
 2023-01-12 11:51:58


原文作者:Amir Hassan Zadeh , Ramesh Sharda,

单位: Oklahoma State University


关键词:社交媒体; 营销; 社区;粉丝页面


基于互联网的社交媒体的出现已经开始一个新的消费者和企业之间的对话,挑战传统意义上的市场营销和品牌管理而创造新机会,组织了解客户并与他们取得联系。研究公司ChadwickMartin Bailey与Constant Contact合作进行研究,分析了在美国18岁和18岁以上的1491名消费者,分析显示高达77%的消费者与品牌的互动在Twitter或Facebook主要通过阅读文章和更新的品牌。他们还指出,60%的社会客户更有可能向朋友推荐一个品牌在品牌在Twitter或Facebook后,和50%的人更有可能购买这一品牌。当谈到“喜欢”牌的帖子在Facebook上,原因是多种多样的,但在大多数情况下,受访者表示,他们喜欢一个品牌在Facebook上,因为它们是客户(58%)或因为他们想接收折扣和促销活动(57%)。今天,客户体验共享通过社交媒体,博客和论坛成为购买的决定主要因素,因为这些平台提供消费者更有影响力的声音,影响自己的客户服务。恩斯研究表明,70%的消费者使用社会媒体平台“至少部分时间”来了解一个公司提供的客户服务在做出购买之前。此外,其中,74%的客户选择公司基于客户服务的经验共享的网上论坛。在过去的几年中,大品牌已经开始认真地使用社交媒体了,社交媒体营销已经是他们的营销计划不可避免的一部分。例如,可口可乐,一个世界上最知名品牌,在800年2007年,在Facebook上有800粉丝,在2010年,它已经跨越6230万“喜欢”。2012年,为了纪念可口可乐Facebook页面成为第一零售商品牌获得5000万“喜欢”,可口可乐公司开发出一种新的Facebook应用程序识别和支持个人发展,影响和塑造的想法,让他们与Facebook合作社区传播全球。通过这个应用程序,可口可乐教世界唱完美和谐的歌,动员数以百万计的人做他们最喜欢的事业,并鼓励他们变得更加活跃和多参与社会活动。作为一个结果,消费者参与建议产品的修改和服务的创新的分布。星巴克的品牌,在Twitter上最多的前十,使用微博来与客户分享知识,促销他们的最新产品,活动和事件。平均每天十条推讯在推特上,星巴克从网络中提取全球现有的客户和潜在的客户表达他们的期望,喜欢和不喜欢的品牌的相关信息。2010年,三角洲航空公司推出了第一个社交媒体”票窗口”在Facebook上,允许客户预订机票可以去其他网站。三角洲指出在飞行时使用Facebook的客户比任何其他网站多,使之成为一个“自然发射点”的倡议在移动设备上访问OSNs,无疑加速OSNs的流行。



在过去的几年中,数以百万计的人使用社交媒体应用程序(Facebook、Twitter、YouTube,Google 等等)的一部分日常在线活动。在2011年,超过一半的社会媒体用户跟随在社交媒体网站发布的品牌,越来越多的品牌投资于传媒方式传播营销活动,数据显示在社交网站上通过全球营销开支约为43亿美元。




在过去的几年里,大量精力花费来探索内容在在线社交网络的统计特性(OSNs)。大多数先前的关于OSNs实证分析是把网络作为静态的。他们分析社交网络在单个数据。然而,这样的社交网络系统本质上是动态的,特点是高突发度和两个用户之间有正相关关系是很强的,活动是由一组二元,定向的,加上时间戳,人群反应的加权事件。据我们所知,只有少数研究分析人气增长的模式内容OSNs使用预测模型.Crane和索尔内特提出蔓延模型作为模型的YouTube视频观看动态了解流行爆发可以描述。他们区分四类流行动态(无记忆的、病毒、质量和垃圾),这都是霍克斯的解释属性点的过程。萨博和胡伯曼之间找到一个很强的线性相关早期和后来的时代内容的流行在YouTube和Digg网络。这种相关性证实,如果内容是新流行的,它将继续流行。另一个有趣的社交媒体挖掘工作是由Chatzopoulou et al报道。他们发现相关性强的是总数(或评论最喜欢的),与在YouTube上看的总数。有相对较少文学的研究探索在线社交的能力网络来预测实际结果的收入或释放时间等产品在市场上。Sadikov ,亚伯和瑞呈现的案例研究中,博客内容可以预测电影和音的乐成功。他们表明,微博内容相关的音乐或电影的观点(如facebook帖子、微博、视频等)可以提供一个准确电影或音乐的是否成功的预测。虽然以前的研究建立声望模型基于一维函数的时候,我们建议内容流行可以是一个联合概率函数的时间和数量的追随者。我们更注重将追随者的数量作为一个有影响力的指标纳入预测模型内容中,显式地看着有影响力的用户在他们的追随者的影响说服他们为品牌知名度做贡献。在本文中,我们采用一个数学框架基于自激点过程来研究品牌发布在线社交网络上的流行。具体来说,我们校准一维,二维自激点过程模型来估计人气增长模式的品牌在Twitter上发布内容。

外文文献出处:1. Introduction

The emergence of Internet-based social media has started a new kind of conversation among consumers and companies, challenging traditional ideas about marketing and brand management while creating new opportunities for organizations to understand customers and connect with them instantly [56]. Research firm ChadwickMartin Bailey

in partnership with Constant Contact conducted a study that analyzed the behavior of 1491 consumers ages 18 and older throughout the U.S., and revealed that a whopping 77% of consumers interact with brands on Twitter or Facebook primarily through reading posts and updates from the brands. They also noted that 60% of social customers are more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after following the

brand on Twitter or Facebook, and 50% of them are more likely to buy from that brand as well. When it comes to “Liking” brand posts on Facebook, the reasons are varied, but for the most part, respondents said they like a brand on Facebook because they are a customer (58%) or because they want to receive discounts and promotions (57%) [21].Today, the customer experience shared through social media, blogs and discussion forums is becoming a major driver of purchasing decisions, because these platforms provide consumers a more influential voice in effecting changes in their own customer care [15]. Barnes research [9] indicates that 70% of consumers use social media platforms“at least some of the time” to learn about the customer care offered by a company before they make a purchase. Furthermore, of them, 74% of

customers choose companies based on customer care experience shared by others in online forums.Over the past few years, big brands have started taking social media

seriously, and social media marketing has been an inevitable part of their marketing plan. For example, Coca-Cola, one of the worlds most recognizable brands, had 800 fans on Facebook in 2007, 16.5 million in 2010, and it has currently crossed over 62.3 million “likes”. In 2012,in honor of the Coca-Cola Facebook page becoming the first retailer brand to receive 50 mil


1. Introduction

The emergence of Internet-based social media has started a new kind of conversation among consumers and companies, challenging traditional ideas about marketing and brand management while creating new opportunities for organizations to understand customers and connect with them instantly [56]. Research firm ChadwickMartin Bailey

in partnership with Constant Contact conducted a study that analyzed the behavior of 1491 consumers ages 18 and older throughout the U.S., and revealed that a whopping 77% of consumers interact with brands on Twitter or Facebook primarily through reading posts and updates from the brands. They also noted that 60% of social customers are more likely to recommend a brand to a friend after following the

brand on Twitter or Facebook, and 50% of them are more likely to buy from that brand as well. When it comes to “Liking” brand posts on Facebook, the reasons are varied, but for the most part, respondents said they like a brand on Facebook because they are a customer (58%) or because they want to receive discounts and promotions (57%) [21].Today, the customer experience shared through social media, blogs and discussion forums is becoming a major driver of purchasing decisions, because these platforms provide consumers a more influential voice in effecting changes in their own customer care [15]. Barnes research [9] indicates that 70% of consumers use social media platforms“at least some of the time” to learn about the customer care offered by a company before they make a purchase. Furthermore, of them, 74% of

customers choose companies based on customer care experience shared by others in online forums.Over the past few years, big brands have started taking social media

seriously, and social media marketing has been an inevitable part of their marketing plan. For example, Coca-Cola, one of the worlds most recognizable brands, had 800 fans on Facebook in 2007, 16.5 million in 2010, and it has currently crossed over 62.3 million “likes”. In 2012,in honor of the Coca-Cola Facebook page becoming the first retailer brand to receive 50 million “likes”, Coca-Cola developed a new

Facebook application to identify and support individuals developing,influencing and shaping ideas and ask them to collaborate with the Facebook community to spread them globally. Through this application,Coca-Cola teaches the world to sing in perfect harmony, mobilizes millions of people behind their favorite cause, and encourage them to become more active and socially involved. As an end result, consumers become involved in suggesting modifications of products and services and the distribution of these innovations [11,12].Starbucks, as one of the top ten most followed brands on Twitter,uses tweets to share knowledge with customers and promote their latest

products, campaigns and events [20].With an average of ten tweets per day on Twitter, Starbucks extracts relevant knowledge from a network of current and prospective customers around the globe who express their expectations, likes and dislikes about the brand [20,48].In 2010, Delta Airlines launched the first social media “ticket

window” on Facebook which allows customers to book a flight without having to go to any other website. Delta pointed out Facebook is being used by more customers while in flight than any other Website, making it a “natural launching point” for its initiative [8]. Access to OSNs on mobile devices has certainly accelerated the popularity of OSNs.

As more and more major brands have established their communities and fan pages within online social networks (OSNs) and started offering commerce opportunities delivered through social media platforms,crowdsourcing applications have become some of the most engaging tools in digital marketing realm, enabling brands to realize the potential for their fans input into the product development and the market development processes [36]. Such innovative and creative initiatives enable businesses to improve their products, get brand recommendations,increase brand awareness and popularity, find new customers or even excite a specific demographic. In many cases where fans within social media are particularly passionate about a brand and its products,there will be a clear desire to become part of the product itself, have input as a group and energize the brand and its product lines [57].

2.1. Online social networks

During the past few years,millions of people have used social media applications (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google , etc.) as a part of their daily online activities [30]. In 2011, more than half of social media users followed brands on social media sites, and brands are increasingly investing in social media to crowdsource marketing activities,indicated by worldwide marketing spending on social networking sites of about $4.3 billion [25].

Today companies develop official fan pages and online communities within online social networks to understand customers, connect with them instantly and provide them with information about their brands,products, promotions and more. Meanwhile, brand fans can like, comment and share brand posts. Users of Twitter can retweet, which much like a Facebook share. Followers retweet the tweets of those they are following to propagate information to other people. People respond to popular users by “replying” and/or “mentioning” [7].Followers can also mark the content as favorite which is functional similar to the “like” action on Facebook. The “like” and “retweet”buttons are the easiest ways for Facebook and Twitter users respectively to join in on the brand conversation and give feedback. Comments/

replies on brand posts can be positive, neutral or negative. In most cases, social media users who choose to become fans of a product are those who are particularly passionate about a brand and its products and enjoy having input or being a member o



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