Use of radar and AIS on integrated navigation systems
When using an integrated navigation system on a multifunction display it is important that complete awareness is maintained of the currently set mode. In particular, it is highly important to differentiate between radar and ECDIS modes of operation. This is because the IMO required functionality of an ECDIS displaying radar data and of a radar displaying chart data can be quite different. It occurs because the required radar functionality is concentrated on collision avoidance, whilst the ECDIS concentrates on route monitoring and route planning .For instance, range rings, an azimuth bearing scale and CPA calculation are required on a radar; route planning functions, look-ahead hazard detection and voyage recording facilities are required on an ECDIS.
On an ECDIS the charted information naturally takes precedence. Any radar data on top, be it lsquo;rawrsquo; radar images or target tracking vectors, have to allow the chart symbols to remain visible. In effect the chart data acts as an opaque overlay onto a radar background. On a radar the opposite is true. If a chart underlay is being used the radar image always takes precedence over the charted features.
It is particularly dangerous to assume that a standalone ECDIS can be used safely as a radar or vice versa, despite the apparent capability of modern designs. There are numerous reasons for this, For instance an ECDIS may be capable of displaying target tracks from a TT. However, during the type approval process it is only necessary for it to have been tested to ensure that radar images and target vectors appear in the correct positions and do not degrade the chart displayed information. Type approval would not necessarily include checks on other transferred data concerning tracked targets such as CPA, TCPA or track number. These may be inadequately displayed or even in error. Furthermore, it may not be possible to independently choose whether true or relative vectors are displayed. Also, the actual reference frame of the vectors may not be clearly displayed.
Similarly, even a type approved chart radar , with an ENC underlay does not have many of the features of ECDIS that are considered essential within the design of a digital charting system. For instance, to ensure safe route monitoring and planning an ECDIS cannot show less charted detail than that defined within the Display Base. A chart radar is usefully allowed to display less detail than this to avoid confusing the assimilation of radar data. Also, chart radars do not have to include the route checking and hazard monitoring facilities provided on an ECDIS.
When this book was being written it was not clear how multifunction displays fit into the carriage requirements of SOLAS Chapter V. For instance, if a ship is of a size that has to carry two radars and it also has a paperless chart system, consisting of an ECDIS and a second ECDIS for back-up, how many MFDs does that equate to? A good answer, possibly, is four but do the regulations imply that any two of these must be continuously used for radar and the other two for ECDIS functions? Is it acceptable for the bridge team to adopt different configurations according to their immediate needs,in the knowledge that an appropriate configuration -particularly the statutory configuration - can always be switched in instantaneously?
在编写本书时,在多功能显示器如何符合SOLAS第五章的运输要求的这个问题上是非常不明确的。例如,如果一艘船的大小要求必须携带两个雷达,它也有一个无纸化的图表系统,包括一个电子海图显示与信息系统和第二个电子海图显示与信息系统作为备份,这相当于多少个MFDs ? 一个令人满意的答案可能是四个,但是法规是否意味着其中任何两个必须连续用于雷达,另外两个必须用于电子海图显示与信息系统功能? 在知道适当的配置(特别是法定配置)总是可以随时切换的情况下,驾驶台成员是否可以根据他们的即时需要采用不同的配置?
Alarms, alerts, backup and fallback
There are a number of failure possibilities that have to be continuously monitored by the radar and displayed accordingly. The description is based on the requirements for radars introduced from 2008 but earlier radars have similar requirements, except there are none concerning AIS. For each failure there is usually a mandatorily required backup or fallback arrangement. These arrangements are described in the description of each failure.
Sensor failures
Failure of any signal or sensor in use, creates an alarm. In the case of specific failures, listed below, the system functionality is limited by reversion to a fall-back mode; in other cases the display presentation will be inhibited. There will be a permanent indication of the sensor failure even when the alarm has been acknowledged.
Failure of heading information (azimuth stabilisation)
The equipment will switch automatically to the non-stabilised head up mode within 1 minute if the azimuth stabilisation becomes ineffective. Also, if
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