
 2022-07-27 14:21:25

A Modified CREAM to Human Reliability Quantification in Marine Engineering

Z.L. Yang[1]*, S. Bonsall, A Wall, J. Wang

Liverpool LOgistics, Offshore and Marine (LOOM) Research Institute,

Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK

M. Usman

Marine Engineering Consulting, Lloydrsquo;s Register, London, UK


Modern shipping activities are carried out via a highly sophisticated man-machine system within which technological, social and environmental factors often contribute to the occurrence of human failures. Due to the high risks caused by such failures, human reliability analysis (HRA) has always been a serious concern in marine engineering safety. However, the problem of lack of data, together with the complexity of marine engineersrsquo; behaviour, has weakened the applicability of well-established HRA methods (i.e. cognitive reliability and error analysis method (CREAM)) in the maritime context. This paper proposes a modified CREAM to facilitate human reliability quantification in marine engineering by incorporating fuzzy evidential reasoning and Bayesian inference logic. The core of the new method is to use evidential reasoning to establish fuzzy IF-THEN rule bases with belief structures and to employ a Bayesian inference mechanism to aggregate all the rules associated with a marine engineerrsquo;s task for estimating its failure probability. Consequently, the outcomes of this work can also provide safety engineers with a transparent tool to realise the instant estimation of human reliability performance for a specific scenario/task.

Key words: Marine engineering, Safety engineering, Maritime human reliability, human reliability quantification, CREAM, Fuzzy logic, Bayesian network.

1. Introduction

During the past decades human activity has been the source of ecological disasters, evidenced by accidents such as “Three Mile Island”, “Chernobyl” and “Prestige” tragedies. The shipping industry shares part of this responsibility with the fact that 80% to 85% of all the recorded maritime accidents are directly due to human error or associated with human error (Harati-Mokhtari et al., 2007). The shipping community has therefore taken a series of measures in order to minimize such events via international bodies like the International Maritime Organization (IMO). They include the introduction of Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) to the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA). FSA was developed as a risk-based goal-setting maritime safety rule-making methodology to address the inappropriate effectiveness of purely using a prescriptive approach to make the regulations of attempting to reduce risks in ship design and operation. However, effective implementation of such a measure is challenging given the difficulties of directly adopting the mature HRA methods available in the literature to the maritime domain. For example, lack of historical data in general and human failure statistics in particular is a well-recognised problem in maritime safety research (Ren et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2010). More importantly, traditional tasks onboard ships requiring much lsquo;doingrsquo; are being replaced by more lsquo;thinkingrsquo; jobs with the nature of more contextual dependency where technological, social and environmental factors often contribute to a dynamic sea working environment in an interactive way. lsquo;Second generationrsquo; HRA methods have therefore been developed to overcome such difficulties by appropriately taking into account the contextual influence of a task and by being equipped with the more powerful ability of incorporating expert judgments to deliver quantitative human failure analysis results. Although showing attractiveness, these methods have still exposed some shortcomings in their practical applications. For instance, the prospective quantification process of a Cognitive Reliability and Error Analysis Method (CREAM), which normally produces an interval approximation analysis result, cannot provide an appraisal of the consequences of human performance on maritime system safety which can be further used in a FSA framework.

This paper therefore develops a human failure quantification methodology by incorporating fuzzy logic, evidential reasoning and Bayesian network techniques into the prospective analysis of CREAM. It can be used either as a stand-alone method for human failure screening or as part of an integrated method for the support of using FSA in a large maritime system safety analysis. More specifically, the new fuzzy Bayesian CREAM approach can be used by maritime safety analysts a) to identify the tasks that require human cognition and depend on cognitive reliability, b) to determine the conditions where cognitive reliability may be reduced and therefore constitute a source of risk (Hollnagel, 1998), c) to provide a precise/point (instead of interval) human failure rate estimation which can be used as input in FSA (Konstandinidou et al., 2006), d) to improve the accuracy of human failure probabilities through avoiding the loss of useful information in classical fuzzy Max-Min inference operation and e) to realise the instant estimation of human failure probability for a specific task. Given that a and b above have been addressed through the well-known retrospective and prospective analysis in CREAM, this study will focus on the investigation of c using fuzzy logic, d using evidential reasoning and e using Bayesian inference.

To achieve the above aim, the research problem is formulated by identifying the weaknesses of the traditional HRA approaches in general and CREAM in specific in the ensuing section. In Section 3, a generic human failure quantification methodology is developed to overcome the problems of applying the traditional




现代航运活动是通过一个高度复杂的人机系统实现的,其中技术,社会和环境因素常常造成人为错误的发生。由于这类错误引起的高度风险, 人的可靠性分析(HRA)一直在海洋工程安全中至关重要。然而,数据缺乏的问题,以及海洋工程师行为的复杂性,削弱了被广为接受的HRA方法(即认知可靠性与误差分析方法(CREAM))的在海运方面的适用性。本文提出一种改进的认知可靠性与误差分析方法,结合模糊证据推理和贝叶斯推理逻辑,以便于在海洋工程中进行人的可靠性量化。新方法的核心是利用证据推理和信仰结构来建立模糊IF-THEN规则库,以及采用贝叶斯推理机制,集合所有与海洋工程师的任务相关的规则来估计其发生错误的可能性。因此,这项工作的结果也可以为安全工程师提供一个透明的工具,实现在特定的场景/任务中实时估计的人的可靠性性能。



过去几十年中,人类活动一直是生态灾难的源头,比如“三里岛核事故”, “切尔诺贝利核事故” 和 “威望号油轮事故”的悲剧。所有记录在案的海事事故,80%到85%是直接或间接由人的失误造成的,航运业也应承担这一事实的一部分责任。因此航运界通过国际组织如国际海事组织(IMO),采取了一系列措施以减少这些事故。这些措施包括将人的可靠性分析(HRA)引入到规范化安全评估(FSA)。FSA是一种基于风险的、目标设定的海事安全规则制定的方法,在制定欲减少船舶设计和操作的风险的规则时,可以解决单纯使用所指定方法制定规则所产生的不良影响。然而,考虑到直接采用在海事领域文献中可用的成熟的HRA方法比较困难,这样一种措施的有效实施是富有挑战性的。例如,缺乏一般的的历史数据,特别是对人为错误的统计,在海事安全研究领域是一个公认的问题。更重要的是,在船上,传统的需要“做”很多的工作正在被更多的“思考”性质的工作取代。这类“思考”性质的工作具有更明显的背景环境依赖性的特点,即技术、社会和环境因素往往以一种交互的方式促成动态的海洋工作环境。因此,“第二代”HRA方法通过适当地考虑工作的环境背景的影响,加上更强大的纳入专家判断的能力,提供定量的人为错误分析结果,用于克服此类困难。虽然显示出了吸引力,这些方法仍然暴露出来一些在实际应用中的缺点。例如,一种认知可靠性和误差分析方法(CREAM)的前瞻性的量化过程,通常产生一个区间的近似分析的结果,不能提供对于海事安全系统中人为表现的后果可进一步用于FSA框架的评价。






“第一代”HRA方法主要是基于一个关键概念——人为错误主要是由人类的先天的不足造成的——建立的,包括基于任务的人为错误率预测技术(THERP),基于响应时间的操作者行为树(OAT),人类认知可靠性(HCR)分析,基于专家判断的TESEO(Tecnica Empirica Stima Errori Operatori),人为错误评估与减少技术(HEART)和成功似然指数法(SLIM),等等。人为错误概率(HEP)作为传统的概率,通常用来描述纯硬件的机械和结构系统的失效概率。然而在过去的20年中,这样的说法受到了质疑,因为对事故中的人类表现的广泛研究表明,任务执行的背景环境比任务本身的特点更重要。由这个证据,“第一代”方法受到了批评,因为它具有一般公认的数据缺乏、处理相关错误时缺乏一致性,准确证据不充分,心理现实主义支撑不够、行为形成因子的处理不足(PSFS),动态情况处理不到位,对于人类的观点过于机械,不确定性高,系统的任务分析结构不完善,和减少错误的策略不足等缺点。He和其他人也研究了一些经典的HRA方法之间的定量对比,研究显示出,当行为代替认知成为主要的关注点时,“第二代”HRA方法比第一代更具有优越性。


为了开发一种新的HRA范式,例如像对人类行为用概率法进行风险分析,认知模型的复杂性,PSF和模型验证的整合等议题已经到了关键点。为了满足目前的需求,学者们做出了巨大的努力,以提出可替代的“第二代”HRA方法,包括认知事件树系统(COGENT),人机交互时间轴(HITLINE),人为错误分析技术(ATHEANA),人的可靠性的联结主义评估和CREAM等。作为“第二代”HRA方法中最著名的方法,CREAM呈现了一种稳定的错误分类系统,集成了个人、技术和组织因素。通过定义一些子组和表格,这种分类法描述了原因和影响之间的关系,一方面用于错误模式,另一方面用于组织上的原因。为了模拟因果关系,CREAM方法源自于其核心——背景环境控制模型(COCOM)。COCOM紧扣一个原则,即人类的表现是适应于具体的工作条件而有目的地使用个人能力的结果,而不是以预先确定的序列响应给定的事件。因此本模型根据人类认知和行为的背景,并由九个共同绩效条件(CPCs)决定,定义了四个特征控制模型。四种控制模式,即“混乱”(Scrambled),“机会主义”(Opportunistic),“战术”(Tactical)和“战略”(Strategic)与不同的错误概率区间挂钩,代表人的行为错误概率。这九个共同绩效条件分别是:“组织效率性是否足够(#1)”,“工作条件(#2)”,“充分的人机界面和操作支持(# 3)”、“程序和计划的实用性(# 4)”、“同时目标数(# 5)”、“可用时间(# 6)”,“一天的时间(# 7)”、“培训和经验充足(# 8)”和“船员协作质量(# 9)”。选择适当的语言变量来描述这九个共同绩效条件,根据人的绩效可靠性被分为三类(积极、消极或中性)(表1)。由这种分类和COCOM,CREAM可以用来进行双向HRA推理,回顾性分析与前瞻性分析。

2.3 CREAM 问题分析

前瞻性分析的目的之一是提供量化的人的性能可靠性。CREAM通过两步进行量化:一个基础方法和一个扩展方法。基础的CREAM方法对应于任务的初期筛选以及其主要部分,这通过计算正负CPCs的总和实现,并由此确定相关控制模型以及错误率区间。然而,即便是用于筛选,从基础方法中得到的错误率区间也似乎太宽了。也很难在FSA框架进一步使用错误率区间。扩展的CREAM方法使用基础方法的结果和适当的数据源,来计算每个认知功能故障的概率和处理那些需要更精确和更详细的任务。然而,故障统计数据尚不及临界数量,正说明使扩展方法适应于海事领域、开发新的方法这两项任务十分富有挑战性和紧迫。最近,新的CREAM量化方法已经被提出来,这些方法使用的是模糊逻辑。对CPCs的量化会得出模糊的结果,为了计算具体数值作为行为错误概率的结果,这些新方法提供了系统的程序来进行解释。但与此同时,这些方法也暴露出了一些实际问题。这些问题包括:使用多输入单输出的规则库来模拟控制模型和CPCs时忽视逻辑性,模糊极大极小推理操作中有用信息丢失,CPC建模依赖性不足和即时人为错误概率估计不足等。一种贝叶斯网络方法被Kim等学者提出,用以解决CPC依赖性的问题。尽管这种贝叶斯方法显示出了一些优点,但因为在实际HRA应用中,它不能将人类表现的不同影响或不同重要性融合到一起,所以也受到了批评。在Marseguerra 等人的研究中,给CPCs分配了不同的权重,但上述的其他问题在文献中仍然没有得到很好的解决。这项工作的目的就是解决需要被用作进一步调查的问题,以有效的方式实现海事人为错误即时量化,并提供一个更合理的人为错误概率评估机制,该机制将会对CPCs的微小变化十分敏感。

Table 1. Description of CPCs and associated linguistic variables (Hollnagel, 1998)


CPC Levels



Adequacy of organisation

Deficient (L1,1)

Inefficient (L1,2)

Efficient (L1,3)

Very Efficient (L1,4)






Working Conditions

Incompatible (L2,1)

Compatible (L2,2)

Advantageous (L2,3)





Adequacy of man machine interface (MMI) and operational support

Inappropriate (L3,1)

Tolerable (L3,2)

Adequate (L3,3)

Supportive (L3,4)






Availability of procedures and plans

Inappropriate (L4,1)

Acceptable (L4,2)

Appropriate (Llt;



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