
 2022-08-14 16:02:10

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Consumer-Based Brand Equity: Does Country of Origin (COO) Matter to Generation Z Consumers?


Brand equity refers to the value added to a brand due to its name and it endows the brand with several advantages, such as, better margins, better quality perceptions, brand loyalty and opportunities for brand extensions. Although the concept of brand equity has drawn the attention of researchers in past, the focus has been primarily on marketing mix elements and certain critical elements such as Country of Origin (COO) have been ignored. Further, brands cannot ignore Generation Z due to their ability to influence decisions and purchasing power. The current study intends to understand the role of COO image on the these young consumers so as to help firms in shaping their marketing strategies by establishing relationships between different variables such as COO image, perceived brand quality, brand loyalty and overall brand equity. Data were gathered through personally administered questionnaires distributed to 466 Generation Z respondents in India by using three categories as product stimuli: electronic gadgets; apparels and accessories. Among the three independent variables investigated in this study, brand loyalty had the most significant impact on brand equity. Our findings also show a significant positive role of perceived quality in influencing brand equity; perceived qualityrsquo;s insignificant influence on brand loyalty; and COO imagersquo;s positive influence on brand equity. The findings however do not show any significant influence of COO image on quality perceptions of Generation Z consumers. Important theoretical and managerial contributions of the study have been discussed before providing limitations and directions for future research.


Key Words: Brand Equity, Brand Loyalty, Country of Origin (COO), Generation Z, Perceived Quality



An enhancement in a productrsquo;s utility or the addition of value by virtue of the brand name is the equity of that brand (Pappu, Quester and Cooksey, 2006) and is a widely discussed issue in academic literature (Torres, Bijmolt, Triboacute;, and Verhoef, 2013).Strong brands with a strong brand equity provide many benefits to the companies owning these brands. The benefits include better profits, extension opportunities, strong consumer preferences and ultimately favorable intentions to purchase the brand(s)(Cobb-Walgren, Beal and Donthu, 1995; and Keller, 1993). Brand equity indicates abrandrsquo;s health and thus assessing brand equity continuously is essential for managing brands effectively (Aaker, 1991; and 1992). However, the development of brand equity theory is yet in the growth phase, and thus research is needed on urgent basis for understanding the concept and antecedents of brand equity (Hsu, Oh, and Assaf,2012; and Xu and Chan, 2010).


Scholars (e.g., Shocker, Srivastava and Rueckert, 1994) as well as practicing managers (e.g., Biel, 1992) have been laying emphasis on need for comprehension of brand equity. The focus of a vast majority of research in brand equity has been on marketing mix variables including channels, advertising, price, product quality (Yoo, Donthu and Lee, 2000). Therefore, certain variables not related to marketing mix such as a brandrsquo;s origin require attention by researchers. The brandrsquo;s country of origin (hereafter COO) for example, is a critical marketing element which has an impact on customersrsquo; perceptions and hence on consumer behavior. By examining country of origin and related informationrsquo;s impact on equity of a brand, those marketing practitioners will be benefitted who find “quantification of brand equity” beneficial in making strategic decisions (Biel, 1993).


Marketers and scholars have made attempts to assign nomenclature such as “Net Generation” or “Generation Z” to the generation born post 21 st century. The significance of studying Generation Z in general is gaining importance due to the critical role played by this generationrsquo;s adolescence and early adulthood in shaping their preferences (Young and Hinesly, 2012). The brands need to understand the preferences and behavior patterns of this generation so as to connect with them at the right time and provide customized solutions (Palfrey and Gasser, 2008) before they consider other options and switch loyalties to other brands. The marketers need to comprehend the changing business landscape by getting involved with these digital natives (Hall and Keynes, 2011). Generation Z therefore represents a great opportunity to brands and brands must maintain connect with them consistently to ensure their brand loyalty (Kitchen and Proctor, 2015).




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