
 2022-11-25 15:13:48

Vol.8, No. 7 (2015), pp.89-98


The Study of the Effect of Urbanization on Urban-Rural Income Gap in Jiangxi Province

Yu Bing-wen

School of Economics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics E-mail:yubingwen2005@163.com


Urbanization is not only an important way to transfer the rural labor but also an efficient way to improve life quality. The text takes Jiangxi province as an example. It is based on the statistical data of Jiangxi province from 1978 to 2012 and makes a empirical study on the relationship between urbanization and the effect of urban-rural income gap. And the result shows that there is, indeed, a long-run equilibrium relationship among the two above, and to be specific, the improvement of urbanization is conducive to narrowing the income gap. And it is one of those significant ways to narrow the urban-rural income gap by speeding up the urbanization.

Keywords: urbanization, rural and urban income, gap


There has been a rapid growth in Chinese economy and the living standard of its residents. The Gross Domestic Product has increased from 364.52 billion RMB to 51.93 trillion RMB in 2012. Meanwhile, the PCDI (per capita disposable income) of urban residents has increased from 343.4RMB to 24565RMB and the per capita net income of rural residents has also increased from 133.6RMB to 7917RMB during the same period. They have increased by 11.8 and 13.9 times respectively without considering the price change. However, achievements came with problems such as the continuous widening of the urban-rural income gap. The index of rural and urban income gap has increased from 2.57 in 1978 to 3.10 in 2012 which still tends to rise. The problem has a negative influence on the development of our economy. Whatrsquo;s even worse, it could lead to some severe social problems like social stratification, the collision between urban and rural residents, etc. As a result, while developing the economy, we should also focus on the problem of income inequality.

In Jiangxi province, the problem of the urban-rural income gap is even severer, because of the slower development of its economy. Having the largest income gap

in the central region, the index of urban-rural income gap has raised from 1.4 in

1983 to 2.5 in 2012, 2.8at the maximum. Hence, the policy of “The central committee of the communist party of china on several major issues comprehensively deepen reform” in the third plenary session of 18 aimed to realize the harmonious development between medium cities and small towns, the industrial and urban integration development and the coordinated promotion of urbanization and the new rural construction. And the government work reports in this year also put the urbanization and the new rural construction as key tasks. So itrsquo;s of great importance to have a good study on the factors of the urban-rural income gap in Jiangxi province so as to take efficient measures to solve the problem and to realize the rise the Central China. Right in this case, based on the statistics in Jiangxi province in recent 35 years and from the perspective of urbanization, the text tries to seek some helpful answers to narrow the urban -rural income gap.

ISSN: 2005-4246 IJUNESST

Copyright ⓒ 2015 SERSC

Literature Review

First, the policies and our system have been contributing to widening the income gap. John Knight, Li Shi and Lina Song (2004) both hold the opinon that Chinese policies and system has prevented the agricultural surplus labor from flowing to non-agricultural industries and cities, which leads to an unbalanced welfare system and the current situation of income inequality [1]. Cai Fang (2003) analyzed the problem of income gap by means of institutional economics and drew a conclusion that policies of cities are the main factors [2]. Zhou Shijun and Zhou Qin (2011) certified that the long-run preferential policies to cities directly lead to wi dening of the income gap by constructing the measurement model of urban and rural income and the Regression model. Second, the financial development also has a negative influence on income gap [3]. The economist, Chen Binkai and Lin Yifu (2013) from the perspective of the government development strategy, found urban -rural income gap continued to widen reasons are the government aims to encourage strategic priority to the development of capital-intensive sectors, resulting in a relative decline in the employment needs of the urban sector, thus delaying the process of urbanization, rural residents can not be effectively transferred to urban, so income gap are widen [4]. Clarke (2003), after studying the global data about the relationship between financial development and income distribution with other economists, believes financial development did widen the income gap [5]. Yao Yaojun (2005) certified that there was a long-term equilibrium relationship between financial development and income gap by constructing the model of VAR [6]. Hu Zongyi and Liu Yiwen (2010) also made a study in the way of nonparametric tests, the result of which showed that in the initial stage, there is a significant and positive nexus existing between financial depth and income gap, but in the advanced stage, there is a negative correlation between them [7]. Zhang Hongyan, He Qing and Yu Qian (2013) use VAR model analysis a long-term equilibrium relationship between development and urban-rural income gap between Chinas rural finance and rural finance development of Chinas urban-rural income gap is widening Granger cause, the income gap between urban and rural residents is because the outflow of capital and non-rural formal financial


Vol.8, No. 7 (2015), pp.89-98



Yu Bing-wen



摘要:城市化不仅是转移农村劳动力的重要途径,也是提高生活质量的有效途径。本文以江西省为例。它基于江西省1978 - 2012年的统计数据,并对城市化与城乡收入差距效应的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明,上述两者之间确实存在长期均衡关系,具体来说,城镇化的改善有利于缩小收入差距。这是通过加快城镇化来缩小城乡收入差距的重要途径之一。






首先,政策和我们的制度一直在导致收入差距的扩大。 John Knight,Li Shi和Lina Song(2004)都认为,中国的政策和制度阻碍了农业剩余劳动力流向非农产业和城市,导致福利制度不平衡和收入不平等的现状[1]。蔡芳(2003)通过制度经济学分析了收入差距的问题,并得出了城市政策是主要因素的结论[2]。周世军和周勤(2011)认为,通过构建城乡收入测量模型和回归模型,对城市的长期优惠政策直接导致了收入差距的缩小。其次,金融发展对收入差距也有负面影响[3]。经济学家陈柏才和林一夫(2013)从政府发展战略的角度,发现城市 - 收入差距继续扩大的原因是政府的目标是鼓励战略优先发展资本密集型行业,城市部门就业需求的相对下降,从而拖延城镇化进程,农村居民不能有效地转移到城市,所以收入差距扩大[4]。Clarke(2003)研究了与其他经济学家的金融发展和收入分配之间的关系的全球数据后,认为金融发展扩大了收入差距[5]。姚耀军(2005)通过构建VAR模型证明了金融发展与收入差距之间存在长期均衡关系[6]。胡宗义和刘一文(2010)也对非参数检验方法进行了研究,结果表明,在初始阶段,财务深度和收入差距之间存在显着正相关,但在后期阶段,它们之间存在负相关[7]。张红燕,何庆,余倩(2013)利用VAR模型分析中国农村金融与农村金融发展的城乡收入差距与中国城乡收入差距之间的长期均衡关系正在扩大格兰杰原因,城乡居民收入差距是因为资本外流和非农村正规金融发展还不够[8]。格林伍德和Jovanovi(1990)金融发展和收入分配研究之间的关系的研究结果是符合理论倒U形库兹涅茨。第三,随着经济的发展,居民收入增加,收入差距也扩大[9]。 Zhang Luo和Fang Tianfang(2007)也通过协整检验和姜因因果关系检验来分析城乡收入差距与经济增长的关系,认为经济增长有助于扩大收入差距[10]。通过使用1978年至2008年的省际面板数据,结合理论诱导和实证研究,张建辉和齐涛(2011)认为,中国经济增长与城乡收入差距之间的关系的倒“U”形库兹涅茨曲线真的存在。最后一个观点从人力资本的角度分析了城乡收入差距[11,12]。侯凤云,付杰,张凤兵,2009年,陈炳凯(2010)分析了Oaxaca-Blinder对政府的教育投资,人力资本投资和中国城乡收入差距的关系,结论表明,问题的关键在于教育水平的差异。有另一项研究几乎相同。 2003年,结合1993-2010年的省际面板数据[13,14]。杨晓军(2013)调查了农村人力资本投资的影响。结果表明,增加农村人力资本投资,特别是教育投资,有利于缩小收入差距。此外,越好经济是,措施更有效[15]。最后的其他因素影响城乡收入差距,如Ming Lu和Zhao Chen(2004)从1987年到2001年省级面板数据的估计结果显示城市化与城乡统计之间的收入差距缩小显着效应[16]。王晓路和范刚(2005)发现经济增长,收入再分配和社会保障,公共产品和基础设施的因素以及收入差距的因素制度将对城乡收入差距产生影响[17 ]。


3. 城市化与城乡收入差距的传递机制

根据现有论文,结合我国经济现状,可以得出结论,通过调整产业结构,解决收入差距问题主要有以下几种。1.双经济结构的影响。在我国经济发展的初级阶段,政府实施了双重经济结构-城乡分割,促进经济增长,因此,大部分资源转移到工业区,第一产业的劳动生产率远低于第二产业和第三产业的劳动生产率。此外,这也导致城乡资本,技术创新等不平衡状况,收入差距扩大。2.就业效应。改革开放以来,工业化进程使二三产业创造更多的就业机会,吸引了农村剩余劳动力,同时农村居民收入也有所增加。3.收入分配的效果。动态产业结构需要各种生产要素,这将对收入及其分配产生影响。由于第二产业和第三产业更加优惠,出现了产业结构不平衡发展的问题,城乡收入差距甚至更大。 4.产业结构转型。在这个过程中,随着第二产业和第三产业越来越优惠,许多从事第一产业工作的农村居民必须面对失业问题。结构性失业也导致收入差距扩大。5.人力资本转移的影响。虽然流动的农村剩余劳动力有利于缩小收入差距,但是农村发展所需的年轻劳动力短缺无疑不会有助于缩小收入差距,甚至更糟糕。首先,我们已经确认,调整产业结构对缩小收入差距有影响,但如何做得更好,我们还需要进一步研究。

城市化对收入差距主要有两个影响。一方面,城市化有助于扩大城乡收入差距。1.双重城乡户籍制度效应。我国严格的制度阻碍了农村人口流向城市。一般来说,那些富有的农民比穷人更有可能成为城市公民,这使不平衡的收入情况更糟。更重要的是,城市的工资和福利要好于农村,导致进一步的扩大收入差距。 2.产业集聚效应。移民扩大了城市的规模,导致了工业集聚。因此,它可以提高工业生产效率,降低城市生产成本,城市居民收入增加。3.资本投资效应。由于农村居民流向城市,政府必须投资更多的基础设施建设和公共服务,这将减少应该投资在农村的资本。当然,这使农村地区的情况比以前差,收入差距也比较大。然而,另一方面,城市化有利于缩小收入差距。 1.竞争效应。随着城市化的进程,转移剩余农村劳动为农村劳动力创造了更多的就业机会,并帮助他们增加收入,因为城市的支付远远高于农村。2.资本的反馈效应。当那些在城市工作的人将积累的资本带到农村,投资于农业和基础设施施工。通过这种方式,可以改善生活条件。另外,收入增加。3.调整农村经济结构的效果。随着城镇化的进程,农村剩余劳动力的转移为农村劳动力创造了更多的就业机会。因此,人均土地急剧增加。规模经营和产业化调整产业结构。一方面,由于收入差距,城市化进程将加快,这将吸引农村居民流向城市。由于收入差距,城乡消费结构存在较大差异。确切地说,城市消费远远超过农村地区,城市居民倾向于消费更好的城市。此外,不是那些必要的项目,耐用消费品和其他用于娱乐和社交性交的物品已经成为我们日常生活中的核心商品。因此,我们必须将发展的重心从第一产业转移到第二产业和第三产业。

4. 数据源和变量定义

4.1. 数据源


4.2. 变量定义

4.2.1 收入差距指数(Theil)

在现有论文中,很多学者,如卢明和陈赵,通过分析城镇人均收入 - 农村人均净收入来衡量城乡收入差距比。很多其他学者,如王晓路和范刚认为基尼系数是分析收入分配的基本工具。然而,基尼系数对中产阶层的收入变化非常敏感,不能很好地反映收入差距。但与上述指数不同,Theil指数对两组的变化(高收入和低收入)敏感。此外,Theil指数不仅可以反映收入的变化,而且可以反映相关人口结构的变化。因此,本文将采用李小玉和郭文在2011年提出的Theil指数来衡量收入差距。索引将标记为Theil。公式是:

2 p

 p z

T h e i l


i , t i , t i , t

 ln  / 





i 1 

t   t t

4.2.2. 城市化率(Urb)

城市化率是城市化进程的关键指标。城市人口 - 永久人口比率一般被视为指标,这在2007年被程凯明和李金昌用来指城市化率。虽然毛麒麟曾用非农村居民 - 永久人口来讨论城市化率,但前者的指数被更广泛地接受,因为有官方数据来验证。该索引也应用在本文中,标记为Urb。

4.2.3. 工业结构指数(Is2,Is3




5.1. 单位根检验


Table 1. The Result of the Unit Root Test



5%( critical value)


















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