered: (1) to whom employees choose to voice their thoughts and (2) by what mechanisms the leaders may encourage employees to voice their thoughts. The purpose of the current study is to address these two questions.
With regard to the first question, although some studies on voice behavior implicitly suggest that employees are concerned about the target of v