
 2022-08-23 16:01:56


In this paper, the effect of the ship size and speed on the EEDI requirements for container ships is considered through several important issues. In the first step, the existing container ship fleet is analyzed, and the presence of ever larger container ships, like ULCS, is noticed. Moreover, it is shown that in recent years, the number of delivered smaller container ships is significantly decreased, and these trends cannot be neglected from the viewpoint of the EEDI criteria. Secondly, the verification of the EEDI reference line prescribed by the MEPC is done by developing reference line parameters from the IHS Fairplay database. After that, the EEDI reference line is updated, taking into account container ships delivered from 1999 to 2015. It is confirmed that the EEDI reference line should be consistently updated, by including new ships in the database. In the next step, the EEDI reference line is extended into the EEDI reference surface with capacity and speed as independent variables. This allows the comparison of energy efficiency of ships with different design speeds. It also allows the comparison of the ship energy efficiency at different operating loads. This is one of the prerequisites to perform detailed analysis on the influence of different legislations on the GHG emission from ships, which can be a subject of further investigation. Finally, the dependence of the ship DWT and capacity in TEU is considered, and formulation of the EEDI based on the former is offered. The EEDI reference line and surface are expressed per capacity in TEU, which is a standard unit for almost all assessments in the container ship transportation chain.


Container ships are cargo ships that carry their entire load in truck-size intermodal containers (within technique called containerization), and their capacity is measured in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU).Moreover,container ship prices, port capacities, relative operating costs, freight rates, etc. are commonly expressed as a function of TEU.Therefore, it seems useful to express the EEDI through ship capacity in TEU.


The Energy Efficiency Design Index was developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) through a series of submissions to MEPC and working groups on greenhouse gases. The recent formula for the attained EEDI calculation, according to [4] yields:



Several opportunities exist to minimise the environmental impacts of a vessel from a life cycle perspective. It is easier (and thus less costly) to improve a shiprsquo;s performance in the early stages of the manufacturing process, i.e., the design stage.Decisions made at the design stage may be crucial to performance. Not only the use of energy, choice of energy source and energy conversion, but also maintenance are important parameters. During the lifetime of a ship, refurbishment can be expected,which sometimes includes a complete change of use (one drastic example is the rebuilding of a road ferry to a liquid natural gas (LNG) bunker ship). Retrofitting a ship with emission abatement technology also results in substantial changes.A design that allows structured refurbishment and different types of use may also be favourable from a life cycle perspective. The possibility of structured scrapping is often determined already in the design phase. The concept of “design for the environment” or “design for recycling” is used in many industrial areas and is also valid for the scrapping of ships.



Thus, when the demands to minimise environmental impacts increase, the ship design process will become crucial for enabling changes during a shiprsquo;s lifetime (and to foresee future requirements, e.g., LNG-ready ships). These changes should also render a ship more energy efficient and safe and reduce emissions from the beginning.


The complexity of a ship and the increased performance demands lead to a challenging, system-level design process. To provide “eco-design” products, in this case, ships, different environmental systems, analysis tools and methodologies can be used. One methodology that has been discussed and tested in the literature is life cycle assessment (LCA). LCA can be used to examine potential environmental and health 7 Infrastructure, Marine Spatial Planning and Shipwrecks 243 impacts and the resource use of a product or service during the life cycle from raw material to waste, accounting for the production and use phases (see Sect. 9.4.1) [15].As discussed above, a general result of all environmental impact assessments of ships (similar to other long-lived products, e.g., cars or buildings) is that the dominant impact originates from the operational phase in nearly all impact categories, e.g.,climate change, acidification, eutrophication and toxicity to humans. Moreover,energy use is the largest factor in the operational phase. Only resource use is larger in the



In this paper, the effect of the ship size and speed on the EEDI requirements for container ships is considered through several important issues. In the first step, the existing container ship fleet is analyzed, and the presence of ever larger container ships, like ULCS, is noticed. Moreover, it is shown that in recent years, the number of delivered smaller container ships is significantly decreased, and these trends cannot be neglected from the viewpoint of the EEDI criteria. Secondly, the verification of the EEDI reference line prescribed by the MEPC is done by developing reference line parameters from the IHS Fairplay database. After that, the EEDI reference line is updated, taking into account container ships delivered from 1999 to 2015. It is confirmed that the EEDI reference line should be consistently updated, by including new ships in the database. In the next step, the EEDI reference line is extended into the EEDI reference surface with capacity and speed as independent variables. This allows the comparison of energy efficiency of ships with different design speeds. It also allows the comparison of the ship energy efficiency at different operating loads. This is one of the prerequisites to perform detailed analysis on the influence of different legislations on the GHG emission from ships, which can be a subject of further investigation. Finally, the dependence of the ship DWT and capacity in TEU is considered, and formulation of the EEDI based on the former is offered. The EEDI reference line and surface are expressed per capacity in TEU, which is a standard unit for almost all assessments in the container ship transportation chain.


Container ships are cargo ships that carry their entire load in truck-size intermodal containers (within technique called containerization), and their capacity is measured in twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU).Moreover,container ship prices, port capacities, relative operating costs, freight rates, etc. are commonly expressed as a function of TEU.Therefore, it seems useful to express the EEDI through ship capacity in TEU.


This issue is recognized by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), and consequently at its 62nd session, the Resolution MEPC.203(62) [2] has been adopted, which includes amendments to MARPOL Annex VI. It introduced new chapter 4 with particular aim to

improve energy efficiency of ships through a set of technical performance standards. The amendments, which entered into force on 1 January 2013, require that every ship has to have the International Energy Efficiency (IEE) Certificate on board. In order to obtain the IEE Certificate,a ship has to comply with the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) requirements. The EEDI is mandatory for all new ships and SEEMP for all ships of 400 GT and above engaged in the international shipping. For every new ship the attained EEDI has to be calculated and not higher than the required EEDI, while the SEEMP must be developed for a ship according to Guidelines and kept on board [2]. EEDI and SEEMP represent a technical and an ultra large container ships (ULCS) are being built. Container ships are designed for carriage standard transportation units, and design criteria for such vessels are very diverse. As mentioned in [16], container ships are typically dimensioned by available cargo volumes and when these ships are considered as part of a logistics chain, schedules are usually very tight resulting in large scatter of design speeds and installed engine powers within the same size group. Beside general design (structural, hydrodynamic,hydro-structural) and operational (relative high operational speed) characteristics inherent to container ships, they exploit extraordinary behavior from viewpoint of the EEDI. Namely, existing EEDI requirements for ultra large container ships seem to be very easy to satisfy [5], which is not consequence of their relatively large energy efficiency only, but also effect of inappropriate EEDI baseline formulation.

海洋环境保护委员会(MEPC)认识到这一问题,因此在其第六十二届会议上通过了第MEPC.203(62)[2]号决议,其中包括对《防污公约》附件六的修正通过一套技术性能标准来提高船舶的能效。修正案于2013年1月1日生效,要求每艘船舶必须持有国际能源效率证书。为了获得IEE证书,船舶必须符合能效设计指标(EEDI)和船舶能效管理计划(SEEMP)的要求。EEDI是所有新船舶的强制性要求,SEEMP是所有400 GT及以上从事国际航运的船舶的强制性要求。对于每艘新船,必须计算获得的能效比,且不得高于要求的能效比,而SEEMP必须根据指南为船开发并保留在船上[2]。EEDI和SEEMP代表了一种技术,一种超大型集装箱船(ULCS)正在建造中。集装箱船是为运输标准运输单位而设计的,这种船舶的设计标准非常多样化。如[16]所述,集装箱船通常由可用货物量确定尺寸,当这些船舶被视为物流链的一部分时,时间表通常非常紧凑,导致设计速度和安装的发动机功率在同一尺寸组内分散很大。除了集装箱船固有的一般设计(结构、水动力、水工结构)和操作(相对较高的操作速度)特性外,他们还从EEDI的角度开发了非凡的性能。也就是说,现有的超大型集装箱船能效指标要求似乎很容易满足[5],这不仅是因为它们的能效相对较大,而且还因为能效指标基线公式不恰当。

The Energy Efficiency Design Index was developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) through a series of submissions to MEPC and working groups on greenhouse gases. The recent formula for the attained EEDI calculation, according to [4] yields:



Similar to all products, ships pass through different stages in their life cycles,including the design, construction, operation (with maintenance and refurbishments), and scrap phases.

The design and construction phases allow for a large range of options for technical solutions and offer a large opportunity to influence environmental impacts and energy



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