
 2023-01-10 16:12:35


原文作者 Li Jingming


关键词: 主要污染物;排放权交易平台;污染控制。









庇古教授认为,由于污水的行为通常产生外部性,其主要的经济原则是自我激励减排(萨缪尔森,2004)。这一研究为排放控制的行为提供了理论依据,在这一思想的基础上,李察(1978)提出了控制污染排放的标准法。对不同的供应商排放污染物的数量进行了法律限制,即设定排放标准,如果公司超过了标准,将面临经济甚至刑事处罚。随后,威廉和华勒斯(1979)提出了收费的想法,因为缺陷与庇古具有高符合度,得以来解决外部性问题,所以排污收费也被称为“庇古税。几乎在同一时期,马洛尼和布鲁斯(1980)提出了一种可转让排放许可证的制度,在其中,每个供应商必须获得排放的许可证,这是根据一些地方性法规分发给不同供应商的,他们可以在不同的公司之间交换。上述三种排放控制方法,Pindyck and Rubinfeld(1995)对它们进行了系统的比较。他们发现,当边际社会成本曲线是陡峭的边际减排成本曲线相对,排放标准是更好的排放量,相反,排污收费是优于排放标准的,同时由于系统的可转让,排污许可证拥有排放标准和排放收费的优势,因此,可转让排污许可证制度是最有效的排放控制系统。














  1. 结论



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    ·176· Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Innovation amp; Management

    Review on the Research of Emissions Trading of Major Pollutants

    Li Jingming

    School of Management, Green Manufacturing and Energy Conservation Technology Research Center,

    Wuhan University of Science amp; Technology, Wuhan P.R. China, 430081 (E-mail: ljm500@sina.com )

    Abstract: Using deductive and inductive research methods, the paper made a systematic review on domestic and international literatures about emissions trading of major pollutants. The study found that the focus of international research varied to the domestic ones. Foreign research mainly focused on the compare of the advantages and disadvantages of the pollution control measures, based on above research, probed the emissions trading system building, but domestic research is focused on the actual emissions trading operational problems. Overall, the consensus of domestic and foreign research is that: to introduce the system of transferable emissions permit, to establish the emissions trading platform, and to implement the emissions trading. However, whether domestic or foreign, the research to the emissions trading platforms, in particular to the regional emissions trading platform is very weak, which is the key to the development of emissions trading, therefore, the paper argued that the issue of emissions trading follow-up studies should focus on emissions trading platform.

    Key words: Major pollutants; Emissions rights; Trading platform; Pollution control

    1 Introduction

    In recent years, the rapid development of economy and science has brought great pressure on environment, and with the propelling of energy saving and pollution remediation, the appropriate environmental policy must be improved with the times. The systems such as total control and corresponding pollution permits, as well as emissions trading and compensation for the use, are increasingly widespread concern and attention.

    Among the main control measures of Pollution, the idea of emissions trading has become the most important pollutant control measure, and it is increasingly emphasized by political and academic circles. However, it must be noted that although the political and academic circles holding great esteems, the actual emissions trading isnrsquo;t active, and the emission transaction amounts almost every subject is generally small, whatrsquo;s more, almost all of the successful cases of emissions trading are essentially the results of administrative match, instead of dealing completely through the market mechanism, which showed that the implementations of the system of emissions trading are still faced with serious obstacles in practice. The corresponding academic research must create the conditions and point out the right direction to break through these barriers, thus, to do systematic review on the issue of emissions trading is advisable, because it is the premise and foundation to solve these problems, to explore the follow-up research direction, as well as to promote emissions trading.

    2 Describes of the Foreign Research on Emissions Trading

    Foreign literatures had made a lot of researches on the issues of emissions and their trading, and the relevant research achievements are rich. The corresponding research in abroad are mainly performed from the following three angles.

    2.1 Research on the economics basic of emissions trading

    In the early 20th century, Pigu, the professor in University of Cambridge, discovered the existence of externalities in economic life during his research on welfare economics. Then, Baumol, the famous economists, proposed the Pa Pareto criterion of optimal resources allocation. He believed that due to the existence of externalities, sewage companies can not achieve Pareto optimal allocation of resources, and they in general in a state of excess supply. Hardinrsquo;s model of tragedy of the commons is creative, on the one hand, it does full inference to the consequences of sewage, and on the other hand, it also provides a preliminary evidence for the conduct of interference the emission. The direct economic basis of emissions trading due to the arising of the modern property rights theory, whose representative is Coase (Ronald Coase, 1960). Its theoretical core is to be clearly defined property rights, and to legally protect

    Supported by the open fund projects of the Green Manufacturing and Energy Conservation Technology Research Center of WUST. Project No. A1002.

    Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Innovation amp; Management


    the property rights transfer, certainly, emission rights is also a property. Under the circumstance of the emission rights being clearly defined and the property rights trading market being complete, the externalities of the behavior of sewage can be internalized technologically, and the resource allocation can also be automatically adjusted to the efficient state. It sharply is the property rights concept of sewage and the emissions trading characteristics of property rights, which propelled the rise of pollution control measures and the building of the emissions trading system.

    2.2 Research on the means of control the discharge of major pollutants

    Professor Pigu has argued that, because the acts of the sewage generally produce the externalities, the main economic principals are lack of self-incentives to reduce emission (Samuelson, 2004). The research provides a theoretical basis for the conduct of emission control, and through with this idea, Richard (1978) proposed the standard law to control pollution emission. Which legally limit the number of discharge pollutants to differ



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