
 2023-01-12 11:51:43


Kuo-chung Chang, Joyce Jackson , 美国 南卡罗来纳州大学Varun Grover , 克莱姆森大学











电子商务的出现已经形成了一种新兴的市场。然而,电子商务改变所包含的内容的定义到现存的研究已经提到了这个术语“电子商务市场”要么从系统导向或市场构建视角。布克思辩称,它是电子市场体系,创造一个空间,在买家和卖家趋同。马龙、苏达权等管它叫做一个相应的治理机制。扎沃斯提出的架构和52%的上述方面包含了一个电子商务网站两个组成部分的结构。相关的电子商务,在这一框架内,作为基础设施,使得电子商务的兴起。在最高水平的影响,造成的问题是电子商务经营治理机制。支持电子商务市场和电子阶层可以发现在底部的水平。介于两者之间的这些层中,有应用层提供增值活动,对信息共享、商务交易,并建立联系。因此,电子商务不仅包括买卖商品,而且各工序在各组织。我们定义电子商务在使用计算机和通信技术在从事大量活动上上下下地增值链,在组织内外。它被广泛地认为,如电子商务相关的电子数据交换(EDI),电子转账、电子通讯、共享企业数字图书馆等都能提高组织效率和有效性。在利益的角度下,电子商务应用效率可以产生内部效率的变化和外部协调通过组织间的整合过程内部的或者。甚至,在电子商务的兴起,尤其是互联网,公司从事电子商务使用电子数据交换(EDI)来改进他们的运作效率。今天,互联网的电子数据交换(EDI)可以进一步整合,提高组织的运作效率。雷根思和曼合派得瑞使用克莱斯勒为例,表明了所提供的电子整合总效益都是有形的和具有很重要的意义。 电子商务技术有效的好处体现在使用延伸的信息交流网络创造组织的价值观。由于这种关系和响应率,以显示该系统,电子商务能够增加一个组织的能力去感知和应对市场需求,由市场信息收集和传播在整个组织。有了这些信息,该组织能准确地评估或刺激市场需求和寻找新的市场。做出正确的决定会反过来有一个战略影响的关系,可以改变的企业,其企业竞争对手和顾客。

2.2 市场定位

外文文献出处:Information amp; Management 2023 (2002) 1–13


Despite the recent downturn in Internet-based business, the dollar value of
electronic commerce (EC) transactions is increasing at an astounding rate. In consumer-tobusiness applications,the amount of money spent by online shoppers is nearly
doubling every year and is expected to approach US$ 100 billion by 2004 while
business to business sales is expected to reach US$ 1.3 trillion by 2003. These
opportunities, powered by the evolving computing and communication technologies, enable companies to gain tremendous operational efficiencies, personalization, and information based products and services. More and more conventional brick and
mortar firms see e-commerce initiatives as offering strategic opportunities to
transcend their normal operations. This study proposes that e-commerce initiatives
are important strategic initiatives and that firms with a stronger EC market orientation will be more successful. Content analysis of CEOrsquo;s letter to shareholders of 145 Fortune 500 firms was conducted to evaluate the importance of EC and strategic orientation. The results provide support to the studyrsquo;s propositions and indicate that EC must be pursued carefully as a strategic initiative rather than as an appendage to an existing organization. Author.

Keywords: E-commerce; Strategic orientation; Market orientation; Corporate
performance; CEO letter to shareholders; Customer orientation; Competitor orientation; Content analysis

1. Introduction
The emergence of e-commerce is creating fundamental changes to the way
that business is conducted. These changes are altering the way in which every
enterprise acquires wealth and creates shareholder value. The myriad of powerful
computing and communications technology enabling e-commerce allow organizations
to streamline their business processes, enhance customer service and offer digital products and services. This shift in underlying marketing fundamentals is now the driving force that is luring many


E-commerce and corporate strategy: an executive perspective
Kuo-chung Chang a , Joyce Jackson a , Varun Grover b

a Management Science Department, The Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina,Columbia, SC 29212, USA

b Department of Management, 101 Sirrine Hall, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634, USA

Received 7 August 2001; received in revised form 5 May 2002; accepted 16 September 2002

外文文献出处:Information amp; Management 2023 (2002) 1–13


Despite the recent downturn in Internet-based business, the dollar value of
electronic commerce (EC) transactions is increasing at an astounding rate. In consumer-tobusiness applications,the amount of money spent by online shoppers is nearly
doubling every year and is expected to approach US$ 100 billion by 2004 while
business to business sales is expected to reach US$ 1.3 trillion by 2003. These
opportunities, powered by the evolving computing and communication technologies, enable companies to gain tremendous operational efficiencies, personalization, and information based products and services. More and more conventional brick and
mortar firms see e-commerce initiatives as offering strategic opportunities to
transcend their normal operations. This study proposes that e-commerce initiatives
are important strategic initiatives and that firms with a stronger EC market orientation will be more successful. Content analysis of CEOrsquo;s letter to shareholders of 145 Fortune 500 firms was conducted to evaluate the importance of EC and strategic orientation. The results provide support to the studyrsquo;s propositions and indicate that EC must be pursued carefully as a strategic initiative rather than as an appendage to an existing organization. Author.

Keywords: E-commerce; Strategic orientation; Market orientation; Corporate
performance; CEO letter to shareholders; Customer orientation; Competitor orientation; Content analysis

1. Introduction
The emergence of e-commerce is creating fundamental changes to the way
that business is conducted. These changes are altering the way in which every
enterprise acquires wealth and creates shareholder value. The myriad of powerful
computing and communications technology enabling e-commerce allow organizations
to streamline their business processes, enhance customer service and offer digital products and services. This shift in underlying marketing fundamentals is now the driving force that is luring many organizations to embrace e-commerce. However, as they are learning,organizations must proceed with caution, as the road to e-commerce is littered with failed initiatives. A plunge in the share prices of dot com companies sent the tech-heavy NASDAQ index into almost free fall; down over 70% of the record
high of 10 March 2000. Though an economic slowdown was apparently likely, one thing was painfully clear; most Internet “pure plays” could not find sustainable profitability by operating only as e-commerce organizations simply by excelling in the
management of technology, information, and the consumer behavior. Similarly, established companies that viewed e-commerce as a stand-alone appendage to their business would be less likely to succeed in these efforts. Therefore, it is our contention that firms must clearly recognize their e-commerce initiatives as an integral part of their strategic objectives. In addition, we propose that firms that carefully evaluate their customer and competitor base, as a part of strategic thinking, will reap more


In the process of forming a corporate strategy to respond to the challenges of environmental change, normative thinking requires that a firm should analyze its industry forces and value-chain activities in order to identify opportunities for IT

innovation. Furthermore, it should examine assets, resources, and competency of the staff and identify those mechanisms that confer a distinctive advantage over their

rivals. Choice of appropriate strategy could then lead to superior performance. In the case of e-commerce, firms implementing such initiatives should carefully analyze external forces, internal resources and their core competencies. The

outcome of this process should be reflected through a tight integration between corporate strategy and e-commerce. This study focuses on this outcome and its relationship
with corporate performance. Specifically, the study investigated the extent to which large successful companies adopted an e-commerce posture that was integrated
with their corporate strategy. Thus, we examined the qualitative portion of the
companyrsquo;s Annual Report: the CEOrsquo;s Letter to the Shareholder, using content
analysis. This letter presents a unique observation point for the researcher
interested in examining corporate strategy and holds potential for determining the innovative methods of the top managerrsquo;s strategy [19]. Bettman and Weitz [6] argue that the CEOrsquo;s letter, which is a standardized component of the report, provides comparable and more objective data on an organization than would interviews. Pfeffer [39], recognizing the utility of the CEOrsquo;s letter as a source of “objective” data on organizations, has called for increased research use of annual report data.
The study uses the CEOrsquo;s letter as input to address the following questions:
1. Is the importance of e-commerce to corporate strategy reflected in improved
corporate performance?
2. Does a firmrsquo;s strategic orientation with respect to e-commerce have an impact
on its performance?

2. Background and propositions
2.1. The perceived importance of e-commerce
The emergence of E-commerce has created a novel mar



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