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Generational differences in the workplace

August 16, 2008 Anick Tolbize

(1)Four generations of American workers

1)Generation X

In a study about the civic engagement of Generation X, the U.S. Census Bureau defined this segment of the population as consisting of individuals born between 1968 and 1979. However, the upper limit of Generation X in some cases has been as high as 1982, while the lower limit has been as low as 1963 (Karp et al., 2002). This generation was also called the baby bust generation, because of its small size relative to the generation that preceded it, the Baby Boom generation. The term Generation X spread into popular parlance following the publication of Douglas Couplandrsquo;s book about a generation of individuals who would come of age at the end of the 20th century.

Members of Generation X [Hereinafter Xers] are the children of older boomers, who grew up in a period of financial, familial and societal insecurity. They witnessed their parents get laid off and the decline of the American global power. They grew up with a stagnant job market, corporate downsizing, and limited wage mobility, and are the first individuals predicted to earn less than their parents did. They have grown up in homes where both parents worked, or in single parent household because of high divorce rates, and as such, became latchkey kids forced to fend for themselves (Karp et al., 2002). They were influenced by MTV, AIDS and worldwide competition and are accustomed to receiving instant feedback from playing computer and video games (Orsquo;Bannon, 2001).

Among the characteristics attributed to Xers, the following appear most often. They aspire more than previous generations to achieve a balance between work and life (Jenkins, 2007; Karp et al, 2002; www.valueoptions.com) they are more independent, autonomous and self-reliant than previous generations (Jenkins, 2007; Zemke et al., 2000) having grown up as latchkey kids. They are not overly loyal to their employers (Bova amp; Kroth, 2001; Karp et al, 2002; The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006) although they have strong feelings of loyalty towards their family and friends (Karp et al., 2002). They value

continuous learning and skill development (Bova amp; Kroth, 2001). They have strong technical skills (Zemke et al., 2000), are results focused (Crampton amp; Hodge, 2006), and are “ruled by a sense of accomplishment and not the clock” (Joyner, 2000). Xers naturally question authority figures and are not intimidated by them (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006; Zemke et al., 2000). Money does not necessarily motivate members of this generation, but the absence of money might lead them to lose motivation (Karp et al., 2002). They like to receive feedback (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006), are adaptable to change (Zemke et al., 2000) and prefer flexible schedules (Joyner, 2000). They can tolerate work as long as it is fun (Karp et al., 2002). They are entrepreneurial (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006), pragmatic (Niemiec, 2002), and creative (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006). Although they are individualistic, they may also like teamwork, more so than boomers (Karp et al., 2002).

2)Generation Y

The lower limit for Generation Y may be as low as 1978, while the upper limit may be as high as 2002, depending on the source. Members of Generation Y may include individuals born between 1980 and 1999 (Campton amp; Hodge, 2006); 1978 and 1995 (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006); 1980 and 2002 (Kersten, 2002); and 1978 and 1988 (Martin, 2005). The label associated with this generation is not yet finalized. Current labels include Millenials, Nexters, Generation www, the Digital generation, Generation E, Echo Boomers, N-Gens and the Net Generation. Members of the generation have labeled themselves as the Non-Nuclear Family generation, the NothingIs-Sacred Generation, the Wannabees, the Feel-Good Generation, Cyberkids, the Do-or-Die Generation, and the Searching-for-an-Identity Generation.

This generation has been shaped by parental excesses, computers (Niemiec, 2000), and dramatic technological advances. One of the most frequently reported characteristics of this generation is their comfort with technology (Kersten, 2002). In general, Generation Y shares many of the characteristics of Xers. They are purported to value team work and collective action (Zemke et al., 2000), embrace diversity (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Office of Diversity, 2006), be optimistic (Kersten, 2002), and be adaptable to change (Jenkins, 2007). Furthermore, they seek flexibility (Martin, 2005), are independent, desire a more balanced life (Crampton amp; Hodge, 2006), are multi-taskers (The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Office of Diversity, 2006), and are the most highly educated generation. They also value training (www. valueoptions.com). They have been characterized as demanding (Martin, 2005), and as the most confident generation (Glass, 2007). Like Xers, they are also purported to be entrepreneurial, and as being less process focused (Crampton amp; Hodge, 2006).

  1. Possible generational differences and similarities

1)Attitudes towards work

The perceived decline in work ethic is perhaps one of the major contributors of generational conflicts in the workplace. Generation X for instance, has been labeled the lsquo;slackerrsquo; generation (Jenkins, 2007), and employers complain that younger workers are uncommitted to their jobs and work only the required hours and little more. Conversely, Boomers may be workaholics and reportedly started the trend (The National Oceanographic and Atmo


  1. 工作场所的代际差异

2008年8月16日 Anick Tolbize

  1. 四代美国工人


在一项关于X世代公民参与的研究中,美国人口普查局将这一段人口定义为1968到1979年之间出生的人。然而,在某些情况下,X代的上限已高达1982年,而下限已低至1963(Karp et al,2002)。这一代人也被称为生育低谷期的一代,因为它的规模与之前的一代——婴儿潮一代相比较小。

X代的[ Hereinafter Xers ]的成员是老年潮的孩子们,他们成长在一个成长经济、家庭和社会不安全的时期。他们目睹了父母的下岗和美国全球力量的衰退。他们是在停滞的就业市场、公司裁员和有限的工资流动性下成长起来的,是第一批比他们的父母挣得更少的一代。他们在父母都工作的家庭长大,或在因为高离婚率而成为单亲的家庭成长,因此,成为被迫自谋生路的孩子(Karp等,2002)。他们受到MTV、艾滋病和全球化竞争的影响,习惯于通过玩电脑和视频游戏来获取即时的反馈((Orsquo;Bannon,2001)。

在X代的特征中,以下是最常出现的。他们渴望超过前几代人,实现工作和生活之间的平衡(Jenkins, 2007; Karp 等, 2002; www.valueoptions.com);他们比上一代更独立、自主和自立,(詹金斯,2007;泽克et al.,2000)成长为自谋生路的孩子。虽然他们对自己的家人和朋友有强烈的忠诚情(Karp 等., 2002),但是他们不过于忠于他们的雇主(Bova amp; Kroth, 2001; Karp 等, 2002; The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006)。他们重视持续的学习和技能的发展((Bova amp; Kroth, 2001)。他们有很强的技术能力(Zemke 等., 2000),看重结果(Crampton amp;霍吉,2006),和“被成就感而不是警钟而主导”(Joyner, 2000)。X代自然而然地质疑权威人士,并且没有被他们吓倒(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006; Zemke等., 2000)。金钱并不一定会激励这一代的成员,但没有钱可能会导致他们失去动力(Karp 等., 2002)。他们喜欢获得反馈(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006),能够适应变化(Zemke 等., 2000)和更灵活的时间安排(Joyner, 2000)。他们可以容忍的工作,只要它是有趣的(Karp 等., 2002)。他们是具有企业精神的(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity, 2006)、实际的(Niemiec,2002)、有创意的(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity,2006)。虽然他们是个人主义,但他们比婴儿潮一代也可能喜欢团队合作,((Karp 等,2002)。


Y一代的下限可能低至1978年,而上限可能高达2002年,这取决于报道者。Y代的成员可能出生于1980年到1999年之间(Campton amp; Hodge,2006);或1978年到1995年之间(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity,2006);或1980年到2002年之间(Kersten,2002);或1978年到1988年之间(Martin,2005)。与这一代相关的标签尚未定论。当前的标签包括Millenials、下下一代,3W代,数字化一代,E一代,回生潮一代,n-gens和网络一代。这代的成员都自称为非核心家庭的一代,没有什么神圣的一代,感觉良好的一代,cyberkids,作死的一代和寻找身份的一代。

这一代人被父母的越权、电脑((Niemiec,2000)和巨大的技术进步所塑造。这一代人最常被报道的特点是他们科学的享受(Kersten,2002)。总的来说,Y一代于X代有许多共同的特征。他们声称重视团队精神和集体行动(Zemke 等.,2000),信仰多样性(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Office of Diversity, 2006),乐观(Kersten,2002),和适应变化(Jenkins,2007)。此外,他们寻求的灵活性(Martin,2005),是独立的,渴望一个更平衡的生活(Crampton amp; Hodge,2006),是承担多任务的(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Office of Diversity, 2006),和接受过最好教育的一代。他们还重视培训(www. Valueoptions.com)。他们的特点是要求苛刻((Martin,2005),并且是最有信心的一代(Glass, 2007)。像X代一样,他们也自称是具有企业精神的和不注重过程的(Crampton amp; Hodge, 2006)。



职业道德的下降可能是职场代际冲突的主要原因之一。就X一代来说,已经被贴上“懒鬼”一代的标签(Jenkins,2007)。雇主抱怨,年轻的工人不仅仅在要求时间里不受他们的职业和工作的约束。相反,婴儿潮一代的人可能是工作狂,据说当传统的一代已被定性为最刻苦的一代(Jenkins,2007)时,这种趋势已经开始了。(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Office of Diversity, 2006)。实际上,当时流行的刻板印象是年轻的工人不像老工人那样努力工作。

年轻的一代是否真的没有之前的一代工作努力还有待商榷。在1974和1999年的出生的27至40岁与41到65岁两组人典型对比表明,这两个年龄组认为,在1999年工作的人比1974年工作的人感到自豪不那么重要的是。在两个年龄组中,在1974和1999年之间管理者的工作价值下降了(Smola amp; Sutton,2002)。在1999年,这两个年龄组也不太可能认可,一个人如何做他或她的工作是这一个人价值反应。1999年 ,两个年龄组的人也不可能相信,工作应该是一个重要的生活的一部分,或为成为更好的人而努力工作(Smola amp; Sutton,2002)。此外,年纪较大的员工比年轻的工人有较小理想化的工作观。事实上,据推测,在目睹了雇主对员工缺乏忠诚后,后者最终发展为不太理想化的工作观。


然而,众多的代际因素影响员工的职业道德。例如,职业道德与教育程度不同,一个人是全职还是兼职,收入水平和婚姻状况。员工的教育水平越低,他们的职业道德就越高。与兼职工作的人相比,有全职工作的人被发现不太可能支持新教工作伦理;低收入的人和那些结婚往往具有更强的新教工作伦理(Tang and Tzeng,1992)。



世代之间的另一个争论点是对雇主的忠诚。而传统的一代与育潮一代已被定性为非常忠诚于雇主,年轻员工缺乏忠诚度,尤其是X代。例如,据推测X代可能与重视与他们的同事的关系超过了与公司的关系,特别是如果这个同事是朋友(Karp等,2002);x代的观念可能是给用人单位两周时间观察忠诚度(The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association Office of Diversity,2006)。此外,X代大概将跳槽视为一个有效的职业发展方法(Bova 和 Kroth,,2001)。







X代抱怨管理者忽略员工的想法和“这样做是因为我说的所谓地“管理”((Orsquo;Bannon,2001)。虽然年轻的工人抱怨说,在他们的工作场所缺乏尊重,但年纪较大的工人也有类似的倾诉,特别是涉及年轻的和新来的员工对管理的态度。 Deal(2007)测试不同世代成员处理有关权威问题的态度时发现,在前十项价值观中,相比5%的育潮一代、6%的X代和6%Y一代,传统一代有13%成员包括权威。这表明,比其他代的成员,权威可能更被传统的一代成员重视。虽然比例很小,但在某种程度上支持他们流行的刻板印象,传统一代表示倾向于发布命令和控制军事行动的领导和喜欢怀旧的等级组织结构(www.valueoptions.com)。然而,这些数据并不支持这一说法,即育潮一代人也倾向于自上而下的管理方法。最重要的是,这些数字表明,往往被归于作为一个整体的一代人的特征往往是这一代中只有一小部分的人有这些特点。







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