
 2022-08-06 14:25:59

英语原文共 6 页,剩余内容已隐藏,支付完成后下载完整资料


目 录

英文原文 1

The construction of efficient E-Government to establish brand-new service-oriented government management model 1

Introduction 1

1.The intension of service-oriented government 1

2.The interactions of E-government and serviceoriented government 2

3.The concrete manifestation of the serviceoriented government management model 2

4.Means to construct of the public-centric service-oriented government management model 2

中文译文 7

建设高效的电子政务,建立全新的服务型政府管理模式 7

引言 7

(一)服务型政府的内涵 7

(二)电子政务与服务型政府的互动 7

(三)服务型政府管理模式的具体体现 8

(四)构建以公共服务为中心的政府管理模式 8


The construction of efficient E-Government to establish brand-new service-oriented government management model



The inherent coupling of Chinas E-Government and service-oriented government, for service-oriented government, by means of the modern information and communication technology, E-Governance has shortened the distance between citizens and governments to make government functions more inclined to provide services for citizens, to build serviceoriented government administration model has practical significance. The report of the partys 17 largest discourse the development of socialist democratic politics, clearly put forward to “promote the decision-making more scientific and democratic, improve the decision-making information and intellectual support system”. To enhance transparency and public participation in decision-making, To “carry out the E-government, strengthen social management and public services.”E-Government become the important measures to promote electronic of the new era for our society, information-based application technology and in-depth development, but also the major entry point of the construction of the serviceoriented government. In recent years, the vigorous development of electronic information technology, has played an increasingly prominent role in promoting the change of government administrative system and enhancing the quality of public services, creating a good technical environment and operating the construction of service-oriented government.

1.The intension of service-oriented government

Compared with the control-oriented government, the service-oriented government is based on the “citizen-based, community-based, rights-based” as the value orientation, and replaced the traditional “official-based, government-based, power-oriented” values, to become the modern government management different with the traditional government. Service-oriented government is a combination of management and service, it is a government management to express and reflect the public will as the foundation, to solve public problems and achieve the public interest as the objective, fair and transparent, clean and efficient, good faith abide by responsible for the basic concepts of governance, to meet the peoples right of public goods and public service needs as the purpose, to treat macro-control, market supervision, social management and public service as the basic functions. Service-oriented government will be the direction for the future development of the Chinese government.

2.The interactions of E-government and serviceoriented government

A.E-Government Provides Support for the Construction of Service-oriented Government Technical

B. Service-oriented Government Provide Basic Concepts for the Construction of E-Government

3.The concrete manifestation of the serviceoriented government management model

Service-oriented government is a new model of government administration: The new model of government functions, the new model of government activities and the new model of government concept.

A.The New Government Functions Model

B.The New Government Activities Model

C.The New Government Concept Model

4.Means to construct of the public-centric service-oriented government management model

A. Build Government Information Networks and Improve Whole Society Information Infrastructure

E-government is the interactive process of the Governments various departments, all levels of government and citizens. In order to exchange administrative information quickly and easily, the Government should promote social information infrastructure construction, establish of government information backbone network, and build a national communication network, improve the citizens operational capability of information technology, so that citizens and social organizations get government information and communicate with the government.Recently, t



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