
 2023-01-11 10:16:57



尽管之前的CRM研究在个人的基础上把eCRM看作是一对一的交流和个性化的服务的代名词,Web 2.0进一步使企业和用户通过社交网络共同学习,共同生产和协作产生客户价值,建立客户关系。本文主张的eCRM2.0战略,旨在利用网络和Web2.0下社会/客户智能,整合和吸引客户和社区以及企业的价值链运营的发展。希腊旅游企业的eCRM2.0策略在使用和准备的时候通过对旅游专业人才群体进行电子邮件调查作出了检查。尽管eCRM的2.0的采用率低,但是受访者意识并极大地关注这一领域的实际影响,从而阐明了未来的研究议程。

关键词:电子化客户关系管理,Web 2.0,准备,挑战,用法


有效的电子客户关系管理(eCRM的)是一种势在必行的战略,它可以提高客户满意度和服务,在线销售,网站惠顾,忠诚度和保留(Adebanjo,2003年, Feinberg and Kadam,2002年,和Kotorov,2002年)。 eCRM的也是一种有效的工具,其中包括解决在产品及供应商之间增加消费者的流动性(Sigala,2006年a),因为CRM对保留率可以起到积极作用,重复购买,较低的倾向切换,和更高的利润(Chen amp; Chen,2004年) 。如今,Web 2.0进一步改变消费者搜索,阅读,收集,共享,交流和创造信息的方式,以及通过转变消费者创造价值的方式。相反,文学把CRM看做是几乎等同于1:1营销和在以个人为基础上的个性化(Adebanjo,2003年, Chen and Popovich,2003年, Fjermestad 和 Romano,2003年)。 在旅游文献中,CRM的重点放在为特定客户创造个人价值和个性化的交流的这个概念也很明显(如Jang等人,2006年和Sigala,2006年)。然而,Web 2.0的应用在与客户沟通,以吸引他们的注意力和忠诚度,为客户创造价值的方面已经呈现1:1营销不足。如今,客户希望成为积极的公司合作伙伴,创建和使用自己的个性化产品,同时通过社交网络,客户还可以相互创造价值(Sigala,2009年和Sigala,2010)。因此,应该认识到,客户价值创造和沟通并不仅仅发生企业与客户之间,也存在于客户自己,模糊的企业和客户的网络中。商务例子反映了这样的趋势包括:公司的网站创建作为社交网站,使各种形式的客户沟通成为可能(例如喜来登重新设计的“Belong”网站);公司建立在SecondLife的一个小岛,允许客户设计并购买他们的个性化产品(如耐克)。虽然,虚拟社区对CRM的作用被广泛讨论(如Bughin和Hagel,2000年),但是缺乏对公司如何利用Web 2.0进一步加强eCRM的策略研究。因此,迫切需要进一步研究Web 2.0是如何拓宽eCRM的规模,通过很大程度地赋予消费者主权,有助于关系的形成,并通过各种互动允许消费者和企业即时互动和共同创造价值(C2B, B2C,C2C)。

本文针对这一文学的差距:(1)调查了Web 2.0应用如何正在推进eCRM的概念和实施;(2)审查希腊旅游企业的应用和从事这一领域的准备。为了实现这些,首先,文献综述分析了Web 2.0功能和工具对eCRM的目标和实施是具有挑战性的,然后,建立了一个框架说明Web2.0对建立和维护客户关系的作用,是可发展的,用于探索希腊旅游企业实施的eCRM2.0战略的使用和准备。主要调查结果是通过电子邮件的调查收集和集中与旅游专业小组讨论。对结果及其影响进行了讨论。


2.1 eCRM的:定义,目标,客户价值和实现

尽管eCRM的定义多如牛毛,但有一种普遍的共识,关于eCRM的目标、重点是通过价值创造发展和保持与迎利客户的关系,(Sigala,2006a)。例如,CRM被定义为通过传递卓越的客户价值,服务和满意度的一个理解和经营盈利客户关系的过程(Chen and Popovich,2003年,,Christopher等人,1991年,Morgan and Hunt,1994年和 Webster,1992)。CRM也定义为包括随着时间的推移,识别,吸引,发展和维护成功的客户关系,提高保留盈利客户的方法(Bradshaw and Brash,2001年和Massey 等人,2001年)。当这些活动和技术通过基于互联网的媒体交付(如电子邮件,论坛),那么,eCRM是被应用了(李凯利,大卫,与罗宾,2003年)。Forrester(2001)也承认eCRM是CRM转移到互联网的过程,也是同步客户关系的一种跨渠道、功能和观众的方法。 Sigala(2006年b)也表明,线下CRM与eCRM的实践整合是必需的,目的是提高客户服务质量标准和观念。然而,eCRM不能被视为IT应用程序,而是作为一个组合的硬件,软件,人员素质,流程,应用程序和管理承诺旨在吸引和留住有经济价值的客户(Fjermestad和 Romano,2003年)通过创造和提供最大的客户价值提升营销效果(斯卡林,Fjermestad,与 Romano,2004年)。 eCRM的主要是关于调整业务流程与策略,旨在为客户创造价值,和对ICT的支持(里格,赖克尔德,与Schefter,2002年)。事实上,以往的研究中使用的方式为客户创造价值为标准来识别(例如由Fjermestad和Romano的43项,2003)或分类(Sigala,2006年)众多网站特色提供eCRM的功能如下:网站的交互性;购物便利性,关怀和服务;关系培养;网站的特征;社区建设;协作和个性化。

在发展与盈利客户成功关系中,企业需要了解和管理所有阶段的关系发展,因为每个阶段的特点是在行为和取向的差异性,因此,它需要不同的CRM方法,(Dwyer, Schurr, 和 Oh,1987 年)。理论和实际的证据表明,客户关系演变过程依据相关的客户生命周期理论主要分为三个不同的阶段(Dwyer等人,1987,Greve 和 Albers,2006和Reinartz等,2004):起始,维护和保持或终止。因此,所有的CRM实施模型(Christopher等人,1991)是以确定管理每个关系阶段的CRM做法的基础上的。这些模型由Park和Kim(2003)的动态CRM实施模型所充实,内容是为每个阶段的客户关系生命周期确定所需的和适当的客户信息管理(CIM)战略。随着Web 2.0雨后春笋般的兴起和用户生成内容的类型流行,本研究采用了后者的模型开发框架,可以证明企业如何利用Web 2.0的社会智能去支持和充实eCRM策略(见表3) 。Park 和 Kim(2003)确定了以下三种类型的信息,用于管理客户关系生命周期各阶段的要求 。“关于客户”的信息,包括客户的个人信息和交易数据目的是了解和衡量他们的个人资料,如销售,盈利能力,购买方式 ,偏好。“为了客户”信息指的是被客户视为有用的产品,服务和公司信息,用以做出更明智的决策。 “通过客户”的信息反映客户反馈(例如,客户投诉,建议,评论),可用于新产品的开发和/或业务改进。目前,各种Web 2.0应用程序能够以可靠、及时和低成本的方式直接从一个客户用户收集、传播和更新所有这三种类型的客户信息。


eCRM 2.0 applications and trends: The use and perceptions of Greek tourism firms of social networks and intelligence


Although previous CRM studies treat eCRM as a synonymous with 1:1 communications and personalised service at an individual basis, web 2.0 further enables firms and users to generate customer value and build customer relations through social networking, co-learning, co-production and collaboration. The paper advocates the development of eCRM 2.0 strategies aiming at exploiting both the networking and social/customer intelligence of web 2.0 by integrating and engaging customers and communities along firmsrsquo; value chain operations. The usage and readiness of Greek tourism firms to embark on eCRM 2.0 strategies was examined by conducting an e-mail survey and focused groups with tourism professionals. Despite the low adoption rates of eCRM 2.0, respondents were aware and greatly concerned about the practical implications of this field, which in turn elucidated an agenda for future research studies.

Keywords:e-Customer Relationship Management; Web2.0; Readiness; Challenges; Usage


Effective e-Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) is a strategic imperative for increasing customer satisfaction and service, online sales, website patronage, loyalty, and retention (Adebanjo, 2003, Feinberg and Kadam, 2002 and Kotorov, 2002). eCRM is also an effective tool for addressing consumersrsquo; increased mobility amongst products and suppliers (Sigala, 2006a), as CRM can have positive effects on retention rates, repeat purchases, lower propensity to switch, and higher profits (Chen amp; Chen, 2004). Nowadays, web 2.0 further empowers consumers by changing the ways they search, read, gather, share, communicate and create information and by transforming the ways in which customer value is created. On the contrary, the literature has treated CRM almost as synonymous with 1:1 marketing and with personalisation at an individual basis (Adebanjo, 2003, Chen and Popovich, 2003 and Fjermestad and Romano, 2003). This notion of CRM focusing on the creation of personalised value and individualised communication for a specific customer is also evident in the tourism literature (e.g. Jang et al., 2006 and Sigala, 2006a). Nevertheless, web 2.0 applications have rendered 1:1 marketing insufficient for communicating with customers, for attracting their attention and loyalty, and for creating customer value. Nowadays, customers expect to become active firmsrsquo; partners for creating and consuming their personalised product, while through social networks, customers can also generate value for and from each other (Sigala, 2009 and Sigala, 2010). Hence, it should be recognised that customer value creation and communication do not happen solely between firms and customers, but also amongst customers themselves and within blurred firmsrsquo; and customersrsquo; networks. Business examples reflecting such trends include: firmsrsquo; websites created as social network websites for enabling multiple forms of customer communications (Sheratonrsquo;s redesigned “Belong” website); firms building an island on SecondLife for allowing customers to design and buy their personalised products (e.g. Nike). Although, the role of virtual communities on CRM is widely discussed (e.g. Bughin amp; Hagel, 2000), there is a lack of research on how firms can exploit web 2.0 for further enhancing eCRM strategies. Thus, there is an urgency to further investigate how web 2.0 broadens the scope of eCRM by empowering consumers themselves to largely contribute to the formation of relationships and by allowing both consumers and firms to interact instantly and co-create value through various interactions (C2B, B2C, C2C).

This paper addresses this literature gap by: (1) investigating how web 2.0 applications are advancing the concept and implementation of eCRM and (2) examining Greek tourism firmsrsquo; usage and readiness to embark in this field. To achieve these, first, a literature review analyses how web 2.0 capabilities and tools are challenging the aims and implementation of eCRM and then, a framework illustrating usage of web 2.0 for building and maintaining customer relations is developed and used for exploring the usage and readiness of Greek tourism firms for implementing eCRM 2.0 strategies. Primary findings are gathered through an e-mail survey and focused group discussions with tourism professionals. Findings and their implications are discussed.

2. Theoretical background

2.1. eCRM: Definition, aims, customer value and implementation

Despite the plethora of (e)CRM definitions, there is a general consensus on (e)CRMrsquo;s aim and focus on developing and retaining relations with profitable customers through value creation processes (资料编号:[287258],资料为PDF文档或Word文档,PDF文档可免费转换为Word

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