
 2022-12-03 14:36:05

The Development of Chinese Sports Industry with Economic Society Development

Abstract.:Samaranch, the former International Olympic Committee President has said that without the help of commerce, Olympic Games will go towards death. Benz Company believes in that the more you put into sports industry, the more profits you will get. The development of economic society helpt to bring about the prosperity of sports industry, and as a flourishing tertiary industry, sports industry also contributed to the development of economic society. At present, the sports circle and economic circle has reached a consensus of mutualism. The sport industry and economic society will achieve common development amp; progress and advance steadily in their constructive interaction. In addition to promoted economic society development, the sports industry also promoted and developed sports culture, spread sportsmanship, and promoted morality, civilization, and esthetic sentiment in its development and the process of serving the public, by which achieved the common development of sports industry, economy and culture, thus promote the healthier and more harmonious development of the whole society.
Key words: sports industry; economic society development; relationship

  In the sport is gradually along with the development of the society, it is an important part of human culture. From the 70 s and s of 20th century, with the development and the transformation of economic and social sports has to give up the original Olympic idealism, and agree to the social and economic gradually, so as to form the sports industry as a new industry. Samaranch, the international Olympic committee (IOC), said the most favorable factors commercialization is forced to adapt to the modern social movement. The commercialization is the rise of sports industry and the prosperity of the most powerful method to promote common development of the sports industry and economic society. Now, the sports industry has become the new beginning, the new journey, modern economic development path of sports power the dominant force in the port. In addition, the core competitiveness of the sports industry is a national sport. Therefore, the sports industry, the relationship between the economic development far-reaching influences, considers and common development plan sports industry and economic society is of far-reaching significance.

  The sum total of the sports industry in all walks of life the same economic activity or economic production sports products and knowledge of product use, prove products or sports for social services. As the development of national economy is an important part of sports economy has common characteristics and other industries, such as emphasis on market efficiency and to promote economic benefits. It also has the characteristics of different, other industries. The development of the sports industry plays an important role playing restricted the economic structure; improve economic growth and increasing employment and driving the industry development.   

Scope of sports industry :Through the ontic of sports industry is the sports industry, sports medium industry, sports consumers. Its core is the sports industry ontic including fitness and entertainment industry and the sports industry. Marginal sports industry is including sports lottery industry, sports, sports apparel industry, sports tourism and so on. Sports advertising, sports sponsorship sports and sports insurance intermediary industry. The sports industry is key to the sports consumption. A wide range of sports industry, including investment and construction stadium, expand the service, the production and consumption of goods, the market operation assumption movement of the sports events, the development of sports tourism, sports training course. The sports industry is a diverse symbiotic system and have a wide range of industries: sports contests industry, entertainment industry, sports information industry, service industry sports venues, sports training industry, the development of the sports advertisement, sports financial, insurance industry, sports business service industry, sports brokerage industry, sports construction, sports manufacturing, etc. Diversified industrial symbiosis unit rely on each other sports in a homogeneous and multiphase symbiotic model in the outer complex symbiotic environment. Based on the symbiotic relationship between industries, we can deduce diversified symbiotic unit sports industry diversification, the diversity of symbiotic model and diversified symbiotic environment. Sports industry has the close relation, the performance in the industry input-output relation called complementary. Input-output relation is refers to the general two-way 'supply-demand' between symbiotic unit. For example, sports competition sports industry relies on the successful operation of training industry provide performance sports talents, sports information industry purchasing broadcast rights, sports advertising industry provide financial support and sports financial insurance offer all kinds of insurance for athletes and sports teams. At the same time the industry would provide fitness sports fitness entertainment industry in direction of the competition, and technology demonstration for sports training industry. Sports advertisement industry products information may distribute marketing products through the sports teams, athletes and games. Playing industrial symbiosis unit of comparative advantage, optimize the allocation of resources, development and at the same time, also can obtain the sports industry symbiosis mutual benefit and win-win results and establish a complete series of industry to meet public








定义体育产业的总和,体育产业的各行各业同样的经济活动或经济生产体育产品和产品使用的知识,证明产品或体育为社会服务。由于国民经济的发展是体育经济的重要组成部分,具有和其他行业共同的特点,比如强调市场效率和促进经济效益。它还和其他行业存在不同的特点。体育产业的发展对经济结构的制约起着举足轻重的作用,比如:改善经济增长, 增加就业, 带动产业发展等。

体育产业的分类:体育产业的本体是体育产业、体育传媒产业、体育消费者。其核心是体育产业本体,包括健身娱乐业和体育产业。边际体育产业包括体育彩票业、体育运动、体育服装业、体育旅游业等。体育广告、体育赞助体育与体育保险中介业。体育产业是体育消费的关键。多元化的体育产业,包括投资建设体育场、拓展服务业、生产消费品、市场运行假设运动项目、体育旅游开发、体育训练课程。体育产业是多元化的共生体系, 具有广泛的产业: 有体育赛事产业、娱乐业、体育信息产业、服务业体育场馆、体育培训业、体育广告、体育金融业、保险业、体育服务业、体育经纪业、体育建设业、体育制造业等。多元化的产业共生单元在外部复杂的共生环境中以同类和多相共生模式为依托。基于产业之间的共生关系, 可以推导出共生单元体育产业多元化、共生模式多元化和多元化共生环境。这些与体育产业有着密切的关系,表现在产业内的投入产出关系称为互补性。投入产出关系是指一般双向“供需”之间的共生单位。例如,体育竞技体育产业依赖于培训业的成功运行提供的体育人才、体育信息产业采购转播权,体育广告业提供财务支持和体育金融保险为各种各样的运动员和运动队提供的保险。同时该行业将提供健身体育健身娱乐业的竞争方向,以及运动训练行业的技术示范。体育广告行业产品信息可以通过运动队、运动员和体育比赛来分发营销产品。发挥产业共生单元的比较优势,优化资源配置,发展同时,也可以获得体育产业共生互利共赢的成果,建立完整的产业体系,满足公共支出。当产值大于投入值时,体育产业可实现增值,包括经济价值和社会软价值。






体育产业已成为国民经济的重要产业, 在国民经济的发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。北京2008奥运会隆重举办,展现出中国体育产业的蓬勃发展。同时,不断调整产业结构升级,为体育产业发展提供良好契机。体育消费总量增加、消费个性化和消费多元化也逐渐显现。参与体育消费将成为主流的消费模式,将推动整个体育消费的发展。目标;社会的未来是不可逆转的。当今,体育产业与经济的共同发展已成为体育界和经济周期的热点问题,体育产业将成为经济发展的新增长点。只要我们抓住机遇,开拓进取,提高体育产业的发展和完善的区域,那么我国体育产业将有广阔的发展前景,将会成为新时期国民经济新的增长点和第三产业的支柱产业,







体育产业的发展特别是政治、经济、文化背景,是可持续发展、现代社会发展和人类文明经济发展的必然结果。因此,我国体育产业的未来规划应立足于社会经济的发展, 顺应市场长期经济规律, 但是二者之间的接触力在自上而下工作时并不十分理想。


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