
 2022-08-21 23:29:55

3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics (ICMIR-2019)

Research and Application of Template Engine for Web Back-end Based on MyBatis-Plus

Yao Zhang Li1 , Sheng Gao1,* , Jing Pan2, Bi Feng Guo1, Pei Feng Xie*1*

1Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Guangdong Ocean University

2Faculty of Management, Guangdong Ocean University


In web development, it takes much time to code for back-end including business logic and interface integration, which is machanized and high-repeated. In order to address the problem in back-end web coding, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of SSM(Spring, SpringMVC and MyBatis) framework and development pattern of the original and end separation. By integrating the template engine in PHP web development, we achieve the technology of code generation for back-end of web, which benefits for artificial intelligence of web coding and saves the time on software engineering.

copy; 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientifi committee of the 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics, ICMIR-2019.

Keywords Back-end Development ; Code Generation ; Template Engine


1.1 Background of Software and Web

With the development of information technology, the use of software crowds into peoples life including in entertainment and office work. Differing from hardware, software is made of a series of computer data and instruction list[1]. Software is not only the program in the computer, files are also the parts of software. Software includes operating software and application software. As we know, android and ios operating system are the popular operating software. Web is a kind of application software existing in the operating software.

* Corresponding Author. Tel. (86) 13924401222

*E-mail: minix@139.com

1877-0509 copy; 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Robotics, ICMIR-2019.


1.2 Literature Review

Application development, program development, phone application development[2] and web development[3] are included in software development. This paper introduces the development of web service(which is called back-end development) based on the Java Web. In the development of the web, design patterns include MVC(Model, View and Controller) pattern, Web Form, Web Page and so on, but the most popular pattern used by developers is MVC pattern[4]. Some scholars think that MVC pattern has the advantage of low coupling and the data in this project is highly uniform[5]. However, others think that it makes the coding redundant and the assessed data inefficient[6]. Based on the MVC pattern, the development pattern is a kind of pattern with the separation of front-end and back- end. Using this pattern[7], the professionals will be responsible for the different parts of web development and the development is divided into front-end and back-end interacted with interfaces[8]. At present, the most popular technical framework is SSM(Spring, SpringMVC and MyBatis)[9-11] framework and it is widely used in last few years. Differing from SSH(Spring, Struts and Hibernate) framework, it handles requests and responses better and is suitable for RESTful coding style and MVC pattern[12]. Nevertheless, this development pattern has a disadvantage that the interfaces for each Model have the same functional interface, causing so many high-repeated codes in the project and it wastes the developers much time. In the development of PHP[13], this problem is handled by Template Engine. Because of the differences between Java and PHP, less Java developers generate codes with template engine[14]. This technology does deal with the problem effectively.

Operation Mechanism of Web Development

    1. MVC Pattern

MVC Pattern is an interactive interface structure design pattern presented in the 1980s and it is also an effective design pattern. The MVC design pattern emphasizes that developers design their software in a modular fashion based on usersrsquo; input, data model and information display. It divides an application software into the following three parts.

Model is the business logic of application software including date and model. Model is the core functionality of the application and it encapsulates the data and problem solving process. User calls the Model by calling Controller so that the Model can provide data for Views to reduce the code redundancy.

View is the part of the application software that handles the display of data, which displays different information. View is an interface seen and interacted by users. For the View, data and problem soling process are ignored, from which users can send service requests to the Model by calling the Controller to update the View.

Controller is the part of the application software which handles interactions. Controller converts the inputted information such as mouse and keyboard into service request for Model and View, and it responses the changes of Model to the View. And users only interact with software by Controller.

One set of View and Controllers make up a user interface and a Model can h




Yao Zhang Li1 , Sheng Gao1,* , Jing Pan2, Bi Feng Guo1, Pei Feng Xie*1*




在web开发中,为后端(包括业务逻辑和接口集成)编写代码可能需要程序员花费大量时间machanized和高重复。为了解决后端web编码的问题,本文分析了后端web编码的优点以及不足的地方。SSM(Spring、SpringMVC和MyBatis)框架的缺点和开发模式的原端分离。通过将模板引擎集成到PHP web开发中,实现了web后台的代码生成技术,这既有利于网络编码的人工智能,又节省了软件工程的时间。


这是一篇CC BY-NC-ND许可下的开放获取文章(http: // creativecommons. org/ licenses/ bync –nd / 4.0/)由第三届机电一体化与智能国际会议科学委员会负责的同行评审。机器人技术,icmir - 2019。

关键词 后端开发;代码生成;模板引擎

第1章 介绍

1.1 软件和Web背景


*通讯作者。电话。 (86)13924401222



这是一篇CC BY-NC-ND许可下的开放访问文章(http: // creativecommons. org/ licenses/ bync –nd / 4.0/)由第三届机电一体化与智能机器人国际会议科学委员会负责的同行评审,icmir - 2019。10.1016 / j.procs.2020.02.052

1.2 文献综述

应用程序开发、程序开发、电话应用程序开发[2]和web开发[3]包括在软件开发中。本文将会介绍了web服务(称为后端)的开发开发)基于Java Web。在web开发中,设计模式包括MVC(Model, View)模式、Web表单、Web页面等等,但是开发人员最常用的模式是MVC模式[4]。有学者认为MVC模式具有低耦合的优点,本项目的数据也是如此高度统一的[5]。然而,其他人认为它使编码冗余和评估的数据效率低下的[6]。基于MVC模式的开发模式是一种前端与后端的分离模式。使用此模式[7],专业人员将负责web开发的不同部分开发分为与接口[8]交互的前端和后端。目前,最受欢迎的技术框架是SSM(Spring, SpringMVC和MyBatis)[9-11]框架并且在后几个版本中得到了广泛的应用,在最后的几年里面。与SSH(Spring、Struts和Hibernate)框架不同,它可以更好地处理请求和响应,适合RESTful编码风格和MVC模式的[12]。尽管如此,这种发展模式有一个缺点是它的每个模型的接口都具有相同的功能接口,从而导致了如此多的高重复码并且它十分的浪费了了开发人员大量的时间使得工作效率变得低。在PHP[13]的开发中,这个问题主要是由模板引擎产生的。由于Java和PHP之间的差异,很少有Java开发人员使用模板引擎[14]。所以这项技术确实有效地解决了这个问题。

第2章 Web开发的操作机制

2.1 MVC模式











2.3 SSM框架


SpringMVC是Spring的一个子项目,具有与Spring相同的低侵入性特性的特征。这是一个框架可以使得后端开发和前端开发是完全分离的。所以也就是说,几乎可以使用任何的视图。此外,Spring使java web组件在SpringMVC中得到更好的管理和兼容。


图2-1 SSM工作模式图






第3章 研究方法与解决方案




因为PHP的模板引擎与Java使用的模板引擎不同,所以这里漏掉了PHP模板引擎。Java的模板引擎主要用于JSP (Java服务器页面)。 目前只有两种流行模板引擎:FreeMaker以及Velocity。这两个模板引擎的编程语言是相对比较的简单。




public ResultDTO insert One($ entity) sitable. entityPath))throws Exception{

Sitable. entityPath) Service. save($itable. EntityPath;
return ResultUtil Success($itable. entityPath);

public ResultDTO updateById(s entity) $itable. entityPath))throws Exception{

sitable entity Path) Service. updateById(sitable. entityPath));
return ResultUtil Successo;

@DeleteMapping('/[id: \d )
public Resultdto deleteBy Id(ePathvariable Long id throws Exception {

$[table. entityPath) Service. removeById((long) id);
return ResultUtil Succes();

public IPagelt;$ entity)gt; selectEntityPage($ entity) ${table. entityPath){

@RequestParam(value =”pageNum”, defaultvalue =”1”)int pageNum;
@RequestParam(value =”pageSize”, defaultvalue =”8”)int pageSize)throws Exception;
QueryWrapperlt;$ tentity)gt;$itable. entity Path) QueryWrapper new QueryWrapperlt;gt;();
return ${itable. entityPath}Service. page (new Pagelt;$ entity)gt;(pageNum, pageSize), ${table.

entity Path} QueryWrapperlt;gt;();


public ResultDTo selec



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