美国的服装电视购物: 基于感知风险和购买意向的感知效果和信息传递量研究外文翻译资料

 2023-01-11 10:11:31



Minjeong Kim Sharron J. Lennon



作为分销渠道,电视购物这十年来销售量和客户数在明显大幅增长。在美国,三大最大的电视购物公司按降序排列分别是“屈臣氏”(QVC)、家庭购物网(HS)、和Value Vision(VV)。1995年,所有电视购物渠道营业总额达40亿美元(Maloof, 1997; Underwood, 1996)。1996年,仅“屈臣氏”的网上交易额就达到了18.4亿美元,同比1995年增长了23%(“Suppliers Get Exposure on QVC,”1997),并且“屈臣氏”的网络交易和线下交易持续以两位数的速度增长 (Petrozzello,1997)。1996年,“屈臣氏”有8400多万个订购电话,其结果就是运送出超过5000个的包裹。每个月,“屈臣氏”都会增加15万的新顾客,还有近三分之二的重复购买者。

尽管电视购物具有显著的增长和乐观的前景,但Solomon (1994)依然指出无法检查产品仍是电视购物增长的一个阻碍,这或许就是电视购物公司有达到20%到40%的高回报率的原因。比如,根据Discount Store News的报道,HSN已经达到了超过30%的总回报率(Hisey, 1995)。这么高的回报率可能与购买之前商品无法评估有关,因为对于一个产品的后悔最常被提到的原因是“这不是我预期的”。虽然服装是一种消费者购买之前更喜欢视觉检查的产品(Darian, 1987; Kwon, Paek, amp; Arzeni, 1991; McCorkle, 1990),但它却是经常从电视购物中购买的产品(Solomon, 1994)。

QVC在1996年报道,服装及其配件的销售达到了美元销售额的17% (Halvorsen, 1997)。在334名美国电视购物顾客中几乎90%的人回应李的调查,他们曾从电视购物频道购买过服装。 Stanforth and Lennon (1996)报道指出在他们国家,在一个988位电视购物顾客的样本中,有56%的顾客从电视购物频道购买过服装。同时,这些结果表明,从电视购物频道购买服装的频率很高,虽然它的成本相对于其他电视购物上的产品较低。其他研究人员调查电视购物也已经集中在这一现象上,而不是购买特别的产品上(Auter amp; Moore, 1993;Donthu amp; Gilliland, 1996; Eastlick amp; Liu, 1997; Grant, Guthrie, amp;Ball-Rokeach, 1991; McDonald, 1995; Salomon amp; Koppelman, 1992;Stephens, Hill, amp; Bergman, 1996)。本研究的目的是研究电视购物环境中消费者购买服装的行为。建立了三个目标:(a)确定电视购物领域服装产品销售中有效信息的类型,(b)确定电视购物领域服装产品销售中感知风险感知量的影响,(c)确定电视购物领域服装产品销售中购买意图感知量的影响。



鲍尔(1960)认为,消费者行为是冒险行为,因为消费者的行为可能产生意料之外的后果,其中一些可能是不愉快的。坎宁安(1967)将感知风险的不确定性和后果进行概念化。不确定性与多种可能结果的情况是相关联的。后果是多种不同结果的结果。其他研究人员也已经概念化感知风险两个不同组件的功能:损失发生的概率和损失的重要性 (Bettman, 1972; Lutz amp; Reilly,1973; Peter amp; Tarpey, 1975)。道林(1986)将感知风险定义为一种影响产品购买和存储选择的情境与个人消费行为构造。

尽管感知风险有不同的操作定义,但它一般被认为有多个维度(Bettman, 1973;Cunningham, 1967; Jacoby amp; Kaplan, 1972; Kaplan, Syzbillo, amp;Jacoby, 1974)。雅各布和卡普兰(1972)概念化了五种不同类型的风险(金融风险、性能风险、心理风险、身体风险和社会风险)。在其他研究中,Roselius(1971)确定了时间风险以及雅各布和卡普兰确定的这五种风险。操作定义有如下的六种风险:(a)金融风险是指消费中损失金钱或其他资源的概率,(b)性能风险是指产品购买不能按预期运行的概率,(c)社会风险是指购买产品遭家人或朋友反对的概率,(d)心理风险是指购买的产品与自己预期的不相符的概率,(e)物理风险是指购买的产品导致人身伤害的概率,(f)时间风险是指购买产品或持有产品损失的时间 (Bauer, 1960; Jacoby amp; Kaplan, 1972)。研究人员已经发现这六种类型的风险并用此来解释整体感知风险的重要变化(Stem, Lamb, amp; MacLachlan, 1977; Stone amp; Gronhaug,1993)。


以上关于感知风险的研究已经发现赞助模式与感知风险相关联。以上的研究发现消费者认为家庭购物(例如:电话购物、目录购物、上门销售)比商店购物(例如:百货商店)有更大的风险 (e.g., Cox amp; Rich, 1964; Festervand,Snyder, amp; Tsalikis, 1986; Korgaonkar, 1982; Kwon et al., 1991; Schiff-man, Schus, amp; Winer, 1976; Simpson amp; Lakner, 1993; Spence, Engel, amp;Blackwell, 1970)。例如,Cox和Rich(1964)发现,电话购物比商店购物有更大的整体感知风险。Spence et al.(1970)发现,消费者邮购比商场购物或从一个销售人员那里购物会感知到更大的风险。与目录购物者相比,不进行目录购物的消费者明显从目录购物感受到更多的风险 (Kwon et al., 1991)。Festervand et al. (1986)发现,目录购物比商店购物有更大的金融风险、性能风险和时间风险。

研究者认为,在购买之前不能检查产品导致了家庭购物的高风险 (Akaah, Korgaonkar, amp; Lund, 1995; Cox amp; Rich, 1964;Kwon et al., 1991; Spence et al., 1970)。 Cox and Rich (1964)发现消费者非常担心不能检查和比较商品。Both Spence et al. (1970) and Kwon et al. (1991)提出目录购物比商店购物有更高的感知风险是因为不能评估商品属性。在一项调查电视购物消费者的研究中, Stanforth and Lennon (1996)发现了相同的结果。目录购物的消费者在购买之前可以比较照片、商品介绍和价格,但是相同的情况在电视购物的背景下是不可能的。


以上的研究表明,感知风险是购物形式和产品类型的一个函数。比如,服装销售比其他产品销售有更高的感知风险(Cunningham, 1967; Hawes amp; Lumpkin, 1986; Jacoby amp;Kaplan, 1972; McCorkle, 1990; Prasad, 1975)。因为服装是可见的,要在公共场合穿,并且受时尚潮流的波动,服装的选择不当可能会导致高水平的感知风险 (Kwon et al., 1991; Laurent amp; Kapferer, 1985; Prasad, 1975)。实证研究发现,购买服装与更高的社会和金融风险的认知有关 (Hawes amp;Lumpkin, 1986; Minshall, Winakor, amp; Swinney, 1982; Prasad, 1975;Winakor, Canton, amp; Wolins, 1980; Winakor amp; Lubner-Rupert, 1983)。因此,许多风险伴随着服装的购买而产生。

当在家里购买服装时,其他的风险因素也在发生作用。在购买服装时,颜色、款式、质量、布料手感以及其他产品属性都是重要的标准,但在家庭购物中这些因素没有一样能达到充分评估 (McCorkle,1990)。在这种情况下,消费者不仅无法评估服装的颜色或作工,甚至无法评估一个特别重要的因素,服装是否合身。因此,通过家庭购物购买服装可能导致更高水平的感知风险,因为服装是否合身、是否时尚都是消费者非常关注的,但这些在家庭购物的背景下并不能完全解决。考虑到购买服装的风险和家庭购物的风险,特别是电视购物,从电视购物节目购买服装可能尤其危险。


研究者研究人们家庭购物的态度发现,消费者对家庭购物的态度影响着他们家庭购物的购买意图 (Akaah et al., 1995)。Darden and Dorsch (1990)指出,因为消费者有许多可替代的购物形式可供选择,所以感知风险在影响他们购物模式的选择中扮演一个非常重要的角色。经研究表明,贵重物品的感知风险水平会影响商店的选择过程 (Hirsch, Dornoff, amp; Kernan,1972; Korgaonkar, 1982)。研究者提出,家庭购物中不能检查商品将导致更高的感知风险,这会影响消费者在家购物的意图 (Cox,1967; Festervand et al., 1986; Jasper amp; Ouellette, 1994; Spence et al.,1970)。根据他们的研究,Stanforth and Lennon (1996) 指出电视服装消费者更愿意从电视上购买服装,是因为他们之前电视购物的经历减少了他们的感知风险。然而非电视服装购物者更关心在电视上无法找到关于服装销售的信息,他们不太可能计划未来从电视上购买服装。总之,这些研究表明,家庭购物中商品购买前无法评估这个问题还没有解决。



一个关于电视服装购物的感知风险和相关购买意图的解释是Engel, Blackwell, and Miniard (EBM)(1986) 的研究“消费者决策过程模型”。这个模型有五个决策过程:(a)问题识别,(b)信息搜索,(c)选择评估,(d)购买,(e)售后服务评估。感知风险和信息搜索对消费者的电视购物决策很重要。根据医学模型,第一阶段(问题识别)发生在消费者意识到需要或问题时。在电视购物中,主持人预测消费者的需求或问题,并提供方法去解决问题 (Stephens et al., 1996)。在第二阶段,消费者可能会搜索内部处理器中的产品信息或搜索更多外部的信息。感知风险高的消费者更倾向于从事信息搜索的活动(Dowling,1986; Mitchell amp; Boustani, 1994)。电视购物中消费者不能执行外部搜索,因为无法评估产品,也缺乏与销售人员和其他消费者的人际接触。相反,主持人提供了消费者想要外部搜索到的信息。主持人通过产品演示、专家支持或相关产品解释来提供信息 (Kline, Warisse, amp; MaCain, 1995)。主持人提供的信息或内部搜索的信息会被进行处理。在下一阶段,选择评估、标准评估将用于不同产品和品牌的比较。在电视购物中,主持人也要应对潜在的负面信息,展示如何购买将带来个人价值 (Kline et al., 1995)。主持人提供的处理信息将会导致购买决策的接受或拒绝。Engel, Kollat, and Blackwell (1973) 强调了外部搜索和选择评估阶段感知风险的重要性。如果给定的信息未能减少感知风险,消费者可能拒绝购买。然而,如果提供的信息减少了感知风险,消费者可能移动到下一阶段的购买。最后售后服务的评价,导致消费者的满意或不满意,这将影响未来的购买行为,包括购买意图。某种购物形式的购物经验将影响未来这种购物形式的感知风险和购买意图(Kwon et al., 1991; Stanforth amp;Lennon, 1996)。尽管一些研究人员已经研究了电视购物,但还没有集中在电视购物播放阶段提供的信息上。总而言之,电视购物节目提供的信息将影响消费者在电视上的购物,这是本研究的重点。在文献综述的基础上,提出以下假设。





Television Shopping for Apparel

in the United States: Effects of Perceived

Amount of Information on Perceived

Risks and Purchase Intentions

Minjeong Kim

Sharron J. Lennon

The Ohio State University

In a two-part study, the amount and types of information available in television-shopping segments selling apparel were examined. In Phase 1, a content analysis of 60 segments selling apparel was conducted. In Phase 2, using an experimental format, a convenience sample of 128 middle-aged women (M= 46 years) viewed a 6-minute television-shopping segment selling apparel and assessed perceived risk, perceived amount of information available in the segment, and purchase intentions, and they answered some open-ended questions about their

information-searching activities. Taken together, results of Phases 1 and 2 revealed that when making apparel purchases, participants needed product and customer service information; how-ever, in some segments, that information was never available or was available in less than half the segments coded. Results also revealed that the amount of information perceived from a television-shopping segment selling apparel was negatively related to perceived risk and positively related to purchase intent.

As a channel of distribution, television shopping has shown substantial growth in sales and in number of customers in this decade. In the United States, the three largest television-shopping companies in descending order are Quality, Value, Convenience Network (QVC); Home Shopping Network (HSN); and Value Vision (VV). In 1995,

purchases from all television-shopping channels combined were estimated at $4 billion (Maloof, 1997; Underwood, 1996). In 1996, QVC alone achieved $1.84 billion in net sales, a 23% increase over 1995(“Suppliers Get Exposure on QVC,” 1997), and the net sales and cash flow of QVC have continued to grow by double digits (Petrozzello,1997). In 1996, QVC shipped more than 50 million packages as a result

of more than 84 million phone calls. Every month, QVC gains 150,000new customers, and nearly two thirds of them become repeat purchasers.

Despite the significant growth and optimistic outlook for the future growth of television shopping, Solomon (1994) suggested that the inability to examine products is an obstacle to growth for television shopping and may be why television-shopping companies have high return rates of 20% to 40%. For example, according to Discount

Store News, HSN has reported a 30% overall return rate (Hisey, 1995). This high return rate may be related to the inability to evaluate merchandise before purchase, because the most often-cited reason for returning an item is “was not what I expected.” Although apparel is a product that consumers prefer to visually examine prior to purchase(Darian, 1987; Kwon, Paek, amp; Arzeni, 1991; McCorkle, 1990), it is often purchased from television-shopping programs (Solomon, 1994).

QVC reported that in 1996, apparel and accessories accounted for nearly 17% of sales dollars (Halvorsen, 1997). Almost 90% of the 334 U.S. television shoppers who responded to Leersquo;s (1998) survey had purchased apparel from television-shopping channels. Stanforth and Lennon (1996) reported that in their national sample of 988 U.S. television shoppers, 56% had purchased apparel from television-shopping

programs. Together, these results suggest that apparel is frequently purchased from television, although its cost may be low relative to other products sold on television. Other researchers investigating television shopping have focused on the phenomenon in general, rather than on specific products purchased (Auter amp; Moore, 1993;Donthu amp; Gilliland, 1996; Eastlick amp; Liu, 1997; Grant, Guthrie, amp;Ball-Rokeach, 1991; McDonald, 1995; Salomon amp; Koppelman, 1992;Stephens, Hill, amp; Bergman, 1996). The purpose of this research was to study consumer behavior toward apparel within a television--shopping context. Three objectives were established: (a) to deter-mine the types of information available in television-shopping segments selling apparel items, (b) to determine the effects of perceived amount of information on perceived risk in a television-shopping segment selling apparel, and (c) to determine the effects of perceived amount of information on purchase intent in a television-shopping segment selling apparel.


Perceived Risk

Bauer (1960) argued that consumer behavior is risk-taking behavior because actions of a consumer may produce unanticipated consequences, some of which may be unpleasant. Cunningham (1967) conceptualized perceived risk in terms of uncertainty and consequences.Uncertainty is associated with a situation for which there are various possible outcomes. Consequences are the results of the various out-comes. Other researchers have conceptualized perceived risk as a function of two different components: the probability of loss occur-ring and the importance of the loss (Bettman, 1972; Lutz amp; Reilly,1973; Peter amp; Tarpey, 1975). Dowling (1986) defined perceived risk as a situational and personal consumer behavior construct influencing

product purchase and store choice.

Regardless of different operational definitions of perceived risk, it is generally thought to have multiple dimensions (Bettman, 1973;Cunningham, 1967; Jacoby amp; Kaplan, 1972; Kaplan, Syzbillo, amp;Jacoby, 1974). Jacoby and Kaplan (1972) conceptualized five different types of risk (financial, performance, psychological, physical, and social risk). In other research, Roselius (1971) identified time risk as

well as the five types of risk identified by Jacoby and Kaplan. Operational definitions for the six types of risk are as follows: (a) Financial risk refers to the probability that purc



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