
 2023-01-12 11:51:23


原文作者 Robert M. Cartelli 单位Nova Southeastern University





关键词:电子商务决策策略; 电子商务决策策略模式;

背景:最近美国人口普查局(2014)数据显示,b2c电子商务零售销售(这里称为电子商务)是一个重要的和美国经济的增长。事实上,调整美国人口普查局(2014)2014年第一季度数据显示增长的电子商务为每季度和每年的进行比较,从未来分析,Forrester公司预计美国电子商务支出将增长9.5%的年复合增长率从2013年至2018年” 根据eMarketer(2014),在全球范围内,电子商务销售预计将在2014年增加20.1%,达到1.5万亿美元。



一般来说 ,美国小型企业是作为一个“经济增长和创造就业的引擎”(SBA,2010年,p . 1)来推动美国经济的. 美国政府计划启动美国伙伴关系在2011年引入(白宫,无日期) 提供的证据表明,美国小公司被认为是一个关键的组件在引发和支持一个充满活力的美国经济. 在全球范围内,小公司是一个“重要成分”(经合组织,2004年,p . 8)并维持健康的国民经济增长。本研究表明小公司将继续为美国经济增长的重要推动力(SBA,2009;SBA,2009)和全球经济。因此,研究导致提高小公司性能应该作为一个经济优先。




前期,需要注意的是,这项研究使进行战略,战略决策模式和策略的内容进行过程区分。区分战略过程策略的研究内容是 “传统领域发展过程”的战略管理,战略决策一般业务上涵盖了范围广泛的行为描述一家公司如何做出抉择关于其整体业务战略。它是关于“战略如何组织制造”的,生成的策略通常被称为战略内容,或只是一个策略。

小公司战略决策模式一直是与公司业绩相关。例如,研究导致更好的策略决策是“非常重要”的工作(Verreynne,2006,p . 209) 哈特和班伯里(1994)表明,小公司战略决策过程”是公司业绩的重要预测因子”(265页),Verreynne(2006)哈特和班伯里(1994)指出,小公司战略决策模式“可能对公司业绩产生深远影响”(p.210), 吉布森和Cassar(2005)的结论指出,“一般信仰”(p . 219),定期在小公司计划会导致更高的性能。


给定一个明显缺乏特定的电子商务策略的文献,本研究利用的研究战略决策模式识别一般业务上下文作为识别有用的起点在狭义的电子商务环境下电子商务策略决策模式,具体地说,研究适应Verreynne的战略决策工作(2006)确定了四个“最可能”(p . 209)战略决策模式在小公司,开始在这些公司战略决策模式识别电子商务工作。


电子商务的一个“常见问题是许多公司不小心地制定自己的电子商务战略”(四,2007年,p . 25)。本研究假设小公司等一批公司遭受缺乏谨慎的电子商务战略制定,或缺乏电子商务策略而已。在这里,战略制定和战略决策是可以互换的。

一般业务策略制定文献调查和战略决策模式来识别小公司(吉布森amp; Cassar,2002;哈特amp;班伯里,1994;米勒,1987;Verreynne,2006) ,但文献并不在这些公司也确定电子商务战略决策模式进行调查。缺乏研究是值得注意的,因为它认为“生病构思策略”(里格比,2011,p . 66)的互联网时代注定是许多早期电子商务运营商。到目前为止,没有研究识别战略决策模式在中小企业电子商务。从逻辑上讲,没有首先确定电子商务策略模式,它是困难的,如果不是不可能确定一个特定的电子商务策略模式会导致性能程度一般的电子商务。因此,确定电子商务战略决策模式在小公司是本研究的目标和预期的贡献。


哈特(1992)战略决策是如何描述战略”实际上得到了”(p . 347)。了解战略得到了意味着调查公司的利益相关者之间的关系和相互作用,他们使用的决策过程工艺策略。同时,关系,交互,战略决策方式和决策流程组成一个战略决策模式。策略模式的方式策略发生,经过,完成,产生的输出是一个策略。





鉴于独特和重要的作用,电子商务将在小公司的未来命运,可以说,有一个迫切需要了解导致某些特定的电子商务策略决策模式的电子商务水平的性能。借用小公司策略研究(Verreynne,2006),可以猜测,确定电子商务战略决策属性是必要的第一步了解特定的电子商务策略决策模式电子商务性能的影响。到目前为止,没有任何已知的研究确定了小型企业电子商务策略决策属性。因此,第一个研究问题规定如下: 什么电子商务战略决策属性描述电子商务战略模式在小公司?


第二个研究问题规定如下: 如何分组,形成电子商务电子商务战略决策属性策略决策模式在小公司?

它可以表示,组合属性形成一个给定的模式提供一个描述或自然的模式。一旦战略决策属性的识别和分类,电子商务电子商务策略模式出现在小型企业使用, 从而回答第三个研究问题在这项研究中,这是陈述如下: 什么电子商务战略决策模式在小公司正在使用吗?


信息系统和商业文学包括广泛覆盖电子商务的最佳实践,过程,和战略,并提供洞察将企业战略与技术实现在各种规模的公司。然而,信息系统和业务文学充分地址小企业电子商务策略的特定区域。许多小公司领导有足够的技术能力和决心发射一个电子商务的网站。不断提高电子商务工具销售小公司相对便宜,易于使用,点击应用程序。例如:mivamerchant.com, volusion.com, and bigcommerce.com。然而,尽管拥有技能,决心,和用户友好的应用程序,生成电子商务业务的利润已经被证明一项艰巨的任务(Lee amp; Brandyberry,2003)。当然,一些小公司享受电子商务成功(r·雅克、个人通信、2012年2月10日)。然而,它也是如此,很多小公司没有成功的电子商务项目。无论在公司站在他们当前的电子商务操作,假定大多数小公司寻求增加电子商务收入。本文研究原因,更好地了解电子商务的策略最终将帮助中小企业改善他们的电子商务性能。




http://fjour.blyun.com/views/specific/3004/FThesisDetail.jsp?dxNumber=350101627381amp;d=089FD8E3EDEE8E85A287999E331C24F2amp;sw=E commerce


Identifying E-Commerce Strategy-making Modes in Small Firms

by Robert M. Cartelli 2014

At least five decades of business strategy-making research strongly suggests that how a firm goes about strategy-making, or its strategy-making mode, is a significant determin of firm performance. A mode can be simply described as the manner in which someth happens, occurs, or gets done. Accepting the notion that strategy-making modes are determinants of firm performance, this study contends that how a firm goes about its e-commerce strategy-making, or its e-commerce strategy-making mode, can be a significant determinant of e-commerce performance.

Given the paucity of work in the topic, an exploratory study to identify and characterize-commerce strategy-making modes among small firms was conducted. The study ask three questions: (1) What e-commerce strategy-making attributes c


Identifying E-Commerce Strategy-making Modes in Small Firms

by Robert M. Cartelli 2014

At least five decades of business strategy-making research strongly suggests that how a firm goes about strategy-making, or its strategy-making mode, is a significant determin of firm performance. A mode can be simply described as the manner in which someth happens, occurs, or gets done. Accepting the notion that strategy-making modes are determinants of firm performance, this study contends that how a firm goes about its e-commerce strategy-making, or its e-commerce strategy-making mode, can be a significant determinant of e-commerce performance.

Given the paucity of work in the topic, an exploratory study to identify and characterize-commerce strategy-making modes among small firms was conducted. The study ask three questions: (1) What e-commerce strategy-making attributes characterize e-commerce strategy making modes in small firms? (2) How can e-commerce strategy-making attributes be grouped to form e-commerce strategy-making modes in small firm and (3) What e-commerce strategy-making modes are in use in small firms?

This study combined findings from non-e-commerce domains along with findings from e-commerce practitioner interviews in order to develop a comprehensive set of attribute for classifying e-commerce strategy-making modes. A pilot study followed by a final study was conducted to collect responses to the instrument. Analysis of the data sugges that e-commerce strategy-making modes in firms with fewer than twenty-six employee can be categorized as: inclusive e-commerce strategy-making, (2) open e-commerce strategy-making, (3) clear e-commerce strategy-making, and (4) controlled e-commerc strategy-making

The identification of e-commerce strategy-making modes provides the perquisite first step towards future research investigating links between these modes and e-commerce performance.

Chapter 1



Recent U.S. Census Bureau (2014) figures show that business-to-consumer e-commerce retail sales (herein after called e-commerce) are an important and growing sector of the U.S. economy. In fact, adjusted U.S. Census Bureau (2014) first quarter 2014 figures show growth in e-commerce for both quarter-to-quarter and year-to-year comparisons. Looking forward, Forrester, Inc. predicts U.S. e-commerce spending will grow “at a compound annual rate of 9.5 percent from 2013-2018” (as cited in Internet Retailer, n.d.). Globally, according to eMarketer (2014), e-commerce sales are expected to increase by 20.1% in 2014 to reach $1.5 trillion.

Given the “Great Recession” (United Nations, 2011, p. 2) situation facing the U.S. and global economies, the continued growth of domestic and global e-commerce is good news. This study takes the position that e-commerce will continue to grow and to be an important sector of the U.S. and global economies. From academic and practitionerperspectives, research contributing to the identification of effective e-commerce strategies is a valuable undertaking.

Small Firms and National Economies

Generally, it is agreed that U.S. small firms are an “engine of economic growth and job creation” (SBA, 2010, p. 1) that drives the U.S. economy. U.S. Government programs like the Startup America Partnership introduced in 2011 (White House, n.d.) provide evidence that U.S. small firms are considered to be a critical component insparking and supporting a vibrant U.S. economy. Globally, small firms are a “vital ingredient” (OECD, 2004, p. 8) for growing and maintaining healthy national economies. This study takes the position that small firms will continue to be a significant driver of economic growth for the U.S. (SBA, 2009; SBA, 2010) and global economies. Therefore, research leading to improving small firm performance should be an economic priority.

E-commerce in Small Firms

This study accepts Stansfield and Grantrsquo;s (2003) assertion that e-commerce “is of prime importance to small firms in ensuring their stability and future survival” (p. 15). Given that both e-commerce and small firms are widely acknowledged drivers of future business activity and economic prosperity in the U.S. and globally, research contributingto improving e-commerce performance in small firms is of interest to e-commerce researchers and practitioners.

About Strategy-making

Upfront, it is important to note that this study makes a distinction between a process for making strategy, or a strategy-making mode and the strategy content artifact resulting from that process. Distinguishing strategy process (the how) research from strategy content (the what) research is useful in allowing “a process tradition to develop in the field” (Pettigrew, 1992, p. 6) of strategic management. Strategy-making in a general business context (herein after called strategy-making) covers a broad range of behaviors describing how a firm goes about making decisions regarding its overarching business strategy; it is about “how strategy actually gets made in organizations” (Hart, 1992, p. 347). The resulting strategy-making artifact is commonly referred to as strategy content, or simply a strategy.

Small firm strategy-making modes have been positively linked to firm performance. As such, research leading to a better understanding of strategy-making is “exceedingly important” work (Verreynne, 2006, p. 209). Hart and Banbury (1994) suggest that small firm strategy-making processes “are significant predictors of firm performance” (p. 265). Verreynne (2006) generally agrees with Hart and Banbury (1994) stating that small firm strategy-making modes “may have a profound impact on firm performance” (p.210). Furthermore, Gibson and Cassarrsquo;s (2005) conclusions point to a “general belief” (p. 219) that regular



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