
 2022-08-06 14:29:40

The 4th International Workshop on Adults Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (auICTH 2018)

Return of the JS: Towards a Node.js-Based Software Architecture

for Combined CMS/CRM Applications

Fabian Kaimer , Philipp Brune

a Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Wileystraszlig;e 1, 89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany


While the use of server-side JavaScript in combination with the Node.js framework for implementing web applications is getting more and more common in practice, its implications for the evolution of web application architectures have rarely been studied in the scientific literature. In particular, the combination of components and their interplay for building pure JavaScript business applications has only rarely been investigated so far.Therefore,in this papera software architecture for areal-worldonlineservice network application with a combined CMS/CRM functionality is presented. It is evaluated by a prototypical implementation of relevant core functionalities. Results indicate the feasibility and potential of the approach copy; 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICTH 2018

Keywords: Web Development, JavaScript, Node.js, Software Architecture, CMS, Service Networks

  1. Introduction:

When Ryan Dahl introduced Node.js in 2009, the interest in server-side utilization of JavaScript increased noticeably - in business as well as in science. Node.js, which is running on Googlersquo;s V8 JavaScript implementation, introduced the concept of a non-blocking I/O-eventing model, working on a single thread instead of using multiple threads, as known from traditional web-servers. This single-threaded event loop leads to an improved consumption of hardware resources and a significantly higher possible number of concurrent client connections, making Node.js a considerable alternative for server-side web application development [1].

Apart from the performance-related benefits, the usage of JavaScript for advanced application frontends is widely common nowadays. Thus, using it for backend-development too, massively simplifies the whole process of webapplication development. Additionally, Node.js comes with its own package manager 'npm', which enables the dis tribution and uncomplicated installation of third-party libraries and their dependencies to extend existing development projects [2].

Considering all advantages Node.js, it is not surprising that many big players from various industries, like Uber[3], PayPal [4] or Netflix [5], have adopted it for their own projects.

However, even though many modern web-applications are built upon a Node.js architecture, only few results aboutrespective architectural approaches have been published, in particular from a scientific perspective. The existing scientific literature mainly either deals with performance-related issues of Node.js or evalutes actual software-projects,which usually exhibit a low level of abstraction when it comes to Node.js architectural considerations.

Therefore, in this paper an examplified Node.js-based software architecture for a real-world web application isproposed and evaluated by means of a proof-of-concept implementation.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section 2 the relevant literature is analysed in detail. The project contextof the study is presented in section 3, and the proposed application architecture is described in section 4. The architecture is evaluated by a proof-of-concept implemenation illustrated in section 5. We conclude with a summary of our findings.

  1. Related Work

Research on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems has shifted in focus during the last years. Concerning non-business but tech-related aspects of CRM applications, especially the interest in cloud-based solutions has increased [6, 7]. With respect to architecture design for CRM systems, many web-based approaches exist [8, 9, 10], but none of them make use of server-side JavaScript or Node.js.

The major scientific interest in (Web) Content Management Systems (CMS) existed in the late 1990s and early 2000s [11, 12]. More recent literature on CMS focuses on performance-related [13] and security-related issues [14, 15], as well as on architectural design approaches [16, 17]. Nevertheless, none of the publications proposes a Node.jsor JavaScript-based approach.

The number of peer-reviewed publications concerning Node.js and server-side JavaScript has increased in recent years. Though, the majority of researches focuses on technical aspects of the platform, like performance and scalability [18, 19, 20] or security [21, 22, 23], rather than investigating its actual capabilities in building web-applications.

Some authors address with the use of Node.js in actual projects [24, 25, 26], but they mainly focus on the projects and their implications itself [27], rather than describing the software architecture built on Node.js. Publications which actually propose or discuss potential web-application architectures on a meta-level are scarce [28]. Proposals for such architectures in a CRM or CMS application context do not exist yet.

Therefore, this paper adresses the question how an example state-of-the-art server-side


The 4th International Workshop on Adults Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (auICTH 2018)

Return of the JS: Towards a Node.js-Based Software Architecture

for Combined CMS/CRM Applications

Fabian Kaimer , Philipp Brune

a Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Wileystraszlig;e 1, 89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany


While the use of server-side JavaScript in combination with the Node.js framework for implementing web applications is getting more and more common in practice, its implications for the evolution of web application architectures have rarely been studied in the scientific literature. In particular, the combination of components and their interplay for building pure JavaScript business applications has only rarely been investigated so far.Therefore,in this paper a software architecture for areal-world online service network application with a combined CMS/CRM functionality is presented. It is evaluated by a prototypical implementation of relevant core functionalities. Results indicate the feasibility and potential of the approach.

copy; 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICTH 2018

Keywords: Web Development, JavaScript, Node.js, Software Architecture, CMS, Service Networks

  1. Introduction:

When Ryan Dahl introduced Node.js in 2009, the interest in server-side utilization of JavaScript increased noticeably - in business as well as in science. Node.js, which is running on Googlersquo;s V8 JavaScript implementation, introduced the concept of a non-blocking I/O-eventing model, working on a single thread instead of using multiple threads, as known from traditional web-servers. This single-threaded event loop leads to an improved consumption of hardware resources and a significantly higher possible number of concurrent client connections, making Node.js a considerable alternative for server-side web application development [1].

Apart from the performance-related benefits, the usage of JavaScript for advanced application frontends is widely common nowadays. Thus, using it for backend-development too, massively simplifies the whole process of web application development. Additionally, Node.js comes with its own package manager 'npm', which enables the distribution and uncomplicated installation of third-party libraries and their dependencies to extend existing development projects [2].

Considering all advantages Node.js, it is not surprising that many big players from various industries, like Uber[3], PayPal [4] or Netflix [5], have adopted it for their own projects.

However, even though many modern web-applications are built upon a Node.js architecture, only few results about respective architectural approaches have been published, in particular from a scientific perspective. The existing scientific literature mainly either deals with performance-related issues of Node.js or evalutes actual software-projects,which usually exhibit a low level of abstraction when it comes to Node.js architectural considerations.

Therefore, in this paper an examplified Node.js-based software architecture for a real-world web application is proposed and evaluated by means of a proof-of-concept implementation.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section 2 the relevant literature is analysed in detail. The project contextof the study is presented in section 3, and the proposed application architecture is described in section 4. The architecture is evaluated by a proof-of-concept implemenation illustrated in section 5. We conclude with a summary of our findings.

  1. Related Work

Research on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems has shifted in focus during the last years. Concerning non-business but tech-related aspects of CRM applications, especially the interest in cloud-based solutions has increased [6, 7]. With respect to architecture design for CRM systems, many web-based approaches exist [8, 9, 10], but none of them make use of server-side JavaScript or Node.js.

The major scientific interest in (Web) Content Management Systems (CMS) existed in the late 1990s and early 2000s [11, 12]. More recent literature on CMS focuses on performance-related [13] and security-related issues [14, 15], as well as on architectural design approaches [16, 17]. Nevertheless, none of the publications proposes a Node.js or JavaScript-based approach.

The number of peer-reviewed publications concerning Node.js and server-side JavaScript has increased in recent years. Though, the majority of researches focuses on technical aspects of the platform, like performance and scalability [18, 19, 20] or security [21, 22, 23], rather than investigating its actual capabilities in building web-applications.

Some authors address with the use of Node.js in actual projects [24, 25, 26], but they mainly focus on the projects and their implications itself [27], rather than describing the software architecture built on Node.js. Publications which actually propose or discuss potential web-application architectures on a meta-level are scarce [28]. Proposals for such architectures in a CRM or CMS application context do not exist yet.

Therefore, this paper adresses the question how an example state-of-the-art server-side JavaSc



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