
 2022-12-09 10:49:18

J. Geogr. Sci. 2014, 24(1): 33-45

DOI: 10.1007/s11442-014-1071-9

copy; 2014 Science Press Springer-Verlag

The provincial pattern of the relationship betweenurbanization and economic development in China

CHEN Mingxing, HUANG Yongbin, TANG Zhipeng, LU Dadao, LIU Hui, *MA Li

Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, CAS; Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

Abstract: Understanding the relationship between Chinas urbanization and economic de-velopment on a provincial scale is of profound theoretical and practical significance. Based ondata from 124 countries or regions throughout the world and 31 provinces or autonomousregions in China, applying improved methods using the quadrant map approach, this paperanalyzed the spatial pattern of the relationship between Chinas urbanization and economicdevelopment level. The study identified the following results. (1) The 31 province-level re- gions fall into six categories: only one region is in the category of sharp over-urbanization, 3 regions are in medium over-urbanization, 11 slight over-urbanization, 8 basic coordination, one medium under-urbanization, and seven slight under-urbanization. (2) There are signifi- cant regional differences on a provincial scale in the relationships between urbanization and the level of economic development. (3) The provincial pattern of urbanization and economic development is significantly different between east and west. The eastern coastal areas are mainly over-urbanized, while the central and western regions are mainly under-urbanized. (4) The relationship between urbanization and the level of economic development is similar to the Matthew effect. Hence, two important insights are proposed. First, the phenomenon of over-urbanization in some developed regions should be viewed with some concern and vi- gilance. Second, urbanization needs to be speeded up moderately in the central and western regions.

Keywords: urbanization; economic development; relationship; provincial pattern; China

1 Introduction

The relationship between urbanization and the level of economic development in terms of geography, economics and demography is a classic topic of discussion. Chenery and Syrquin(1988) systematically analyzed the relationship patterns between urbanization and economicdevelopment level in the 1970s, and Chinese scholar proposed the logarithm regression

Received: 2013-03-10 Accepted: 2013-07-16

Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41001080; No.40971076; No.41230632; Key Project for

the Strategic Science Plan in IGSNRR, CAS, No.2012ZD006

Author: Chen Mingxing (1982–), PhD, specialized in urbanization and regional development.

E-mail: chenmx@igsnrr.ac.cn

*Corresponding author: Ma Li (1975–), PhD, specialized in economic geography and regional sustainable development.

E-mail: mali@igsnrr.ac.cn

www.geogsci.com www.springerlink.com/content/1009-637x

34 Journal of Geographical Sciences

model for urbanization and per capita GDP (Zhou, 1982). In general, there is a strong corre- lation between urbanization and the level of economic development, and it seems that each country or region conforms to this rule to a certain degree (Henderson, 2003; Liang, 1999).This has become a fruitful empirical research domain, which implies the complexity of thisrelationship. Urbanization in China is not like the parallel urbanization of Western countries,nor like the over-urbanization in many developing countries, which falls into the categoriesof under-urbanization that urbanization lags behind economic development level (Zhang andZhao, 2003; Ebanks and Cheng, 1990; Liu et al., 2003). While some research has pointed out that urbanization did not lag behind the level of economic development before 1978, it has become more prevalent than under-urbanization with the surges in rural–urban immigra- tion that have occurred in the mid and later periods of the Reform and Opening-up Policy (Chang and Brada, 2006). Furthermore, some scholars hold the view that the urbanization of China is increasing dramatically, at breakneck speed (Friedmann, 2006), and that it displays the characteristics of the rapid growth of urban scale and peri-urbanization (Lin, 2006; Lin, 2007; Chen et al., 2013).

There are many divergent views on this relationship among domestic scholars. Lu holds that aggressive and rash urbanizing in China will trigger many serious development prob- lems (Lu et al., 2007), while Guo believes that urbanization lags behind the economic de- velopment level (Guo, 2002). Gu investigated the relationship between urbanization and the level of socio-economic development in the case of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and the results suggest a reciprocal dependency and supporting relationship between urbanization and the socio-economic development level (Gu, 2004). Fang and Liu (2007) suggested that urbanization has already entered a stage of rapid growth and that the phenomenon of region- al deprivation has been increasing even faster. In general, most scholars hold the view that urbanization lags behind economic development. Meanwhile, given the wide variation be- tween Chinarsquo;s different regions, many scholars have devoted much effort into studying the regional diversity of urbanization (Xu and Ye, 1986; Zhang, 2002; Zhu et al., 2006; Liu,2007; Gu et al., 2008) and the spatial pattern of the relationship between urbanization and the economic development level (Fan and Tian, 2003; Liu et al., 2003; Li, 2008). With re- gard to the recognition of this relationship, quantitative parameters deriving from data from the 1950s to the 1970s by Chenery ar



城镇化和人均国内生产总值(周,1982)。总的来说,这是城市化与经济发展水平之间存在很强的相关性,似乎每个国家或地区符合这个规则到一定程度(亨德森,2003;Liang,1999)。这已经成为一个卓有成效的实证研究领域,这意味着这种关系的复杂性。城市化在中国是不是像西方国家的城市化也像平行,在许多发展中国家的城市化属于城市化率,城镇化滞后于经济发展水平下(Zhang andZhao,2003;Ebanks和程,1990;刘等人,2003)。同时,一些研究已经指出,在1978之前城市化并没有落后于经济发展水平,它与农村–城市移民在中后期阶段的改革开放政策所发生的冲击下变得比城市更普遍(常和布雷达,2006)。此外,有些学者认为,中国的城市化急剧增加,以极快的速度(Friedmann,2006),这说明对城市规模的快速增长和peri-urb.anization特性(Lin,2006;林,2007;陈等,2013)。在这个关系,国内许多学者不同的看法。卢认为,在中国城市化的激进会引发许多严重的发展问题(Lu et al.,2007),而郭则认为,城市化滞后于经济发展水平(郭,2002)。顾探讨城市化与社会经济发展水平在江苏和浙江省的情况,结果表明,城市化与社会经济发展水平之间的相互依赖和支持的关系(顾,2004)。方和刘(2007)提出的城市化已经进入快速发展阶段,区域贫困现象一直增长更快。总的来说,大多数学者认为城市化滞后于经济发展。同时,由于广泛的变化是中国的不同地区之间,许多学者致力于城市化区域多样性研究(徐和叶,1986;张,2002;朱et al.,2006;刘,2007;顾et al.,2008)和城市化与经济发展水平之间的关系空间格局(风扇和田,2003;刘等,2003;Li,2008)。与基于这种关系的识别、定量参数从数据从上世纪50年代到70年代的钱纳里不再在新的语境恰当,因此需要重新审视城市化与经济发展之间的关系。此外,一直致力于从宏观的角度研究这一关系的区域差异性,不重视研究去格力和类型的多样性。作为一个发展目标已被提出,如促进健康的城市化和经济发展方式的转变,中国的中央政府支付大量的注意力来改变其发展战略。因此,探讨城市化与经济发展之间的关系将具有重要的理论意义和实践在这方面。本文重点探讨在中国城市化与经济发展之间的关系的空间格局,并比较了中国省级地区的国家和地区的世界各地的城市化进程,为中国城市化的健康发展提出了一些建议和解决方案。

当 0le; |Zgdppminus;zurban | le; 0.1,关系会基本协调模式。当 0.1 lt; | ZGDPPminus; ZURBAN | le; 0.5,关系,将 lt; | ZGDPPminus; ZURBAN | le; 1,关系,将中等偏差模式。 当 | ZGDPPminus; ZURBAN | gt; 1,关系,将高偏差模式。 轻微的偏差模式。 当 0.5 基于订正的象限散射方法和识别原理,城市化与经济发展之间的各种逐层可分为七个层次︰ 锋利的过度城市化、 中等过度城市化、 轻微过度城市化、 基本协调,锋利不足城市化、 中等以下城市化和轻微不足城市化。 2.2 数据源城市 (市区) 计算了考虑到城市人口所占比例的人口总量,而经济发展由索引的每个国内生产总值 (GDP)。国家数据均由世界银行,226 个国家和地区进行采样和 124 的这些成形应用的世界数据起源。中国省级数据取自于中国统计年鉴 》 2007 年

由于这项研究不包括香港、 澳门和台湾的最终数据,然后结合国际和中国的省级数据。需要澄清的一个事实是,虽然许多学者已修订官方中国城市人口数据来计算城市化水平 (周和 Ma,2003 年;张和赵,1998年),较少的协议书已经拟订。以权威和数据可比性考虑,官方数据被用在本研究中。 关于数据规模的可比性,应该澄清三个因素。首先,本研究以截面数据 2011 年.第二,人均国内生产总值是全面在广泛由联合国和世界银行用于表示每个国家的经济发展水平。它是一个多维的索引,可以反映行业和工资收入的结构。第三,本研究不会不考虑到城市化与经济发展之间的关系-长程领土面积的影响。 使成为世界上许多国家比较有助于揭示类型多样性格局,从而使区域可持续发展的建议。 3 省级模式的城市化和经济发展水平 3.1 省级模式的城市化以下 30 年的改革和开放,城市化水平已大大增加,比 51.27%的国家作为一个整体在 2011 年。图 2a 所示中国城市化水平的省级模式。城市化的空间模式展示了多样性在我国东部、 中部和西部地区,那里有高城市化水平的沿海地区和东北地区,中部和西部地区地区相对较低水平。上海、 北京和天津分别是城市化水平、 89.2r、 86.2r 和 80.5a 前三个, 方面。广东、 辽宁、 浙江、 江苏、 福建、 内蒙古、 黑龙江是省级地区高城市化江南,在 66.5a,64.1s,62.3i,61.9 c,58.1s,56.6a 和 56.5a,分别。相比之下, 省级关系模式的城市化与经济发展 37 城市化水平在中央和省级西域都比较低。十个省级区域城市化水平最低的是湖南、 安徽、 新疆、 四川广西、 河南、 甘肃、 云南、 贵州和西藏,以城市化水平的 45.1s、 44.8o、 43.5a、 43.8o、 40.6a、 37.2r、 36.8o、 35%和 22.7 c,分别。多样性是明显的空间格局,10 个省级地区具有平均年龄城市化值的 68.2r 和底部 10 仅 38.9 c 的值。 图 2 中国城市化与经济发展水平在 2011年 3.2 省级模式像城市化的经济发展水平的省级模式,经济发展水平显著后改革发展和对外开放,和人均 GDP 达到 35,2011 年的 181 元。图 2b 显示中国的经济发展,是类似于城市化的模式,它是东高和相对较低的中部和西部的省级模式。顶尖的三个省级区域经济发展天津、 北京、 尚-你好,与人均 gdp 的 85、 213、 82、 560 81,658 元,分别是。Pro vincial 地区沿海地区有高水平的经济发展,与江苏、 浙江和广东省具有值高于全国平均水平。六底部十省地区经济发展水平最低的是中西部地区的中国、 即四川、 广西、 西藏、 甘肃、 云南和贵州,而其他三个建议是河南、 江西和安徽,处于中部地区。贵州省地区,16 岁,在 2011 年; 413 元之间具有最低的人均国内生产总值这是相当于只有 20%的天津市的人均 GDP,从而显示出的巨大的区域变化在经济发展中的运用,带来了更大的变化。 四级 4 省模式的城市化与经济发展之间的关系.11 类别的关系基础上订正的象限散点法,结果计算 (表 1),与 31 省级地区被分为六个类别 (图 3)。




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