
 2022-12-29 12:00:18


原文作者 David A. Aaker

摘要:随着行业变得日益敌对,很明显,需要强大的品牌建立技能才能生存和繁荣。在大卫·阿克(David Aaker)的开创性著作《管理品牌资产》中,管理者发现了品牌作为战略资产和公司竞争优势的主要来源的价值。现在,在这项引人注目的新作品中,Aaker使用了土星,通用电气,柯达,Healthy Choice,麦当劳等公司的真实品牌建立案例,来展示如何创建和管理强大的品牌。品牌策略师的常见陷阱是专注于品牌属性。 Aaker通过考虑情感和自我表现的好处,并介绍了“以个人为品牌”,“以组织为品牌”和“以品牌为符号”的观点,展示了如何突破常规。品牌身份(品牌战略家渴望建立或维持的品牌形象)和品牌地位(品牌身份中要积极传达的部分)的双重概念在管理“非常规”方面起着关键作用。盒”品牌。第二个陷阱是忽略以下事实:单个品牌是包含许多相互交织和重叠的品牌和子品牌的较大系统的一部分。 Aaker展示了如何管理“品牌系统”以实现清晰度和协同作用,如何适应不断变化的环境以及如何将品牌资产利用到新的市场和产品中。 Aaker还解决了实际的管理问题,引入了一套称为品牌资产的品牌资产衡量方法(十),以帮助那些在产品和市场上衡量和追踪品牌资产的人。他提出并分析了品牌培育组织形式,这些形式可以应对跨市场,产品,角色和环境的协调品牌所带来的挑战。还讨论了改变品牌身份和地位的潜在破坏性组织压力。随着各行各业的高管试图防止其产品和服务成为商品,他们将自己重新定位于品牌作为业务战略的基础。这项新工作对于战场准备而言必不可少。

关键词:品牌; 品牌资产; 管理


Aaker D A. Building strong brands [M]. New York: The Free Press, 1996.



Although strategists should avoid the product-attribute fixation trap, product-related associations wilal most always be an important part of a brand identity because they are directly linked to brand choice decisions and the use experience.

With what product or products is the brand associated? For Haagen-dazs the answer is ice cream, for Visa it is credit cards, for Buick it is automobiles, and for Compaq it is computers. A strong link to a product class means that the brand will be recalled when the product class is cued. A dominant brand(such as Al in steak sauce, Kleenex in tissues, and Band-aid in adhesive bandages)will often be the only brand recalled The goal of linking a brand with a product class is not to gain recall of a product class when the brand is mentioned. Having people respond' rental cars 'when Hertz is mentioned is not nearly as important as having Hertz mentioned when a rental car is needed. Thus Aamp;W, the venerable root beer brand extended successfully to cream soda without damaging the ability of Aamp;W to be recalled when root beer was the cue, and Honda is a name that comes to mind when either motorcycles or automobiles are mentioned. A key identity issue arises when the scope of a product class is expanded. For many, the HP Jet line is associated with the leading computer printers (namely, the Desket and Laser jet). When the distinction between printers, scanners, fax machines, and copiers became blurred, the strong printer association once a key asset, became a problem that needed active management. HP needed to alter the Jet identity so that it applied to a broader product grouping. Thus HP now has a scanner(Scanjet), fax machines( Fax jet), and even machines that perform the functions of a fax machine, a copier, and a printer Officejet). For a more complete discussion of extensions, see Chapter 8 on leveraging the brand(and chapter 9 in Managing Brand Equity).


The brand-as-organization perspective focuses on attributes of the organization rather than those of the product or service. Such organizational attributes as innovation, a drive for quality, and concern for the environment are created by the people, culture, values, and programs of the company. The Saturn brand is a good example of such an identity, tying together Saturn values(building a world-class economy car)programs(including the retailer system)and people(who visibly buy into the values)Some brand aspects can be described as product attributes in some contexts and organizational attributes in others. Quality or innovation, for instance, could be a product-related attribute if it is based on the design and features of a specific product offering. If it is based on organizational culture, values and programs (and thus transcends a particular product model context), however, it would then be an organizational-related attribute. In some cases there will be a combination of the two perspectives. Organizational attributes are more enduring and more resistant to competitive claims than are product attributes. First, it is much easier to copy a product than to duplicate an organization with unique people values, and programs. Second, organizational attributes usually apply to a set of product classes, and a competitor in only one product class may find it difficult to compete. Third, because organizational attributes such as being innovative are hard to evaluate and communicate, it is difficult for competitors demonstrate that they have overcome any perceived gap. It is relatively easy to show that one sprinter is faster than that of a competitor; it is hard to show that ones organization is more innovative. Organizational attributes can contribute to a value proposition. Associations such as a customer environmental concern. technological commitment, or a local orientation can involve emotional and expressive benefits based on admiration, respect, or simple liking. They can also provide credibility the product claims of sub-brands, just as the Post-it products from 3M were undoubtedly helped by the3M reputation for innovation In Chapter 4, the brand-as-organization will be considered in detail. Additional insight will be provided into what organizational attributes are and how they work to support a brand.


the brand-as-person perspective suggests a brand identity that is richer and more interesting than one based on product attributes. Like a person, a brand can be perceived as being upscale, competentphy, fun, active, humorous, casual, formal, youthful, or intellectual. For example Saturn has the personality of a reliable, down-to-earth friend A brand personality can create a stronger brand in several ways. First, it can help create a self expressive benefit that becomes a vehicle for the customer to express his or her own personality. For ex



原文作者 David A. Aaker

摘要:随着行业变得日益敌对,很明显,需要强大的品牌建立技能才能生存和繁荣。在大卫·阿克(David Aaker)的开创性著作《管理品牌资产》中,管理者发现了品牌作为战略资产和公司竞争优势的主要来源的价值。现在,在这项引人注目的新作品中,Aaker使用了土星,通用电气,柯达,Healthy Choice,麦当劳等公司的真实品牌建立案例,来展示如何创建和管理强大的品牌。品牌策略师的常见陷阱是专注于品牌属性。 Aaker通过考虑情感和自我表现的好处,并介绍了“以个人为品牌”,“以组织为品牌”和“以品牌为符号”的观点,展示了如何突破常规。品牌身份(品牌战略家渴望建立或维持的品牌形象)和品牌地位(品牌身份中要积极传达的部分)的双重概念在管理“非常规”方面起着关键作用。盒”品牌。第二个陷阱是忽略以下事实:单个品牌是包含许多相互交织和重叠的品牌和子品牌的较大系统的一部分。 Aaker展示了如何管理“品牌系统”以实现清晰度和协同作用,如何适应不断变化的环境以及如何将品牌资产利用到新的市场和产品中。 Aaker还解决了实际的管理问题,引入了一套称为品牌资产的品牌资产衡量方法(十),以帮助那些在产品和市场上衡量和追踪品牌资产的人。他提出并分析了品牌培育组织形式,这些形式可以应对跨市场,产品,角色和环境的协调品牌所带来的挑战。还讨论了改变品牌身份和地位的潜在破坏性组织压力。随着各行各业的高管试图防止其产品和服务成为商品,他们将自己重新定位于品牌作为业务战略的基础。这项新工作对于战场准备而言必不可少。

关键词:品牌; 品牌资产; 管理


Aaker D A. Building strong brands [M]. New York: The Free Press, 1996.



Although strategists should avoid the product-attribute fixation trap, product-related associations wilal most always be an important part of a brand identity because they are directly linked to brand choice decisions and the use experience.

With what product or products is the brand associated? For Haagen-dazs the answer is ice cream, for Visa it is credit cards, for Buick it is automobiles, and for Compaq it is computers. A strong link to a product class means that the brand will be recalled when the product class is cued. A dominant brand(such as Al in steak sauce, Kleenex in tissues, and Band-aid in adhesive bandages)will often be the only brand recalled The goal of linking a brand with a product class is not to gain recall of a product class when the brand is mentioned. Having people respond' rental cars 'when Hertz is mentioned is not nearly as important as having Hertz mentioned when a rental car is needed. Thus Aamp;W, the venerable root beer brand extended successfully to cream soda without damaging the ability of Aamp;W to be recalled when root beer was the cue, and Honda is a name that comes to mind when either motorcycles or automobiles are mentioned. A key identity issue arises when the scope of a product class is expanded. For many, the HP Jet line is associated with the leading computer printers (namely, the Desket and Laser jet). When the distinction between printers, scanners, fax machines, and copiers became blurred, the strong printer association once a key asset, became a problem that needed active management. HP needed to alter the Jet identity so that it applied to a broader product grouping. Thus HP now has a scanner(Scanjet), fax machines( Fax jet), and even machines that perform the functions of a fax machine, a copier, and a printer Officejet). For a more complete discussion of extensions, see Chapter 8 on leveraging the brand(and chapter 9 in Managing Brand Equity).


The brand-as-organization perspective focuses on attributes of the organization rather than those of the product or service. Such organizational attributes as innovation, a drive for quality, and concern for the environment are created by the people, culture, values, and programs of the company. The Saturn brand is a good example of such an identity, tying together Saturn values(building a world-class economy car)programs(including the retailer system)and people(who visibly buy into the values)Some brand aspects can be described as product attributes in some contexts and organizational attributes in others. Quality or innovation, for instance, could be a product-related attribute if it is based on the design and features of a specific product offering. If it is based on organizational culture, values and programs (and thus transcends a particular product model context), however, it would then be an organizational-related attribute. In some cases there will be a combination of the two perspectives. Organizational attributes are more enduring and more resistant to competitive claims than are product attributes. First, it is much easier to copy a product than to duplicate an organization with unique people values, and programs. Second, organizational attributes usually apply to a set of product classes, and a competitor in only one product class may find it difficult to compete. Third, because organizational attributes such as being innovative are hard to evaluate and communicate, it is difficult for competitors demonstrate that they have overcome any perceived gap. It is relatively easy to show that one sprinter is faster than that of a competitor; it is hard to show that ones organization is more innovative. Organizational attributes can contribute to a value proposition. Associations such as a customer environmental concern. technological commitment, or a local orientation can involve emotional and expressive benefits based on admiration, respect, or simple liking. They can also provide credibility the product claims of sub-brands, just as the Post-it products from 3M were undoubtedly helped by the3M reputation for innovation In Chapter 4, the brand-as-organization will be considered in detail. Additional insight will be provided into what organizational attributes are and how they work to support a brand.


the brand-as-person perspective suggests a brand identity that is richer and more interesting than one based on product attributes. Like a person, a brand can be perceived as being upscale, competentphy, fun, active, humorous, casual, formal, youthful, or intellectual. For example Saturn has the personality of a reliable, down-to-earth friend A brand personality can create a stronger brand in several ways. First, it can help create a self expressive benefit that becomes a vehicle for the customer to express his or her own personality. For ex



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