1、 网上银行在质量方面的管理
2、 网上银行质量管理的观点
3、 留住客户
Jean-Michel Sahut Professor, Geneva School of Business Administration (Ch) amp; CEREGE EA 1722 - University of Poitiers (Fr)
Quality Management of Internet Banking Services
Abstract:Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a product and service design technique primarily oriented to deliver the lsquo;voice of the customerrsquo; throughout every single planning and design activity. QFD was successfully applied in almost every manufacturing industry, methodologically adapted and employed in the service industries and software development too. The electronic product and service delivery is nowadays a necessary part of a business strategy. By increasing the competitive pressure the electronic environment makes the service providers lsquo;listenrsquo; to the voice of the customer more carefully, to refine it and deliver high quality products and services. This paper demonstrates the QFD application to Internet banking services, which led us to study the quality of online banking from both the customerrsquo;s and the providerrsquo;s perspective. It outlines the links between quality, quality management tools and Internet banking and discusses the complexity of a quality management system for electronic banking.
Keywords: quality function deployment; Internet banking;service quality;information technology,;information system
Internet banking represents a huge e-commerce industry and banks no longer differentiate themselves by merely having an Internet presence. The change shifting traditional banking into an electronic environment has strongly influenced different domains of banking services particularly the range of banking products and services, the mode of interaction with the services, the management of the service, and the quality criteria used to assess banking services [13]. An effective quality management system and quality itself stand at the centre of the delivery of high quality products and services. A bankrsquo; sunder standing of the Internet as a strategic success mode means it has to focus its marginal initiatives in this channel and transform it into a true strategy. An Internet site demonstrates the quality level of a banks services as a whole, therefore improving the quality of Internet banking services and is parti
Quality Management of Internet Banking Services
Abstract:Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a product and service design technique primarily oriented to deliver the lsquo;voice of the customerrsquo; throughout every single planning and design activity. QFD was successfully applied in almost every manufacturing industry, methodologically adapted and employed in the service industries and software development too. The electronic product and service delivery is nowadays a necessary part of a business strategy. By increasing the competitive pressure the electronic environment makes the service providers lsquo;listenrsquo; to the voice of the customer more carefully, to refine it and deliver high quality products and services. This paper demonstrates the QFD application to Internet banking services, which led us to study the quality of online banking from both the customerrsquo;s and the providerrsquo;s perspective. It outlines the links between quality, quality management tools and Internet banking and discusses the complexity of a quality management system for electronic banking.
Keywords: quality function deployment; Internet banking;service quality;information technology,;information system
Internet banking represents a huge e-commerce industry and banks no longer differentiate themselves by merely having an Internet presence. The change shifting traditional banking into an electronic environment has strongly influenced different domains of banking services particularly the range of banking products and services, the mode of interaction with the services, the management of the service, and the quality criteria used to assess banking services [13]. An effective quality management system and quality itself stand at the centre of the delivery of high quality products and services. A bankrsquo; sunder standing of the Internet as a strategic success mode means it has to focus its marginal initiatives in this channel and transform it into a true strategy. An Internet site demonstrates the quality level of a banks services as a whole, therefore improving the quality of Internet banking services and is particularly important since banks depend on customer satisfaction and loyalty for their survival.
In France the first initiatives started in 1996 when BNP-Paribas, Credit Agricola le de
France, CCF and Credit Lyonnais built information web sites presenting banksrsquo; bulletins.
1 . Internet banking in the Context of Quality Management
The web and its related technologies have transformed the way in which financial transactions are processed. Finance has been eliminated from being the interface between organizations and customers, and customers are generating orders through the Internet sites, the delivery of the services automatically follows with no need for a personal contact or finance to be involved. Continuing technological innovations and globally increasing competitive pressure have affected all aspects of the banking business particularly the banking strategies. The strategic positioning decision of Internet banking operations must be clearly formulated [20] and technical and managerial objectives have to be analyzed and taken into account [15]. Electronic banking increases the banksrsquo; dependency on information technology thereby creating the need for the outsourcing arrangements with non-financial institutions such as Internet service providers, technology and telecommunications companies. The operational processes, technical capabilities mediated by hardware, software and communication infrastructure, and the software application create complex managerial challenges for banks.
2 .The Perspectives of Quality Management of Internet Banking
Basically service quality is viewed from two perspectives. From the customer perspective, service quality means differentiating between the expected and perceived quality, the determination of the quality dimensions and the measurement of the customerrsquo;s satisfaction.
The responsibility of the provider is to set up a quality management system, which will ensure that the customerrsquo;s requirements are understood and integrated into the service design and delivery.
3.Customer retention, and positive word-of-mouth, and can maximise the online competitive advantage of e-commerce [14]. A bank considering the Internet as a long term means to achieve the bankrsquo;s strategic goals, has to make commitments to improve perception and positioning of e-experiences in the customersrsquo; minds while the interpersonal character of the delivery largely determines the perceived quality of the service [3]. Customers in the service sector are highly sensitive to service quality and service delivery while they are in contact with the front-line personnel or since the e-commerce revolution, in contact with the web site. It is the technology deciding whether the customer will come back or shift to the competitor next-door which assumes a high importance, particularly in the online industry where it takes a few seconds to switch to a competitorrsquo;s web site. For e-banking managers it should be a “must” to control the quality level of their Internet banking services i
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