
 2022-11-22 16:27:22


Based on 36 citiesrsquo;datum, We build a model to examine whether a series of tax incentives to promote FDI inflows have a significant effect or not after 2001. The results showed that: After WTO, preferential tax policies which were taken to promote FDI inflows and upgrade industrial structure indeed had a certain effect. From sub-regional perspective, preferential tax policies for central and western regions still attract FDI, while the eastern region is no longer significant.

Keywords :Tax Incentives, FDI

1. Introduction

Foreign direct investment (FDI, the following uses FDI) as capital inflows cannot only make up for the insufficiency of investment in the host country. Under the action of demonstration effect and spillover effect, FDI can improve the investment rate of the host country, expand exports, increase capital formation capability, increase fiscal revenue, and promote the benign development of national economy.

Since the reform and opening up, for the reason that domestic capital is insufficient,thus the government has developed a series of policies and measures to encourage foreign investment, and also achieved some success. Especially since Chinarsquo;s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the amount of foreign direct investment in China showed a growth spurt, even reached $100 billion in 2010. At the meantime, FDI also increased investment in the tertiary industry, such as services, and financial services. In 2014 the proportion of FDI which actually used in real estate was as high as 26.95 percent, ranked second only to the manufacturing sector. The ability to undertake industrial transfer in Central Region has enhanced, and thus some industries have begun to move from coastal areas to inland. In order to narrow the differences in regional development, to guide FDI transfer to central and western regions, as early as 1999, the State Administration of Taxation has adopted the relevant provision that the corporate income tax rate of FDI enterprises which set up in the Midwest encouraged by the state reduced to 15%.

In order to balance the income tax burden between foreign companies and domestic enterprise, and improve the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers, China has promulgated the new “Enterprise Income Tax Law” in 2008. This implement has ended the tax preference of FDI as long as 30 years in our country. Whether the impact of a series of tax policy on FDI after China joined in WTO had the effect is one of the main objectives discussed in this paper. Due to the special geographical environment and unbalanced regional development condition, the factors that attract FDI between central and western regions are not the same. This article also discusses which factor in different region is the most important.

2. Literature Review

For this topic, our scholars have done some relevant research.

Lei Guangping (2006) put it that the reaction to different types of business tax incentives are not the same, for export-oriented FDI, foreign investors can select multiple-countries and regions in the international market as an alternative to commodity production, its response to tax incentives is more sensitive. For inward FDI which major facing domestic market, choose to invest in host country has a better geographical advantages than the production in other countries and regions, in general, their response to the tax incentive is not as sensitive to export-oriented enterprises. Tax incentives can neither make up for the defect in the investment climate in the country, nor produce the desired external effects. However, when other factors (such as infrastructure, transport costs, political and economic stability) is substantially equal to a regional tax it is likely to have a great impact on investor choice. However, this effect is not stereotyped, depending on the tax means he used, multinational characteristics, and the relationship between the national tax system and investment between the receiving countries.

Chen Bing (2007) found that: tax incentives is indeed an important driving force to attract foreign investment. At the same factor level of economic development and infrastructure, also have a significant impact on the inflow of foreign capital.

And some scholars study found tax incentives for FDI is not significant. Zhang Yang,Emily (2006) use cross-sectional data of 2003 the provinces and municipalities, drawn from the analysis, in 2003 Chinarsquo;s actual foreign direct investment of 535 billion yuan,accounting for 40.17% of total Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions mainly small-scale labor intensive enterprises, labor costs only larger sensitivity of the foreign companies are not sensitive to tax changes. United States, China and Japan accounted for 17.29% of total credit is mainly the home country tax type, as long as Chinarsquo;s actual tax rate is not higher than the home country tax rates, our tax rate changes no major impact on business investment. Some of the remaining long-term development is the main type, the value of our investment in Chinarsquo;s economic growth and future market prospects, and therefore sensitive to relatively small tax. Also a key factor model analysis results obtained impact of foreign direct investment of Chinarsquo;s economic development level and the degree of openness, the role of taxation in which FDI is not obvious,the variable is not significant.

Cheng Lanfang, Wang Qiang (2008) of 56 selected cities, 1989-Panel Data of 2004,respectively, from the perspective of the whole period and two phases for quantitative analysis examines the market size, infrastructure, labor costs, labor quality, the level of urbanization and the impact of tax incentives on FDI (in urban units, mainly because of incentives towns targeted release) of. The empirical results show that tax incentives throughout the period 1989-2004 in view of the role is to promote, but phased term 1989-1997 E





程兰芳,王强(2008)56个选定城市,1989年 - “2004年面板数据”分别从全期角度和两阶段进行定量分析,分析了市场规模,基础设施,劳动力成本,劳动质量水平的城市化和税收激励对外国直接投资的影响(城市单位,主要是因为激励城镇有针对性地释放)。实证结果表明,1989 - 2004年期间的税收优惠政策的作用是促进,但分阶段1989 - 1997年效应在1998 - 2004年是积极的,但已经产生了负面影响。笔者认为主要原因是,随着改革开放的不断深入,吸引外资的税收优惠政策逐渐减弱,一个国家想通过对外国中西部地区实施税收优惠措施而遇到的困难落后落后,基本方针目标未实现,造成负面局面。


据邓宁[1]指出,“国际生产折衷理论”指出,企业投资于其他国家是否依赖企业所有权优势,内部化优势和东道国地理位置优势等三个因素,主要包括以下四大类:1)市场因素,包括市场规模,市场增长,与客户接触程度,市场现有布局。 2)贸易壁垒,包括贸易壁垒(关税高或低)程度,当地客户偏好。 3)成本因素,包括劳动力成本,原材料成本,运输成本。 4)投资环境,包括政策法规和外商投资政治稳定程度。因此,本文选择了以下指标作为模型的变量。
税收因素(税):由于企业实际税负难以衡量的原因,我们采取了采用税收优惠政策指标的陈斌[3]采取的措施,反映了区域税收优惠政策的程度,税收优惠指数越大,外商直接投资使用的优惠税收政策越大,一般来说,税收优惠幅度越大,企业的税收负担越小,税后利润就越大。因此,我们可以预测指数与外商直接投资流入成正比。中国的税收激励政策是分区域的,根据张阳[4],2001年之前,中国的税收优惠按照经济特区 - 沿海开放城市 - 首都在2001年,经济特区的税收指数分配到3号,开放沿海城市分配到第2位,内陆首都分配到第1位。2001年,西部开发战略实施了贵州,四川,云南其他12个西部省份给予更多的税收优惠自主权,考虑到2002年政策的及时性,我们将西部省级税收优惠政策指标分配给2,其他地区保持不变。 2007年颁布的新企业所得税法规定,从2008年起,除西部地区外,其他部分企业所得税合并,取消了对外国直接投资的原始税收优惠。因此,自2008年以来,经济特区,沿海开放城市以及西部以外地区的税收指数调整为第0位,西部开发区税收优惠指标保持不变。根据上述分析,2001年至2014年不同税收优惠对外商直接投资的影响如下

region year








coastal cities




Inland host cities


2(west) 1(others)

2(west) 0(others)


3.2 模型的建立
LnFDIit=beta;i beta;1taxit beta;2Lngdpit beta;3Lntranspit beta;4Lninfrastit beta;5Lnwageit εit
其中,i = 1,2,3,...,44,选定的36个城市的代表,t = 1,2,...,14不同年份的代表在2001-2014之间,beta;i代表的影响不会改变 随着时间的推移,beta;1,beta;2,beta;3,beta;4,beta;5是每个变量的回归系数,代表了影响每个因素对FDI影响的因素,εit是随机误差项模型

由于时间长短是14年,样本量是36个城市,所以这是一个简短的面板模型,在面板数据回归之前。我们应该决定这个模型适用于固定效应或随机效应。固定效应模型是指面板数据模型的斜率不随横截面和时间变化,截距仅随变化的个体差异而不随时间变化。随机效应模型用于通过误差项测量每个横截面的差异。实验结果如下:H = 14.76,Pgt; H = 0,拒绝零假设,您应该使用固定效应模型。在回归分析之前,对样本数据的描述性统计如下。从面板中可以得到良好的数据分布,以确保采用固定效应模型分析的适用性。在stata12中使用的回归分析总样品如下(表5)。




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