
 2022-11-22 16:20:59

The exchange rate pass-through to import and

export prices

Ehsan U. Choudhri , Dalia S. Hakura、


Using both regression- and VAR-based estimates, the paper finds that the exchange rate pass-through to import prices for a largenumber of countries is incomplete and larger than the pass-through to export prices. Previous studies have reported similar results, which give rise to the puzzle that while local currency pricing is needed to account for incomplete import price pass-through, it would not imply a lower export price pass-through. Recent explanations of this puzzle have emphasized markup adjustment in response to exchange rate changes. This paper suggests an alternative explanation based on the presence of both producer and local currency pricing. Using a dynamic general equilibrium model, the paper shows that a mix of producer and local currency pricing can explain the pass-through evidence even with a constant markup. The model can also explain the observed variability of key variables as well as the fact that the regression and VAR estimates tend to be similar.


There continues to be much interest in understanding the mechanism that determines the exchangerate pass-through to import and export prices. A key issue is what role is played by nominalrigidities and currency choice (for setting the price of traded goods) in determining the behavior of import and export prices relative to the exchange rate. This question has important implications for the international transmission mechanism and the design of optimal monetary policy in an open economy.

The conventional assumptiondincorporated in the Mundell-Fleming model and adopted by Obstfeld and Rogoffs seminal (1995) contribution to new open economy macroeconomicsdis that prices of traded goods are sticky in the currency of the producer. Models based on the assumption of producer currency pricing (PCP) imply that flexible exchange rates are desirable in achieving relative price adjustment. Moreover, optimal monetary policy rules are inward looking in that they stabilize domestic prices and output, and do not react to international variables like the exchange rate (Corsetti and Pesenti, 2001; Clarida et al., 2002). An alternative view assumes that prices of traded goods are sticky in the currency of local consumers (e.g., Betts and Devereux, 2000). The assumption of local currency pricing (LCP) leads to very different prescriptions for monetary policy. For example, Devereux and Engel (2003) show that under LCP, there is no benefit to exchange rate flexibility and fixed exchange rates are to be preferred. If exchange rates are flexible, optimal monetary policy under LCP would react to international variables (Corsetti and Pesenti, 2005).

Both PCP and LCP hypotheses, however, have problems explaining the evidence on the exchange rate pass-through to import and export prices. In the baseline versions based on preset prices, PCP implies that the pass-through (the elasticity of the price in home currency with respect to the exchange rate) equals one for import prices and zero for export prices. These implications are reversed under LCP.Inconsistent with these predictions, the import price pass-through for OECD countries tends to be significantly different from zero and one, and on average, is close to one-half (Campa and Goldberg,2005). Estimates of the export price pass-through also generally do not support the baseline versions of both PCP and LCP (e.g., see Bussi_ere and Peltonen, 2008). Models based on staggered prices modify the values of pass-through predicted by PCP and LCP, but not sufficiently to conform to the evidence. For example, if prices are set according to the Calvo (1983) model, the pass-through to import prices under LCP would be positive but generally lower than the estimated value. More problematically, LCP would still imply a value of the pass-through to export price, which is too high. This inconsistency was highlighted by Obstfeld and Rogoff (2000), who pointed out that a depreciation of national currency (an increase in the exchange rate) should improve the terms of trade (the price of exports relative to imports) according to LCP, but in data, depreciation tends to be associated with a deterioration in the terms of trade (implying that the pass-through to export prices tends to be smaller than to import prices).

To explain the evidence on the pass-through to import and export prices and the behavior of the

terms of trade, a number of recent studies have suggested variations of the basic model, which allow markup adjustment in response to exchange rate changes. Corsetti and Dedola (2005), for example, develop a model of price discrimination based on the assumption that sale of goods abroad requires an input of local (nontraded) distribution services. They show that even in the presence of flexible prices(in which case, currency choice does not matter), a sufficiently high distribution margin in this model can generate the import price pass-through and the exchange rate-terms of trade association observed in data.3 Corsetti et al. (2008) extend this model to also explain exchange rate volatility and other empirical regularities. This literature suggests that markup adjustments rather than nominal rigidities and currency choice play a key role in determining the pass-through behavior.

This paper argues that the pass-through evidence can be explained by an alternative model, which assumes that there is a mix of firms using PCP and LCP in each economy. This assumption is consistent with data on the currency of invoicing of exports and imports (e.g., see Goldberg and Tille, 2008), which shows that international transactions are invoiced in national currency as well as trade partner currency or a vehicle currency like the US dollar



Ehsan U. Choudhri , Dalia S. Hakura





在蒙代尔 - 弗莱明模型中,通过新的开放型经济奥布斯特菲尔德和罗格夫的开创性(1995)贡献认为,传统宏观经济学中的生产贸易产品厂家都存在价格粘性。基于生产者货币定价的假设(PCP)模型暗示灵活的汇率在实现相对价格的调整是可取的。另外,最优货币政策规则是内向型的,因为它们稳定国内价格和产出,不会像汇率一样存在国际上一些变量的变化(科尔塞蒂和毕赞提,2001; Clarida等,2002)。另一种观点假定贸易品的价格均在当地消费者(例如,贝茨和德弗罗,2000年)中具有货币价格粘性。当地货币定价(LCP)的假设,导致对货币政策存在非常不同的效应。例如,德弗罗和恩格尔(2003年)表明,在当地货币定价的假设下,灵活的汇率没有任何好处,相反,固定汇率政策是首选。最优货币政策随着国际上汇率或价格的变化而变化(科尔塞蒂和毕赞提,2005年)。



本文认为,传递效应可以通过另一种模式,它假定有使用PCP和LCP各经济体企业的混合来解释。这个假设是对出口和进口(例如,见Goldberg和Tille的,2008年)的计价货币,这表明国际交易均以本国货币以及贸易伙伴货币或如美元车辆货币开具发票的数据保持一致和本国货币计价的份额不同国家和行业不同而不同。既PCP和LCP的混合模型也发现有助于解释汇率的程度直通到非美国G6各国不同的价格(CHOUDHARY等,2005)。最优货币的选择(出口货物的价格)的文献表明,在一个经济体同时使用PCP和LCP的可以在两种类型的均衡出现。一种可能性是一个平衡,其中使用的PCP和LCP企业是两种类型的定价之间的不同(Devereux等人,2004),另一种可能性是PCP优选为一种类型的产品,而LCP优选为他人(Bacchetta和van Wincoop,2005)。确定货币选择的关键因素是如何指定模型敏感程度。我们不试图解释货币的选择,而是着眼于PCP和LCP和没有标记调整机构的模型是否能够解释对汇率对进出口价格的传递是大多数国家所广泛运用的。为此,我们估计汇率传递通过进口和出口价格进行了大量的国家和研究如何以及动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型交错的价格,既包含PCP和LCP也包含一个常数的标记的混合物来解释这种传递效应。


我们首先回顾一下在短期汇率传递,通过证明进出口价格为这对进出口价格指数数据,可为足够长的时间国家的一个大样本。同时使用回归和VAR模型的简单版本中,我们发现,进口以及出口价格趋于下降,和进口价格传递往往比出口价格传递大。值得注意的是, 传递的回归估计类似于VAR估计进口和出口价格。我们还利用回归模型来估计从长期来看的传递效应,发现两个进口和出口价格,它比短期更大的传递,但往往是小于一。









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