
 2022-08-25 21:20:11

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The principle of effective marketing management

Baimbetova Aigul Abishovna


Market activity is performed at maximum customer orientation through the use of advances in technology and information technology. The purpose of this study is to use effectively modern marketing management principles to address exchange processes coordination, which are closely related to the market and society.The article argues that marketing as the science about management of the commodity-money relations in society integrates such major categories as 'quality of life', 'security of production and consumption', 'human values', 'ecology environment', 'social responsibility.' Effective management of marketing first of all reflects extent of harmonization of society and a level of quality of the listed categories.

Keywords: marketing; marketing management,;the efficiency principle; the principle of IMC。


Effectiveness of marketing management - a comprehensive assessment of the quality and quantity of distribution, promotion and positioning of goods, services and ideas in the society with the mission and the budget of each partys market turnover. Due to the limited availability of both tangible and intangible resources of the efficiency of the marketing management of any company depends not only on improving the performance of total costs, cost of production, but also on finding hidden reserves. In modern conditions it is impossible to obtain positive results of marketing activities without assessing public opinion, and without the participation of society in social actions. Therefore, the effectiveness of marketing management is the integrating function, which reflects the relationship between the developed strategies, the use of elements of marketing, operational implementation of programs in the areas and social and corporate responsibility for the results of the work to the public. The core impact of marketing is to coordinate managerial decisions in the area of market demand, pricing, product, and communication and service policy to achieve the mission and the success of an organization. There was not any practice of the firms and companies, which introduced their vice president for marketing affairs or a special department for marketing affairs, or a coordinating center responsible for ongoing development of the company.

High effectiveness of marketing efforts can be obtained from the principles of effective marketing management. The large set of rules of the marketing activities are maximized into the forefront principles: - The principle of mutual advantage; - The principle of strategic orientation; - The principle of individualization of demand; - The principle of integration of marketing; - The principle bench marketing. The principle of mutual advantage of all the participants of the market turnover implies equally the interests of producers and consumers of goods and services. It is obvious that their targets are interrelated and both are opposite. Parameters are taken into account for the producer, which would produce profits, and for the consumer, make a purchase at an affordable price. But the general interest is in the parameters of the quality of goods that directly affect the ongoing development of the producer and the total satisfaction of customer needs. Long-term success of the company depends on the satisfaction of not only consumers and producers, but also other groups who have their interests on the company. These include the professional managers run the company, employees, suppliers, customers and the general public of the region where the company is located. All of these are valuable assets to the company, so their requirements for its operations are justified. However, the interests of shareholders, for example, may be contrary to the objectives of the companys employees. Public interest (on environment) often conflict with managerial plans in expanding operations and increasing profits. The main task of the board of directors of the company is the development of strategies, reconciles the demands of various interest groups. Company managers must develop a strategy to create partnerships with their customers, for the review of clients problems and their participation in the creation of new products and services.

2.The principle of strategic orientation.

The higher degree of interaction between employees with customers makes it necessary to focus on the development of marketing strategies for its effective integration with the strategy of the firm. If the company seeks to achieve high quality services and building development-friendly cost structure, it is vital to the functioning of coordinated strategies and marketing. When taking into account the principles of strategic orientation company should distinguish between a focus on marketing and modern marketing approaches, which are placed at the heart of the buyer. Focusing on marketing involves the use of techniques of persuasion, when buyers 'forced' to buy the offered goods, 'invasion' in the office or a homebuyer, exaggerated features or benefits of products, hasty presentation and price concessions for the speedy conclusion of the transaction. In the past, this approach is usually associated with the sellers of encyclopedias and cars. Today, these methods are evaluated as either illegal or as an ineffective, which do not allow building long-term relationships with customers. The essence of customer orientation is to identify customer needs and finding profitable for the producer and the consumer ways to meet them, which suggests the high professionalism and integrity seller. The principle of the strategic orientation includes strategic objective market analysis. Strategic orientations presupposes justif


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