
 2023-03-17 11:49:48






E-opportunities of service sector SMEs: an Irish cross-border study

(服务业中小企业的电子商机: 爱尔兰跨境研究)

原文作者:Elaine Ramsey Pat Ibbotson Jim Bell and Brendan Gray

1 前言

电子商务通常被称为“中小企业通往全球商业和市场的门户”。这是一个极具吸引力的选择,特别是考虑到政府提供的大量支持(例如电子商务倡议) ,来推动该行业的增长。越来越多的人们猜测,中小企业将能够占领全球市场,向国际客户销售产品,并与大型企业展开有利的竞争。然而,以往的研究表明,采用信息和通信技术战略的情况因公司规模、出口活动、对利益的认识、客户类型及大型贸易伙伴的要求而不同(lauder and westall,1999; poon and swatman,1999)。虽然公司的规模被认为是一个主要的决定因素,但往往有多种因素在起作用。因此,我们认为中小型企业在网络技术方面存在重大障碍,包括对网络动态的战略性认识,以及发展管理电子商务信息基础设施的能力。(tetteh and burn,2001)

2 电子商务模型


●电子商务生命周期模型(berryman,1999) ;

●互联网商务成熟度模型(poon and swatman,1999) ;

●承诺-执行矩阵模型(stroud,1998) ;

●增长阶段的模型(mckay et al.,2000) ;



3 中小企业运用电子商务的障碍




4 研究课题



调查设计:调查结果来自一份自填邮寄问卷,该问卷随机分发给来自不同服务部门的500家中小企业(其中250家来自爱尔兰北部,250家来自南部) ;在接受调查的爱尔兰北部和南部的500家服务公司中,收到了53家中小企业的回复(回复率为11%)。其中两个被认为无法分析。大多数公司(92%)规模较小,雇员不足50人。59%的企业雇用的员工少于10人(微型企业)。

5 分析结果(企业运用电子商务的关键要素)















6 结论




[1] Elaine Ramsey ;Pat Ibbotson ;Jim Bell. “E-opportunities of service sector SMEs: an Irish cross-border study.” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,2003 ;10(3):250-264.

E-opportunities of service sector SMEs: an Irish cross-border study

Keywords: Electronic commerce, Service operations, Small-to medium-sized enterprises

Abstract:The Internet is causing fundamental changes in the economics of service industries as new, network-based global e-business models emerge, where small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been identified as key users of Internet commerce. Initially the paper contextualises the research issues via a review of the theoretical opportunities afforded firms of all sizes. Correspondingly, an examination of the practical impediments from an SME perspective suggests that, among other things, there are major hurdles for SMEs going online including strategic appreciation of the dynamics of the Web and the development of capabilities for managing the information infrastructure for e-business. To illustrate the inherent issues, the findings of empirical

research are presented. Both inductive and deductive methodological approaches were employed to investigate e-business awareness, attitudes and activities among a sample of Irish (north and south) service sector SMEs.


E-business is often described as the lsquo;SMErsquo;s gateway to global business and marketsrsquo; (Liikanen, 2001); an extremely attractive option, especially given the huge publicity and support provided by governments (e.g. e-b usiness initiatives) to push growth in the sector. It is increasingly speculated that they (SMEs) will be able to capture global markets, sell to international customers and compete favourably with large corporations. However, previous research shows that adoption of ICT strategies varies according to size of the firm, exporting activity, awareness of benefits, type of customers and its imposition by large trading partners (Lauder and Westall, 1999; Poon and Swatman, 1999). Often a multiplicity of factors may be at work, although size of firm is considered a major determining factor (Department of Trade and Industry, 1998). Thus it is suggested that there are major hurdles for SMEs going online, including strategic appreciation of the dynamics of the Web and the development of capabilities for managing the information infrastructure for e-business (Tetteh and Burn, 2001).

E-business models

To this end, the emergence, rapid growth and interest in Internet and electronic commerce

have bee





关键词:电子贸易; 中小企业;企业能力


E-opportunities of service sector SMEs: an Irish cross-border study

Keywords: Electronic commerce, Service operations, Small-to medium-sized enterprises

Abstract:The Internet is causing fundamental changes in the economics of service industries as new, network-based global e-business models emerge, where small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been identified as key users of Internet commerce. Initially the paper contextualises the research issues via a review of the theoretical opportunities afforded firms of all sizes. Correspondingly, an examination of the practical impediments from an SME perspective suggests that, among other things, there are major hurdles for SMEs going online including strategic appreciation of the dynamics of the Web and the development of capabilities for managing the information infrastructure for e-business. To illustrate the inherent issues, the findings of empirical

research are presented. Both inductive and deductive methodological approaches were employed to investigate e-business awareness, attitudes and activities among a sample of Irish (north and south) service sector SMEs.


E-business is often described as the lsquo;SMErsquo;s gateway to global business and marketsrsquo; (Liikanen, 2001); an extremely attractive option, especially given the huge publicity and support provided by governments (e.g. e-b usiness initiatives) to push growth in the sector. It is increasingly speculated that they (SMEs) will be able to capture global markets, sell to international customers and compete favourably with large corporations. However, previous research shows that adoption of ICT strategies varies according to size of the firm, exporting activity, awareness of benefits, type of customers and its imposition by large trading partners (Lauder and Westall, 1999; Poon and Swatman, 1999). Often a multiplicity of factors may be at work, although size of firm is considered a major determining factor (Department of Trade and Industry, 1998). Thus it is suggested that there are major hurdles for SMEs going online, including strategic appreciation of the dynamics of the Web and the development of capabilities for managing the information infrastructure for e-business (Tetteh and Burn, 2001).

E-business models

To this end, the emergence, rapid growth and interest in Internet and electronic commerce

have been paralleled with a number of stages of growth models, such as:

● the e-business life cycle model (Berryman, 1999);

● the Internet commerce maturity model (Poon and Swatman, 1999);

● the commitment-implementation matrix model (Stroud, 1998);

● the stages of growth model (McKayetal, 2000); and

● Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) SME e-business adoption ladder (2000)

These models exemplify the various phases involved in moving toward greater sophistication, with respect to the use and management of information technology.The crux of e-commerce is to effectively match the efforts to create superior value with the technical capabilities of the “new” medium. Business strategies and information systems/information technology strategies must be closely aligned both internally to produce a seamless process of planning and receiving an order, making and receiving payments electronically, and externally across all players in strategic business networks.

SMEs and e-business——the impediments

Statistics from the European Observatory for SMEs suggest, and other studies confirm, that most SMEs are not using ICTs such as the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) for commercial transactions. A study of small firms in Northern Ireland with their own Web sites concluded that the Internet was being under-utilised, where 83 percent of respondents did not have an Internet strategy or include the Web as part of their marketing strategy.

Other empirical research found that designing, updating and maintaining Web sites proves difficult for small firms (Blackburn and Athayde, 2000). This difference between what is technically possible and the lack of widespread adoption is the classic example of e-business failure among SMEs.

A fundamental lsquo;lsquo;horizontalrsquo;rsquo; success factor that underpins e-business is the SMEsrsquo; use of technology where the very nature of e-business dictates that an Internet business is the technology that drives it.

The research issue

The main objective of this research was to investigate the level of ICT adoption and e-business activities among service sector SMEs in the north and south of Ireland.

Research methodology

The researcher employed a multi-stage approach using both quantitative (postal survey) and qualitative research instruments (Web site analysis, and a case study)

The survey

The findings are derived from a self-completion postal questionnaire distributed to a random sample of 500 SMEs (250 from the north of Ireland and 250 from the south), from various service sectors

Postal survey findings

Of the 500 service firms in the north and south of Ireland that were surveyed, responses were received from 53 SMEs (11 percent response rate). Of these, two were deemed invalid for analysis.The majority of firms (92 per cent) were small, employing fewer than 50 employees, with 59 per cent employing less than ten (micro business) employ



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