
 2023-07-25 13:14:40

Innovative Research on Catering Management

Yingxia Luo

Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering, Jiangjin, Chongqing, 402260, China

Keywords: Catering Management, Innovation Study, Economy Develop

Abstract: The catering industry is not only closely related to social and economic development, but also closely related to the daily lives of ordinary people. However, the catering industry has also exposed various problems along with the rapid growth of Chinese catering demand. The excessively rapid growth of Chinas catering industry has led to the lag in the growth of its catering management, which has led to the ups and downs of some catering companies. This requires our traditional catering industry to innovate to reform its business model.

1. Introduction

Since the 18th National Congress, 'innovation' has become the key word for Chinas economic and social development. 'The basis for sustainable development of enterprises and the way to win in the market lies in innovation. All types of enterprises must firmly grasp innovation.' Based on modern information technology, it drives institutional innovation, management innovation, and business model innovation, and promotes the development of traditional catering enterprises to rely on continuous knowledge accumulation, technological progress, and improvement of labor quality, and promotes the catering industry to a higher level and division of labor. A more elaborate and more rational phase of evolution has become a modern life service industry.

2. Catering enterprise management model transformation background

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2015, the service industrys GDP accounted for 50.5%, the contribution to GDP reached 60.7%, and the labor employment ratio was 42%, which became the main driving force for economic growth. It marks the transformation of Chinas economic development from industry-led to service-oriented during the 'Thirteenth Five-Year Plan' period, and officially entered the era of service economy. To this end, the General Office of the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce, and the National Development and Reform Commission have issued relevant documents, which have put forward specific specifications for the overall requirements, main tasks, and policy measures for the innovation and development of the service industry (catering industry), for the service industry (catering industry). ) Innovation and development laid the foundation for policy.

In 2015, Chinas per capita GDP was 49,351 yuan (equivalent to 7,924 US dollars). Looking at the economic development of each country, after per capita GDP reached 8,000 US dollars, there will be a trend of consumption upgrading. The consumption of urban and rural residents is shifting from subsistence to well-off and affluent consumption. Consumers will pay more attention to product quality and service experience. The traditional catering industry should provide innovative and differentiated products and services in terms of business formats, management models, and service methods to meet consumer demand for food safety and nutritional health. 'Internet ' has spawned a change in consumption patterns. According to the 38th report of CNNIC, as of June 2016, the number of Internet users in China has reached 710 million, the number of online shopping users has reached 448 million, the number of online take-out users has reached 150 million, and the number of online users has reached 455 million. According to the monitoring data of the China Electronic Commerce Research Center, the online retail market transaction volume in China reached 3.8285 billion yuan in 2015, a 35.7% increase over the same period. Under the Internet environment, consumers individual needs have been fully released, consumer space has been extended, and multiple channels have been involved in product design, production, and service, forming an interactive and autonomous consumer culture that represents the future direction of the new economy.

3. Problems faced by Chinas catering industry

The speed of the industry is developing too fast and the scale of operations is expanding blindly. At present, the demand for catering market in China is developing rapidly. The fast-growing catering enterprises are expanding in scale under the demand of the market. Because the catering industry is a traditional economy in China, the traditional production industry belongs to the traditional economy. The government did not actively support the policy but let it be free. This led to the blind expansion and expansion of the catering enterprises caused by the increase in demand in the catering market. The rapid expansion of the scale caused the enterprises to fall into unfavorable competition. This is not only not conducive to the development of the catering industry, but also weakens the development capabilities and competitiveness of catering enterprises.

Relying on experience to manage, the management model is lagging behind. The catering industry is relatively mobile, and a storefront may change greatly due to changes in business managers. Operators simply rely on their own experience to implement management without substantial management systems and models, which results in different The food and beverage outlets have different business effects, which is the management method commonly used in the catering industry today. The dependence on this method constrains the development of the catering industry. At present, the demand for catering market in China has increased, which has led to the rapid expansion of the catering industry. The traditional business model cannot keep up with the fast-growing catering market, and there is no suitable management model based on actual development. This phenomenon is not


Wallaces market situation and development strategy


With the development and improvement of Chinaamp;apos;s 'going out, bringing in' and 'reform and opening up' policies, Chinaamp;apos;s fast food enterprises have also developed rapidly.The rise of fast food industry has brought some changes to the economic development and peopleamp;apos;s eating habits.Chinese fast food and Western fast food are not separated in autumn, but the difference is very big. Chinese fast food is equal, while western fast food is dominated by KFC and McDonaldamp;apos;s.This paper aims to study the current market situation and Development Countermeasures of Wallace in the fast food industry, which mainly includes: the market analysis of the fast food industry, Wallaceamp;apos;s external environment analysis, Wallaceamp;apos;s market characteristics analysis, and the problems and Countermeasures in the development;Through these analyses, we can conclude that the development trend of Chinaamp;apos;s catering industry (including fast food industry) has been on the rise. In such a good market atmosphere, Wallaceamp;apos;s market development has some problems, but the overall trend is still bright.

key word Fast food industry;Competition;development;Wallace;

Wallaceamp;apos;s market present situation and development countermeasure


With the development and improvement of Chinaamp;apos;s policies of 'going out and bringing in' and 'reform and opening up', Chinaamp;apos;s fast food enterprises have also achieved rapid development. The rise of fast food industry has brought about certain changes to the economic development and peopleamp;apos;s eating habits. Chinese fast food and western fast food do not have the same color but the difference is very big, Chinese fast food is about the same, but the western fast food is dominated by KFC and McDonaldamp;apos;s. This paper aims to study the rapid development of the fast food industry at the moment, the western fast food Wallaceamp;apos;s market status and development countermeasures which mainly includes: market analysis of the fast food industry, Wallaceamp;apos;s external environment analysis, Wallaceamp;apos;s market characteristics analysis and development of problems and countermeasures analysis; Through these analysis we get: Chinaamp;apos;s catering industry (including fast food industry) development trend has been in a state of rise, in such a good market atmosphere, Wallaceamp;apos;s market development although there are some problems but the overall trend is still bright.

Keywords fast food industry; compete; development; Wallaceamp;apos;s;


Chapter one introduction

1.1 research objects

1.2 research background

1.3 research contents

1.4 overview

Chapter two market status of fast food industry

2.1 market overview of fast food industry

2.1.1 regional distribution and development

2.2 market demand of fast food industry

2.2.1 product demand 5

2.2.2 service demand

2.2.3 joint demand of related industries

2.3 reasons for market changes in fast food industry

Chapter three analysis of Wallaceamp;apos;s external environment

3.1 macro environmental impact

3.1.1 improvement of economic level and per capita income

3.1.2 deepening of national education level

3.1.3 strengthening national cultural confidence

3.2 comparative analysis of competitors

3.2.1 comparison of products

3.2.2 comparison of partners

3.2.3 comparison of development speed

3.3 changes in customer demand

3.3.1 transforming single demand of product package into multiple demand

3.3.2 transforming fixed service demand into concrete and comprehensive service demand

3.3.3 quality demand tends to be healthy

3.4 impact of new technology and new media operation

3.4.1 rise of short video

3.4.2 popularization of new technology application

Chapter 4 Analysis of Wallaceamp;apos;s market characteristics

4.1 analysis of Wallaceamp;apos;s market strategy

4.1.3 following imitation

4.1.2 dislocation competition

4.2 analysis of Wallaceamp;apos;s market positioning

4.2.1 analysis of consumer positioning characteristics

4.2.2 product positioning strategy

4.3 forecast trend of Wallace market development

4.3.1 gradually transform from 'imitation strategy' to 'core product strategy'

4.3.2 continuously strengthen the trend of 'localization', 'diversification' and 'health' of products

4.3.3 the development center gradually moves from 'products' to 'products and services'

4.3.4 increasingly severe market competition situation

4.4 market segmentation of Wallace

4.4.1 population segmentation

4.4.2 geographical segmentation

Chapter five problems in Wallaceamp;apos;s development

5.1 problems in Wallaceamp;apos;s development

5.2 product problems

5.2.1 low brand awareness and single brand product

5.2.2 'high degree of imitation, low degree of innovation, lack of core competitiveness'...... 19

5.2.3 product quality and safety problems

5.3 promotion issues 20

5.3.1 too little advertising

5.3.2 single promotion product and fixed promotion thinking

5.4 price issue

5.5 restriction of personnel mechanism on Wallace catering development

5.5.1 improper distribution of personnel 20

5.5.2 low salary and enthusiasm of employees

5.5.3 imperfect pers



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