Small and medium enterprises financing in China
Walter Garcia–Fontes
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
After the start of an open-door policy in 1978 moving towards a more market-oriented economy, China has experienced a decline in state-owned enterprises and an important expansion for small businesses. The role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in economic development is well documented for advanced economies and have been crucial in Chinarsquo;s process of economic reform. It has been pivotal in Chinarsquo;s impressive economic growth during the last decades. Nevertheless, some bottlenecks and obstacles appear for further growth of SMEs, especially with respect to financing.
In this paper we describe the situation of SMEs in China and the main issues concerning the financing of SMEs. SMEs have been part of Chinarsquo;s impressive economic growth of the last decades and the main actors in the privatization process. There is evidence, though, that further development is constrained by different factors, one of which is access to finance.
1 The development of SMEs in China
According to the World Bank Investment Climate Survey for China, SMEs in China face important credit constraints, and have limited access to private finance compared to other Asian countries included in the survey. The survey also shows that the use of formal finance declines with firm size. SMEs use less formal finance than large firms in all countries, since they are younger and subject to more growth uncertainty than large firms, but in China the difference is larger, even if we compare it with other Asian countries.
A very important issue is what finance is available to start-up firms. The Project Group of Research in Chinese Private Enterprises organized by China Industrial and Commercial Union and Research Commission of Chinese Private Business showed in a survey conducted in 2002 that self-accumulated money was the major source for starting up firms (approximately 55 percent), complemented by money borrowed privately (31.6 percent) and bank and Rural Credit Corporation loans (23.4 percent).
The main problems related to SME access to finance in China are the following:
Structure of the financial system China lacks an adequate credit system for SMEs, com- posed of the appropriate financial-service institutions. Large state-owned commercial banks have a very high market share of deposits and loans. The rating requirements for loans are quite high and are not met by SMEs, or the minimum amount that banks will lend vastly exceeds the demands for SMEs. City and rural credit cooperatives cannot fill this gap due to their own structural limitations.
A related issue is the insufficient development of the capital market in China. The capital markets started being developed by the sale of state-owned enterprises shares, but with a very cautious gradualist approach. This affected the initial development of stock markets. From the huge fund of household deposits only a small percentage (6-7 percent) are in the stock market (Kanamori and Zhao, 2004, p. 36). In short, there is not enough liquidity to absorb outstanding shares and there is a lack of institutional investors. Better perspectives can be found by the entrance of insurance companies and securities investment funds, which have been encouraged to invest in the stock market and are growing fast.
Existence of collateral to banks The most common mechanism to reduce informational problems in financing SMEs is the use of appropriate collateral. In general it is easier to assess the value of assets instead of the value of expected future cash-flows. In the United States, for instance, 92 percent of SME debt is secured by appropriate collateral and 52 percent of debt is guaranteed by the owners of the firms (Berger and Udell 1998). The most common form of collateral is accounts receivable or inventory.
But SMEs in developing countries in general, and specifically in China, lack of appropriate collateral to support their repayment ability in front of banks. The eligible collateral that can be used is determined by Article 34 of the Guarantee Law of the People Republic of China (1995), which usually are hard for SMEs to provide to banks.
Credit rating There is a lack of credit rating assessments for SMEs in China, together with low incentive of SMEs to build a credit reputation since it does not have a direct effect on future borrowing. This affects negatively the quality of loans and decreases further the credit rating of SMEs. A nationwide credit assessment system for SMEs was proposed in 2001. This credit assessment system was intended to improve the information processing and transmission of the credit situation of SMEs.
Accounting and auditing Financial structure of private firms is often opaque. There is a lack of transparent, audited financial records. There are restrictions in the registration under different forms of incorporation that gives incentives to firms to misrepresent financial flows, total employees, stocks of assets, and other aspects of the accounting and financial structure of firms. The tax system also can be circumvented partially by misreporting, usually underrecording. As in other countries where incentives for true reporting are weak, firms are said to keep different account- ing books: one for the government, one for banks and the last one for themselves (International Financial Corporation 2003).
Economies of Scale There are important economies of scale in the activity related to borrowing by banks. These economies of scale cannot be exploited at the typical borrowing scale of SMEs, and consequently banks will prefer large loans which can only be demanded by larger enterprises.
Political risk
Walter Garcia–Fontes
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
还有一个相关的问题就是,中国的资本市场发展不足。资本市场一开始是通过出售国有企业股份而发展起来的,但它却采取了非常小心谨慎的渐进的方式。这影响了股票市场的初始发展。从庞大的家庭存款基金来看,只有很小比例(6%-7%)的一部分被投入到股市中(Kanamori and Zhao, 2004, p. 36)。简而言之,就是既没有足够的流动性来吸收发行股票,又缺乏机构投资者。通过保险公司和证券投资基金的进入,我们能看到其更好的发展前景,当然这一措施也被鼓励用于投资股票市场并且发展迅速。
银行抵押物的存在。最常见的减少中小企业融资过程中的信用问题的途径是使用适当的抵押品。一般来说,评估资产的价值比预期未来现金流的价值更容易。例如,在美国,92%的中小企业债务由适当的抵押品担保,52%的债务由公司所有者担保(Berger and Udell 1998)。最常见的抵押品形式是应收账款或存货。
会计和审计。私营公司的财务结构往往是不透明的。财务记录的审计过程缺乏透明性。根据不同的合并形式进行的登记是有限制的,这就导致公司错列流动资金、雇员总数、资产存量和公司财务结构的其他方面。通过漏报,通常是不记录的方式也可以部分规避税收制度。就像在其他对真实报告激励很弱的国家一样,公司保留不同的会计账簿:一个给政府看,一个给银行看,另一个是自己的(International Financial Corporation 2003)。
政治风险。据Mu (2002),由于大多数中小企业都是非国有企业,所以不良贷款的风险高于多为国有企业的大型企业。
税收和投资政策处理。民营中小企业由于与地方当局的联系较弱(与国有企业或私有化的前国有企业相比)且在获取信贷和获得批准方面存在很多不利因素(与国营企业或私营化的以前的国企比较, 请参阅(Kanamori and Zhao, 2004)。对于国有和外国企业的投资政策激励也同样如此(Kanamori, 2004)。例如,外国公司可以享受特殊的免税项目,在他们注册利润的第一年之后可得到免税两年。而私营企业则需征33%的所得税加上20%的个人调整税。
中国政府对中小企业发展的需要越来越敏锐。相关政策包括在金融市场采取干预措施支持资金进入和利用地方政府为中小企业发展提供规划。1999年9月,为了重组中小企业部门,国家制定了一系列措施。其中包括促进企业团体和非可行小公司的退出、设立业务发展服务部门,为中小企业进行信息咨询、市场营销、融资、信贷担保提供技术支持和服务。2002年6月颁布了《中小企业促进法》, 强调公平待遇和中小企业的“公平竞争环境”。这包括为中小企业提供更多的融资渠道和鼓励中小企业进行风险投资。为了加大财政支持,中小型企业科技创新基金于2000年成立。但这部法律没有包括任何具体的资金、程序监测或执行方法。加上2002年的政府采购法,这些鼓励了中小企业与中国人民银行的合作,使银行放宽了对信用记录良好的中小企业的贷款审批程序。
在金融部门, 为中小企业提供的一项支持措施是,为中小企业建立贷款利率上限。这产生了一种相反的影响, 因为它降低了银行向中小企业放贷的动机(Wako 2004)。中国人民银行于2000年12月上调了中小企业贷款利率上限。
信用担保计划(CGSs)于1992年首次在上海和重庆实施。最初他们包含相互担保的基金(MGFs)。第一家商业担保公司(CGCs)成立于1994年,在四川和广东,1999年后, CGAs 已建立在省级和市级的政府赞助。此外,还有省级信贷再担保机构(PCGAs)和市政担保机构(MCGAs)。CGAs占中小企业信贷担保业务总额的90%左右,并获得其他机构的再担保服务。对其的审慎监管和监督仍然是初步的和不完整的(Mu, 2002)。它只包括一些简单的比率,以控制风险可暴露于单一客户。对最低资本、流动性风险和风险分担比率没有要求。
3.1 对日韩中小企业的政策支持