根据Hill and Alexander(2006),中型企业每年损失10%到30%的顾客。大多数时候,公司不知道他们失去的是什么类型的顾客,在什么时候失去的,什么原因失去的以及与损失有关的成本是哪些。在这种情况下,客户取向成为公司优先考虑的事,相比以往企业更多地选择顾客满意度作为绩效指标(Mihelis,Grigoroudis,Sisikos,politis,Malandrakis,2001)。但是,永久性地维持整个公司被一个抽象的无形的像顾客满意度这样的概念所激励是不可能的。因此,顾客满意度必须转化为可以被理解和影响的可测量参数。
测量顾客满意度最通常的方法似乎是调查(McNeal and Lamb,1979)。调查公司提供一份正式的反馈给公司以及向顾客发送一个积极的信号表明公司对他们的情况感兴趣。他们的受欢迎程度是一个容易被管理和解释的直接的特征,具有明确的目的和有效性。顾客满意度的间接措施被用于(销售、利润、投诉),但这些通常被认为是直接调查措施的补充。顾客满意度的结果决定于调查,同时可用来评估员工在公司的表现,他们加强销售管理和完善培训计划,如果有利,结果会被纳入组织的广告。
1 .决定问题(项目)
2 .答案的格式
调查表答案的格式或者方法有一些可能性:赛斯通平均间隔法(1929),格特曼法(1950)和李克特提出的扩展法(1932)。Hayes (2008)为简单起见限制了关于答案格式的相关讨论以及提出了两种实用的方法:控制列表格式和李克特格式。
李克特格式允许客户创建的答案在每一项目的不同角度反映服务的维度。第一个答案格式是连续的“总-一致,总-不一致”。 因为形容满意度的项目是说明性项目反映了特定的方面,积极的和消极的服务,答案必须反映这些描述服务的测量。第二个和第三个格式(连续的“满意-不满意和连续的”弱-好”),尽管反映服务的特定方面,但从某个角度看是中立的。
3 .拟定顾客满意度调查表
4 .选择项目
基于研究者判断的选项 |
项目的数学性选择 |
1.使用判断标准或随机选择的少数选项 |
1.调查表应用所有的满意度项目 |
2.将这套满意度项目放入调查表 |
2.调查表的申请 |
3.调查表的申请 |
3.进行一个项目分析,以确定哪些将用于最终的调查表(如果将使用因子分析,足够尺寸的样品大约每项目五人) |
4.进行项目分析决定测量质量维度 |
4.检查项目分析以使用适当的项目于最后的调查表 |
5.项目分析的检查其目的在于使用合适的项目 |
5.使用调查表的最终版本 |
6.调查结果可以表明调查表的总复习(如果项目不测量传入的维度) |
实际上,顾客满意度的测量被用于确定全局满意或者一种产品或服务的“清算”。满意度分数观测到的分布决定了“真正的满意度”。无论如何,我们必须要细心,因为满意度观测到的分数取决于部分测量性人工制品和其他部分的受访客户的个人特色(Peterson and Wilson,,1992)。在这种情况下,我们问自己:“关于真正满意度的什么样的措施反映了客户在研究中表达了个人的意见?”
顾客满意度测量的典型形式归于以下事实,用于顾客满意度测量的规模数量没有足够的类别去允许参与者们作出好的描述,特别在最高水平。此外,还有其他的解释(Peterson and Wilson,1992,p. 64 - 67):
Tverski and Kahneman(1981)已经表明,当一个决策是在积极的方面被制定的,将会被感知更加积极,相较于同样的决策是从消极方面阐述的。
某些研究人员(El-Guebaly et. Al, 1983 Levois, Nguyen and Attkinson, 1981)保持着满意度测量决定于个人风格(答案的风格)如社会赞许。解决这方面需要更进一步的研究。
个人性格状态影响满意度分数。Lloyd, Cate and Henton (1984)认为满意度是针对某种现象的情感上的瞬间评价。
外文文献出处:Annals of the bdquo;Constantin Bracirc;ncuşi” University of Tacirc;rgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 4/2012
Isac Florin Lucian
Rusu Sergiu
Cureteanu Radu Silviu
“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
Companies that embrace client orientation are preoccupied by measuring the level of satisfaction of those who consume their products or utilizes their products. That is why, customer satisfaction has to be transposed in measurable parameters that can be understood and influenced. Nevertheless, measuring customer satisfaction involves a lot of problems.
According to Hill and Alexander (2006), medium size businesses lose between 10% and 30% of their clients every year. Most of the times, companies do not know wha
Annals of the bdquo;Constantin Bracirc;ncuşi” University of Tacirc;rgu Jiu, Economy Series, Issue 4/2012
Isac Florin Lucian
Rusu Sergiu
Cureteanu Radu Silviu
“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
Companies that embrace client orientation are preoccupied by measuring the level of satisfaction of those who consume their products or utilizes their products. That is why, customer satisfaction has to be transposed in measurable parameters that can be understood and influenced. Nevertheless, measuring customer satisfaction involves a lot of problems.
According to Hill and Alexander (2006), medium size businesses lose between 10% and 30% of their clients every year. Most of the times, companies do not know what category of clients they have lost, in what moment, what was the cause and what are the costs associated with their lose. In this conditions, client orientation becomes a priority for the companies, that in ever greater numbers choose customer satisfaction as performance indicator (Mihelis, Grigoroudis, Sisikos, Politis, Malandrakis, 2001). It is, however, impossible to keep an entire company permanently motivated by an abstract and intangible notion like customer satisfaction. As a result, customer satisfaction has to be transposed in measurable parameters that can be understood and influenced.
As far as measuring customer satisfaction, the most usual method seems to be the inquiry (McNeal and Lamb, 1979). The inquiries offer a formal feedback to the company and send a positive signal to the customers that shows that the company is interested by their condition. Their popularity is a result of the direct trait, the ease with which is administered and interpreted, clarity of the proposed purposes and validity.Indirect measures of the customer satisfaction are used (sales, profit, complaints), but these are regarded usually as complementary to the direct research measures. The results of the customer satisfaction, resulted from the inquiries, are used to evaluate the performance of the employees in that company, they enhance the sales management and training programs and, if favorable, are included in the organization advertising.
The measurement of customer satisfaction survey forms are constructed in four stages (Hayes, 2008):
(1) to decide questions that will be utilized;
(2) selecting the format of the answers;
(3) drawing up the introduction of the survey form
(4) to decide the content of the final survey form (selecting items that will compose the scale from an initial amount of used items)
1. Deciding the questions (items)
To avoid problems relating to the different way customers interpret words that appear in the format of the questions, a survey form that investigates customer satisfaction should use specific assertions, that leave little room for interpretation, the survey form offering a specific answer regarding organizational performance and personnel performance.
The next step in constructing the survey form is deciding the questions or assertions that will be included in the survey form. One way of creating items of satisfaction is the critical incident method. Items referring to satisfaction can specify the reason for which a consumer is satisfied more or less by a certain service.
It is important that items from the survey form to possess certain characteristics, and drawing them up can be difficult. Items that seem not to measure anything relevant for the service can create confusion among the respondents. Items have to be, as well, concise, because those that are too long can make the survey form hard to read. For example, an assertion saying “The person responsible with the service seemed to treat me in a pleasant way when I required his/her services” can be transformed in a more concise version that would reflect the same content: “The person responsible for serving was very kind”.
Items have to lack ambiguity. The respondents have to be capable to understand precisely what they are asked through those items, any ambiguity of those items could lead to ambiguous answers. For example, the assertion “The transaction with the service provider was good” does not reflect why the service was good. Some respondents can interpret the item as evaluating the promptness of the transaction, while others could think that it evaluates the professionalism of the service provider. To avoid this confusion, two items could be created: “The transaction required a short period of time” and “The service provider talked to me in a pleasant manner”.
A suitable item has to reflect one idea, addressing in this way one question. If one item proposes more than one question, the respondent can be frustrated trying to answer affirmative to one part of the question and negative to the other part. A positive answer infers that the respondent agrees with both parts of the item.
The fifth characteristic of a good item is that it should not contain a double negative(Hayes, 2008).
2. Answer formats
The second step in constructing the scale is the selection of an answer format for the survey form that determines the way in which the customers could answer. Choosing the answer format is an important step in developing customer satisfaction studies because it determines the way in which the data from the survey form will be used.
There are a few possibilities of answer formats or scaling methods for survey forms: the Thurstonersquo;s method of equal-appearing intervals(1929), Guttmanrsquo;s approach (1950) and Likertrsquo;s proposed method of scaling (1932). Hayes (2008) limits the discussion reffering to the answering format for simplicity reasons and utility to two appr