
 2022-07-27 14:08:51

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Family Incivility and Job Performance: A Moderated Mediation Model of

Psychological Distress and Core Self-Evaluation



This study extends the stress literature by exploring the relationship between family incivility and job performance. We examine whether psychological distress mediates the link between family incivility and job performance. We also investigate how core self-evaluation might moderate this mediated relation-ship. Data from a 2-wave study indicate that psychological distress mediates the relationship between family incivility and job performance. In addition, core self-evaluation moderates the relationship between family incivility and psychological distress but not the relationship between psychological distress and job performance. The results hold while controlling for general job stress, family-to-work conflict, and work-to-family conflict. The findings suggest that family incivility is linked to poor performance at work, and psychological distress and core self-evaluation are key mechanisms in the relationship.


Keywords: core self-evaluation, incivility, performance, psychological well-being, work–family conflict

关键词:核心自我评估 无礼行为 表现 心理幸福 工作家庭冲突

In recent years, there has been a steady increase in research that examines work–family conflict and its effects on personal and work outcomes (e.g., T. D. Allen, Herst, Bruck, amp; Sutton, 2000;Ford, Heinen, amp; Langkamer, 2007; Michel, Mitchelson, Kotrba,LeBreton, amp; Baltes, 2009). However, less attention has been paid to the relationships between family constructs and work. In particular, although previous research suggests that stressors in the family domain can have a negative effect on satisfaction with work life (Ford et al., 2007), few studies have focused on the influence of family stressors on job performance outcomes(Crouter, 1984).

近年来,研究表明,工作家庭冲突以及其对个人和工作结果的影响在持续增加。(e.g., T. D. Allen, Herst, Bruck, amp; Sutton, 2000;Ford, Heinen, amp; Langkamer, 2007; Michel, Mitchelson, Kotrba,LeBreton, amp; Baltes, 2009)。然而,人们对家庭建设和工作之间关系的关注越来越少了。尽管之前的研究表明,家庭领域的压力可能会对工作生活的满意度产生负面影响(Ford et al., 2007),很少有研究专注于家庭压力对工作绩效的影响(Crouter, 1984)。

In the current study, we aim to contribute to the literature in three ways. First, we extend past stress research by examining a new construct—family incivility—a subtle but chronic form of interpersonal stressor originating from the family context. Second,we investigate how such family stressors link to work outcomes by examining the relationship between family incivility and employee job performance. We argue that employees who experience family incivility are likely to experience psychological distress, which in turn hampers their ability to perform effectively at work. Third, we add to the stress and coping literature by examining factors that might reduce the negative outcomes of family incivility. Specifically, we examine core self-evaluation (Judge, Erez, Bono, amp;Thoresen, 2003) as a potential moderator of the relationships between family incivility, psychological distress, and job performance.


Building on theories of stress and coping (DeLongis, Folkman,amp; Lazarus, 1988; Lazarus amp; Folkman, 1984), we thus propose a moderated mediation model (Edwards amp; Lambert, 2007; Preacher,Rucker, amp; Hayes, 2007), which jointly examines psychological distress as the mediating mechanism, and employeesrsquo; core selfevaluation as the moderator of the relationships between family incivility, psychological distress, and job performance (see Figure1). Before discussing our hypotheses, we first introduce the concept of family incivility by defining it and distinguishing it conceptually from related constructs.

基于压力和应对的理论(DeLongis, Folkman,amp; Lazarus, 1988; Lazarus amp; Folkman, 1984),因此我们提出一个缓和的调解模式(Edwards amp; Lambert, 2007; Preacher,Rucker, amp; Hayes, 2007),共同探讨心理困难的调节机制,与员工的核心自我评价——作为家庭无礼行为、心理困难与工作绩效之间关系的减速剂。在讨论假设之前,我们首先介绍了家庭无礼行为的定义概念和它同相关结构的区别。

Family Incivility


The Oxford English Dictionary defines incivility as ill-bred,uncivil, or discourteous behavior toward others (Incivility, n.d.).Applied to family settings and in keeping with the definitions of workplace incivility (Andersson amp; Pearson, 1999), we define family incivility as low-intensity deviant behaviors with ambiguous intent that violate the norms of mutual respect in the family. We discuss key aspects of this definition below.


First, uncivil behaviors in the family are generally less intense than family abuse or aggression (Pearson, Andersson, amp; Wegner,2001), which typically involve misuse of power, occur intensely over an extended period, and often involve physical violence (Finkelhor, Gelles, Hotaling, amp; Straus, 1983; Lachs amp; Pillemer,1995). In contrast, rather than involving physical injury, family incivility is more subtle, typically including rude and disrespectful behaviors, such as sarcasm and ignoring one another, and can be initiated by any family member, including members of equal or lower power such as siblings or teenagers.

首先,家庭无礼行为通常没有家庭虐待或侵略行为那么强烈(Pearson, Andersson, amp; Wegner,2001),这通常涉及到滥用权力,长期发生且经常涉及身体暴力(Finkelhor, Gelles, Hotaling, amp; Straus, 1983; Lachs amp; Pillemer,1995)。相比之下,家庭无力行为更加隐蔽,通常包括粗鲁和不尊重的行为,而不是涉及身体



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