
 2023-01-11 10:11:55


原文作者:Venkatesh Shankaramp;Amy K. Smithamp;Arvind Rangaswamy

  摘要: 我们将要解决的以下问题,对服务行业的管理者来说,正在变得越来越重要:当顾客选择在线或离线服务时,他的满意度和忠诚度会有所不同吗?如果有,是什么因素导致了这些差异呢?在线与离线环境客户户忠诚度与满意度的关系又是什么呢?我们提出了一个对客户满意度和忠诚度的在线媒体的影响和对满意度与忠诚度之间关系的概念框架和发展模型。我们通过联立方程模型,使用两个数据集的在线和离线的住宿业的客户测试的假设做实验。结果有点出人意料,客户选择在线服务还是离线服务,他的满意度是一样的,而顾客的忠诚度,在线服务要比离线服务要高。我们还发现,忠诚度和满意度有一个相互的关系,他们能够相互加强,和整体满意度和忠诚度之间的关系得到了进一步的加强。






满意度和忠诚度是不是相互替代(Bloemer amp; Kasper,1995;奥利弗,1999)。为客户没有非常满意忠诚是可能的(例如,当有一些其他的选择),是高度满意但不忠诚的(例如,当许多的替代品)。公司需要更好地了解在网络环境的满意度和忠诚度之间的关系来分配他们的在线营销工作满意度和忠诚度计划的举措。如果,例如,该公司发现,忠诚是与增加的满意度相关,它可以直接着眼于提高其忠诚度计划。













满意度建立客户忠诚度,增加满意度,这一现象比线下更强大的在线。服 务营销人员应该考虑发展中国家的特殊的忠诚度提高他们的在线客户加强例如整体满意程度.15举措,酒店提供奖励以酒店数量(1)网上预订 提供额外的积分奖励,这些奖励的突出特征(2)在其网站上,(3)使客户能够跟踪他们的奖励的位置,和(4)主动提醒和鼓励客户行为,当他们接近他们的奖 励的里程碑。虽然一些公司已经实现了第一个三项举措,不多做第四的主动性。







外文文献出处:Smith A K, Rangaswamy A. Customer satisfaction and loyalty in online and offline environments[C]. //International Journal of Research in Marketing. 2003:153--176.


Customer satisfaction and loyalty in online and offline



We address the following questions that are becoming increasingly important to manager in service industries: Are the levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty for the same service different when customers choose the service online versusoffline? If yes,what factors might explain these differences? How is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyaltyin the online environment different from that in the offline environment? We propose a conceptual framework and develophypotheses about the effects of the online medium on customer satisfaction and loyalty and on the relationships between satisfaction and loyalty. We test the hypotheses through a simultaneous equation model using two data sets of online and offline customers of the lodging industry. The results are somewhat counterintuitive in that they show that whereas the levels of customer satisfaction for a service chosen online is the same as when it is chosen offline, loyalty to the service provider is higher when the service is chosen online than offline. We also find that loyalty and satisfaction have a reciprocal relationship such that each positively reinforces the other, and this relationship between overall satisfaction and loyalty is further strengthened online.

D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Online markets; Satisfaction; Loyalty; Services, Internet; E-Commerce


 The rapid growth of online transactions in service industries raises important research questions about the levels of satisfaction and loyalty in the online environment, and the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty online relative to offline. Compared to the offline environment, the online environment offers more opportunities for interactive and personalized marketing (Wind and Rangaswamy, 2001). These opportunities may influence customer satisfaction and loyalty differently in the online environmentvis-a`-vis the offline environment.

 Managers are concerned about how the online medium influences satisfaction and

loyalty and the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. Typically, online customers can more easily compare alternatives than offline customers, especially for functional products and services. A competing offer is just a few clicks away on the Internet. Because of these properties of the Web, many managers fear that the online medium may induce lower customer satisfaction and loyalty compared to the offline medium, and that increased satisfaction with a service may not lead to higher loyalty when that service is chosen online.

 Some recent studies show that there may be systematic differences in customer

attitudes and behavior for products and services chosen online versus offline. For

example, price sensitivity may actually be lower online than offline (e.g., Degeratu,

Rangaswamy,amp; Wu, 2000; Lynch amp; Ariely, 2000; Shankar,Rangaswamy, amp; Pusateri,

2001). Brand names (brand equity) could also have higher impact online than offline

(Degeratu et al., 2000). Collectively, these studies suggest that a priori, customer

satisfaction and loyalty for services may be different online (compared to offline), and not necessarily lower online. However, we do not know of any academic research that has carefully explored whether the online medium positively or negatively impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty (other things equal) and why.

 Satisfaction and loyalty are not surrogates for each other (Bloemer amp; Kasper, 1995;

Oliver, 1999). It is possible for a customer to be loyal without being highly satisfied (e.g., when there are few other choices) and to be highly satisfied and yet not be loyal (e.g., when many alternatives are available). Firms need to gain a better understanding of the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in the online environment to allocate their online marketing efforts between satisfaction initiatives and loyalty programs. If, for example, the firm finds that loyalty is associated with increased satisfaction, it could directly focus on enhancing its loyalty programs. In this paper, we address the following questions: (1) For a given service, other things equal, are the levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty different when the service is chosen online as compared to offline? If yes, what factors might explain these differences? (2) Is the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty stronger or weaker online compared to the offline environment? To answer these questions, we develop a set of hypotheses based on a conceptual framework. To test the hypotheses, we formulate simultaneous equation models and estimate them using data from two sets of online and offline samples in the lodging sector of the travel industry. An important characteristic of industries such as online travel, entertainment (e.g., movie, theater, and concert tickets), and restaurant is that regardless of whether customers choose the service provider online or offline, the actual service is experienced by the customer offline. This characteristic enables us to isolate the effects of the medium on satisfaction, separate from the effects of service attributes.

  Prior research studies on satisfaction and loyalty have primarily been conducted in the offline environment. We extend previous research in many ways. First, to our knowledge, ours is the first empirical study to compare the effects of the medium (online versus offline) on customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty.

Second, we study the reciprocal relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty that offers the potential for deeper insights into the nature of the relationship between these const



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