
 2023-01-11 10:19:30


原文作者 Sven C. Berger1, Fabian Gleisner2

Goethe University amp; E-Finance Lab Frankfurt


关键词:信息不对称; 金融中介; 社会借贷



市场在调节商品和服务需求和供应的经济活动上至关重要。金融中介有助于买卖双方(1)提供事务处理能力使交易更便利(2)提高知识和技能水平(3)加入到好的商品和服务中去(Chircu and Kauffman,2000)。

互联网在协调电子商务活动供需中更为重要(Segev et al., 1999, Grieger, 2003)。网上金融交易市场可以促进经济活动,即使是在复杂的和不安全的条件下(Cordella,2006),并能显著降低信息和交易成本,并可能从而取代传统的金融中介机构(Chircu and Kauffman,2000)。

许多学者认为,一旦网上交易市场出现,传统的金融中介机构会被网络效应威胁从而产生脱媒现象(见Chircu and Kauffman在2000年的文献综述)。与此形成鲜明对比的是,网络交易市场和脱媒的理论贡献没有足够说服的经验证据的支持(Chircu and Kauffman, 2000, Sen and King, 2003)。此外,可能永远不会发生传统中介的消失现象。学者Sakar (1998)和Hagel / Singer (1999)认为,网络交易市场可能会是金融中介的新形式。


借款人和贷款人在网络借贷平台实现资金借贷。在网络借贷平台,专注于个人与个人间的借贷活动,并排除了债券和银行之间的消费贷款活动(Meyer, 2007, Mitschke, 2007)。

该网上信用市场作为万维网网站构成了人对人的贷款的一般条件,并提供当前贷款的管理。并且,网络借贷平台起源于不同的贷款方式。一些平台仅负责调解借款人和贷款人,而也有平台匹配借款人的信用列表和贷款人的投标与拍卖机制(Meyer, 2007)。有迹象表明,由于各国不同的监管框架从而产生各种不同运作模式的平台。表1给出了三大英美和德国网络借贷平台和他们的商业模式的概述。

尽管商业模式不同,但有一个显着特点——这些平台拥有共同点。网络交易平台的信用交易发生在匿名虚构的“网名”之间。因此非对称分布着借款人和贷款人之间的信息,这种贷款是没有抵押的,市场面临违约的固有风险(Meyer, 2007)。




作为两个主要的量化数据,个人信用等级和债务指标(债务 - 收入比,DTI)是由信用报告机构Experian合作提供的。虽然借款人的消费信用报告的准确性、完整性和一致性的程度是有争议的,但这些量化的数据信息价值高(Avery 等, 2003)。






作为稳健性的测试,以控制对一个潜在自选择在媒介的选择范围,以测试假设H6,我们进一步应用的匹配方法在第2.5说明。计量经济学匹配技术通过Rosenbaum 和 Rubin(1983年)的发现和Heckman 和 Robb(1985)的扩展。该方法考虑到一个事实,即基件的特性可以从非小组成员显著不同,并确保这样的观察到的特性不与结果直接相关。


我们在P2P网络借贷平台上进行实证分析,用利率(中介服务费后)衡量成功的借款人能够获得资金,低利率表明资本更好地进入。在Prosper 的利率一般应理解为相对市场利率(de Bondt, 2005)。作为因变量,因此我们上面分析的最优惠利率的利差(基点测量,即百分之一的百分之一),以控制对不同的市场利率在我们的数据。



我们加入了一些控制变量纳入我们的分析。首先我们来看看基于常用的银行个人信用报告的四个标准(Avery 等, 1996)。信用等级和债务与收入(DTI)反映还款记录,以及Prosper和由与信用报告机构Experian的合作提供的数据。贷款额和住房自有通常作为附加险包含其中。

分析包括基于互联网的电子商务的两个重要的交易特点。自我披露可能减少网络市场的不确定性(Tidwell and Walther, 2002),我们控制在借款人的贷款清单与个人信息的自我披露上。包括拍卖作为控制变量反映Prosper的拍卖机制,因为这可能会影响显著价格决定的使用(Klemperer, 2004)。借款人可以选择拍卖机制,如果他们想给贷款人的机会,可以出价低利率。不使用拍卖机制关闭,一旦所请求的贷款金额由投标人满足贷款后在平台展示。




一种可以缓解问题的方法在于匹配的方法选择(Rubin and Waterman, 2006),通过它可以构建可对比的信用交易即使用或不使用中介。对选定的两组不相关的数据特性不同,即它们是相同的(“统计双胞胎”)或数据接近。这是最相关的,该特性与相关量度确定信用交易的结果联系在一起。由于使用和不使用中介的相似性可以假设自选择偏差可以从分析中排除。

因为通常有很多对利率解释性变量,需要通过几个变量找到适当的匹配使用数据(Avery 等, 2004)。这也是一个多维的问题,对每个信用交易用复杂的搜索找到合适的数据。Rosenbaum/Rubin(1983)建议使用一个平衡得分,即对所有相关特性得出一个函数,选择匹配的数据是相对于该平衡的得分。倾向得分,作为一个特殊的均衡得分,等于用一组作为中介的概率。倾向分数通常由Logit模型或概率单位模型确定(Titus, 2007)。

当构建配对时,客户的所有相关特性都隐含考虑的倾向得分。因此,寻找匹配的合作伙伴的时候,一个人的倾向得分方面,并只考虑这一个方面(DAgostino, 1998)。搜索一个适当的匹配伙伴的多维问题由此被简化为一维问题。在深入讨论的方法以及足够的搜索算法是由Gensler(2005)和Titus(2007)等人在年提供的,该方法最近已经在金融研究里建立(例如Drucker and Puri, 2005)。










Emergence of Financial Intermediaries on Electronic Markets: The Case of Online P2P Lending

Sven C. Berger1, Fabian Gleisner2

February 26, 2008

Abstract: We analyze the role of intermediaries on electronic markets using detailed data of more than 14,000 originated loans on an electronic P2P (person-to-person) lending platform. On such an electronic credit market lenders bid for supplying a private loan. Screening of potential borrowers and the monitoring of loan repayment can be delegated to designated group leaders. We find that these participants act as financial intermediaries between borrowers and lenders and significantly improve borrowersrsquo; credit conditions. Our findings are robust to self-selection and characteristics of the financial transactions, and may be surprising given the long discussion on disintermediation due to electronic marketplaces.

JEL Classification: D82, G21, G24 Keywords: Asymmetric Information, Intermediation, Social Lending

1 University of Frankfurt, E-Finance Lab, Mertonstrasse 17, 60325 Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Phone: 49 (69) 798-22839. Fax: 49 (69) 798-28973. E-mail: sberger@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de.

2 Corresponding Author. University of Frankfurt, E-Finance Lab, Mertonstrasse 17, 60325 Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Phone: 49 (69) 716-77890. Fax: 49 (69) 716-77891. E-mail: gleisner@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de.

1. Introduction

The evolution of information technology in recent years has led to the development of electronic marketplaces where traditional intermediaries may be less important or even redundant for economic interaction of market participants (see Evans and Wurster, 1997 for an literature overview, Benjamin and Wigand, 1995, Malone et al., 1989, Malone et al., 1987). There has been a long discussion on disintermediation and on the future relevance of financial intermediaries within the financial service industry (Nellis et al., 2000, Allen and Santomero, 2001, Schmidt et al., 1999).

The increasing role of electronic lending marketplaces (P2P Lending or Social Lending) leads to disintermediation by replacing a bank as the traditional intermediary (Meyer, 2007, Hulme and Wright, 2006). A recent study by the consultancy Gartner predicts that by 2010 such social banking platforms will grow to control ten percent of the worldwide market for retail lending and financial planning (Gartner Inc., 2008).

An electronic lending platform enables brokerage of consumer loans directly between borrowers and lenders. Still, new types of additional intermediaries emerge within these electronic marketplaces (Chircu and Kauffman, 2000, Methlie and Pedersen, 2002) as market participants provide paid intermediary services. We argue here that internet-based e-commerce may lead to greater rather than less intermediation as new roles for intermediaries evolve (Bakos, 1991, Bakos, 1998, Sen and King, 2003). Intermediation might always be important in the interaction of economic agents despite electronic marketplaces taking over some functions formerly provided by traditional intermediaries.

To address this question, we examine the role of intermediaries in more than 14,000 credit transactions on the American electronic P2P lending platform Prosper.com. Our empirical analysis is based on the literature on intermediation (e.g. Diamond, 1984, Leland and Pyle, 1976) from which we derive hypotheses on the role of intermediaries on electronic marketplaces.

The electronic lending platform Prosper provides an excellent laboratory for studying intermediaries on electronic marketplaces. Prosper is the largest provider with nearly USD 90 Mio in loans originated in the examination period from 2005-11 until 2007-09, as market participants were permitted to act as paid intermediaries in this time period. All loans on Prosper have an identical maturity of 36 months. Our data sample includes detailed information on 14,321 financial transactions as well as the involved market participants and covers transactions with and without the use of an intermediary. This allows us to test for aspects of the financial transaction as well as individual factors that might influence the usage of intermediary services.

In line with traditional intermediation theory, we find that financial intermediaries on electronic P2P lending platforms have significant impact on borrowersrsquo; credit conditions, suggesting that intermediation helps to reduce the prevalent information asymmetries. A mandatory screening process by means of the intermediaryrsquo;s commitment to screen every loan listing within the group significantly improves borrowersrsquo; access to credit. The intermediary primarily contributes by screening potential borrowers. Following diligent screening, the intermediaryrsquo;s recommendation of a borrower signals better information about the creditworthiness and thus leads to better credit conditions. Moreover, bidding on the screened borrowerrsquo;s credit listing has an even stronger impact on the resulting interest rate.

Our results indicate that borrowers should consider the reputation of an intermediary. Furthermore, intermediation costs tend to offset potentially lower interest margins for borrowers. These results are robust to self-selection regarding the choice of an intermediary and characteristics of the financial transaction. All in all, our results suggest that financial intermediaries on electronic credit marketplaces may create substantial value for borrowers and, generally, that electronic markets create business opportunities for new intermediaries.

Our approach to examine the role of financial intermediaries on electronic lending platforms makes three important contributions to the existing literature on electronic markets and disintermediation. First, this is to the best of our



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