
 2022-07-29 15:34:56

A Unified Modeling Language-Based Design and Application for a Library Management Information System

Abstract: This paper firstly introduces the main content of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and proves that it can transmit information among the users, the developers, the designers and the managers efficiently, which improves their collaboration capabilities and greatly increases the degree of industrialization in software development projects. Secondly, a library management system development and design is carried out, based on UML modeling mechanism to analyze a simple library management system. Thirdly, a demand analysis mode of the management system is built with the help of a case diagram and an analysis diagram after analysis of a simple library management system, using UML modeling mechanism. Then a book lending management subsystem has been designed in the library management system by a design class diagram and a sequence diagram. The design process indicates that as a modeling language of software engineering, UML has a very good application prospect.

Keywords: Object-oriented systems analysis and design; UML; library management system.


With the rapid development of computer technology and the continuous improvement of the information level, the production scale of software is increasing and the traditional software modeling language has been unable to meet the demands of software development. Therefore, how to develop high-quality software within a reasonable period of time has become an urgent problem to solve. At the same time, people have also higher requirements to the design, maintenance and management of the software development, which includes shortening the software development cycle, improving the software quality and safeguard of the sustainable development of the software. All these problems can be solved gradually with the introduction of the Unified Modeling Language.

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) [1] is a standard, object-oriented, component-based software system modeling tool. It is a tool used to draw a visual description for the software system model. In the past, dozens of object-oriented modeling languages are independent. The emergence of UML has solved the biggest problem of the software exchange. The use of UML enables various staff, such as the users, analysts, developers and designers to communicate efficiently and enhance mutual understanding, which can improve the efficiency of the software development and the quality of the software design. The scope of UML is not limited to the support for object-oriented analysis and design, but it o supports the whole process of software development which starts from requirements analysis. It helps the lopers to draw a clear model which is conducive to communication and makes the sftware development easy to implement.

Overview of the unified modeling language

2.1. Characteristics of the unified modeling language

UML is a standard modeling language for object-oriented technology, which evolved from Booch method, OOSE method and OMT method [2]. It is a graphic language to visualize, describe, build and document the software-intensive systems. It combines the popular object-oriented development methodology concepts and technology, and forms a standardized object-oriented UML. UML unifies the basic concepts, terminology and graphic symbols of the object-oriented modeling and describes the basic steps that must be followed in the modeling process. This modeling language provides a method to describe the concepts and graphics of the software system model from a different perspective.

The main characteristics of the UML are as follows [3]:

  1. UML collects the excellent ideas of Booch, OOSE, OMT and other objectoriented approaches. These ideas are the essence of the best object-oriented methods and rich practice of computer science experience.
  2. Although UML is currently the most advanced and practical standard modeling language, some of the notions still need to be fully verified in practice.

UML is in development of continuous improvement as well.

  1. The process is an important part of a method. There is no concept for the process in the UML. So that UML is just a modeling language rather than a method. UML is independent on the process.. Users can use UML to model any suitable process. The selection of the process relates to different factors that affect the software development process, such as the type of the software development, the scale of the development organization. The users will be determined to choose the process based on the objective situation.
  2. Nevertheless UML modeling is still a relatively unified framework which contains the common elements in UML modeling process. Besides, it provides a great degree of freedom for the users in choosing suitable modeling techniques for their development projects.
  3. UML is independent on the process, but the application is still driven by the case and it uses the architecture as a center.

2.2. Modeling mechanism of UML

UML is a general standard modeling language which contains a static modeling mechanism and a dynamic modeling mechanism [4]. The static modeling mechanism defines the attributes and operations of the important objects in the system and the relationship between these objects. The dynamic modeling mechanism defines the time characteristics of the objects and the communication mechanism among them in order to complete the objectives and tasks. Using the UML for analysis and design of an object-oriented system usually has three steps [5].

(1) Requirements analysis phase

First the developers should communicate positively to analyze and refine the requirements of the system. List the invol




关键词:面向对象的系统分析和设计;UML;图书馆 管理系统。























在UML的特点和优势方面得到了广泛的应用在各领域的系统设计。D o r o n博士u s i n s k y等。[6]提出了一种新的方法UML状态chart-based断言为开发库的正式规范。这本书的逐渐增加的订单目录的使用,图书馆技术人员应该有更深层次的理解推荐和购买系统的基本模型和框架。L我ec Th e n g[7]总结了UML建模语言和大意推荐和购买系统的需求分析。然后他给了系统的一个特定的模式和框架。L v Qi-y n g[8]的基础上,分析了图书馆管理系统B / S模式。她用UML的静态和动态模型图并创建一个系统的模型分析结果。Z h o气n g-y n和Z h n gC h o[9]提出了一个实际的需求分析和建模方法基于统一建模语言。Z h o u通用[10]首先简要介绍了基于对象的统一建模语言的主要概念,并解释UML在管理信息系统开发中的应用。Z h uC h e n g[11]介绍了UML的基本概念和建模过程分析了图书管理系统和解释的实际应用UML。G o L i p i n G[12]为例,将图书馆管理系统讨论了该系统UML的建模过程。Z h L n g i j我e等[13]使用阿克苏的设计和建模过程中共学校的lmi)一个例子来讨论UML的特点和UML的应用信息系统建模过程。图书管理系统一个例子,余气n g[14]描述了系统设计基于的每个阶段UML和介绍了UML的应用程序在一个数据库系统的设计。C h e n S h我h u n[15]提出了面向对象的分析和设计方法通过UML的进一步的研究。结合发达的实例一个图书信息管理系统,进行了研究技术的应用UML和UML的相关知识来解释。这研究解决了软件设计师之间的交流的难题和客户、加速开发过程和改进的质量系统。C h e Mi n g[16]讨论了Rational统一过程的使用情况,并给出一个解决方案来捕获一个图书馆管理的要求信息系统。以图书馆管理系统的开发为背景,C g h e n C h n表压我n和C h e n气一个n g[17]完成一个系统基于UML建模和用VB实现它。3所示。图书馆管理系统设计和开发过程的基础在UML



















通过需求分析,我们可以看到,这个系统有四个活动,Lib_People,Lib_Librarian,Lib_Reader Lib_Database。的Lib_People代表与系统交互的人。的Lib_Librarian代表了图书管理员负责添加或修改这本书信息。Lib_Reader代表读者可以借,更新并返回书。Lib_Database是数据库的信息系统,可以










(2)Admin_class管理员的类。它的attrbute ID和一个名字。主要操作有添加、删除和更新的读者和书籍。

(3)Title_class类的书目信息。它有attrbutesbook_name book_author book_id等。

(4)Item_class是类的书。它有attrbute book_number。这本书主要操作是储备(book_reserve),找到这本书的书名(find_on_title)等。

(5)Borrow_class是一本书的借贷信息的类。它有这本书的attrbute ISBN(book_ISBN),借款日期(book_borrow数据)等。










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