WEB 2.0的起源与介绍外文翻译资料

 2022-08-27 10:19:14


In Web 1.0, a small number of writers created Web pages for a large number of readers. As a result, people could get information by going directly to the source: Adobe.com for graphic design issues, Microsoft.com for Windows issues, and CNN.com for news. Over time, however, more and more people started writing content in addition to reading it. This had an interesting effect—suddenly there was too much information to keep up with! We did not have enough time for everyone who wanted our attention and visiting all sites with relevant content simply was not possible. As personal publishing caught on and went mainstream, it became apparent that the Web 1.0 paradigm had to change.

Enter Web 2.0, a vision of the Web in which information is broken up into “micro content” units that can be distributed over dozens of domains. The Web of documents has morphed into a Web of data. We are no longer just looking to the same old sources for information. Now wersquo;re looking to a new set of tools to aggregate and remix micro content in new and useful ways.

These tools, the interfaces of Web 2.0, will become the frontier of design innovation.

The evidence is already here with RSS aggregators, search engines, portals, APIs (application programming interfaces, which provide hooks to data) and Web services (where data can be accessed via XML-RPC, SOAP and other technologies). Google Maps (in beta) provides the same functionality as similar competing services but features a far superior interface. Flickrrsquo;s interface is one of the most intuitive and beloved around. Del.icio.us offers personal and social functionality, and reaches far

beyond its own site. Interfaces like these are changing the way we store, access, and share information. It matters very little what domain content comes from.

Web 2.0 has often been described as “the Web as platform,” and if we think about the Web as a platform for interacting with content, we begin to see how it impacts design. Imagine a bunch of stores of content provided by different parties—companies, individuals, governments—upon which we could build interfaces that combine the information in ways no single domain ever could. For example, Amazon.com makes its database of content accessible to the outside world. Anyone can design an interface to replace Amazonrsquo;s that better suits specific needs (see Amazon Light). The power of this is that content can be personalized or remixed with other data to create much more useful tools.

There are six trends that characterize Web 2.0 for designers. In this introductory article wersquo;ll summarize each of those trends and give brief examples.

1. Writing Semantic Markup

One of the biggest steps in realizing Web 2.0 is the transition to semantic markup, or markup that accurately describes the content itrsquo;s applied to. The most popular markup languages, HTML and XHTML, are used primarily for display purposes, with tags to which designers can apply styles via CSS.

These markup languages are not semantically dead, however. Designers can describe content, but only to the extent that it fits within the (X) HTML tag set. For example, designers can mark up content as headers, paragraphs, list items, citations, and definition lists using the lt;h1gt;, lt;pgt;, lt;ligt;, lt;citegt; and lt;dlgt; tags, respectively. For some simple documents, these tags are adequate to describe content effectively. For most documents, however, there is no way to accurately describe the content with the (X) HTML tags we have available. In Web 2.0, this description is not only possible, but also critical.

Though HTML and XHTML give us only a glimpse of what it means, there is one technology demonstrating clearly the power of semantic markup. RSS is an XML format for syndicating content. It is an easy way for sites to tell people when there is new content available. So, instead of browsing to your favorite site over and over again to see if something is new, you can simply subscribe to its RSS feed by typing the RSS URI into a feed aggregator. The aggregator will periodically poll the site, notify you if something is new, and deliver that content. Itrsquo;s a real timesaver.

2. Providing Web Services

During the early years of the Web, before content had semantic meaning, sites were developed as a collection of “pages.” Sites in the 1990s were usually either brochure-ware (static HTML pages with insipid content) or they were interactive in a flashy, animated, JavaScript kind of way. In that era, a common method of promoting sites was to market them as “places”—the Web as a virtual world complete with online shopping malls and portals.

In the late 90s and especially the first few years of the 21st century, the advent of XML technologies and Web services began to change how sites were designed. XML technologies enabled content to be shareable and transformable between different systems, and Web services provided hooks into the innards of sites. Instead of visual design being the interface to content, Web services have become programmatic interfaces to that same content. This is truly powerful. Anyone can build an interface to content on any domain if the developers there provide a Web services API.

Two great examples of the shift away from place to services on the Web are Amazon.com and eBay, both of which provide an immense amount of commercial data in the form of Web services, accessible to any developer who wants it. An interesting interface built using eBayrsquo;s Web services is Andale, a site that tracks sales and prices to give auction sellers a better idea of what items are hot and how much theyrsquo;ve been selling for. <!--


WEB 2.0的起源与介绍

在Web 1.0中,少数设计者为大量的浏览人群提供着网页资源。因此,人们可以直接获取信息与资源,诸如从Adobe公司那里得到关于平面设计问题的解决办法,从微软那里了解Windows的难点,亦或是从CNN那里得到新闻消息。然而,随着时间的推移,越来越多的人除了阅读它同时也开始制作网页。随之带来了有趣的影响:突然间有大量的信息产生!我们没有足够的时间去关注那些希望我们去注意的东西因为要注意到所有的新兴信息根本是不可能的。于是,个人制作大力地发展了起来并逐渐成为了主流,很明显,Web 1.0模式必然会迎来变革。


这些工具,Web 2.0的接口,将成为设计创新的前沿。

RSS聚合器,搜索引擎、门户网站、api(为数据提供接口的应用程序)和Web服务(数据可以实现xml - rpc、SOAP和其他技术)的出现也证明了时代的选择。谷歌地图(测试版)提供了相同的功能和类似的服务,他们差异不大但功能接口要优秀得多。Flickr的接口是其中的最直观的和人性化的产品。Del . icio . us提供了个人和社会的功能,突破了自我得到桎梏得到了长足的发展。这样的接口正在改变我们存储,访问和共享信息的方式。对于重要信息的特殊照顾也不再那么重要。

Web 2.0经常被描述为“网络平台”,并且如果我们考虑把Web作为交流信息的平台,我们就能看到他独特的影响方式。想象一群网站中的内容来自不同领域的不同群体——公司、个人、政府的这些事业,我们可以使他们建立本该不可能存在的联系。举个例子,Amazon公司将他的内部资料对外开放。任何人都可以设计一个接口来取代亚马逊的,甚至能够更好的适应特定的需求(需要亚马逊的授权)。这样的好处是数据会以个性化的需求与其他数据的重组来创造出大量更适用的工具。


1 .编写语义标记

在实现Web 2.0过渡到语义标记或者标记准确的最大的一步就是应用于内容的这种方式。最受欢迎的标记语言,HTML 和 XHTML,主要用于显示设置,设计人员可以通过CSS应用样式来完成。

但是,这些标记语言并不是完全的语义不通。设计者可以在某种程度上用正确的语法来描述内容,而正常的语言也非常适合(X)HTML标记集。例如,设计师可以标记内容标题,段落、列表项,引用,用lt; h1 gt;,lt; p gt;、lt;ligt;、lt;citegt;和lt; dl gt;来分别定义列表内容。对于一些简单文件,这些标签是够用了。但是,没有办法准确地描述那些我们可用的并且需要的(X)HTML标记的内容。在Web 2.0中,这个描述不仅是可能的,也是至关重要的。尽管HTML和XHTML只给我们瞥见了它意味着什么,但有一个技术更多地展示了语义标记的力量。RSS一种为了发布内容的XML格式。这是一种让网站更方便地告诉人们什么时候有新的内容的网页制作格式。所以,你可以看看什么是新的而不是反复浏览你喜欢的网站,你可以很轻松地从这些RSS格式的网站找到你想要了解到的东西,因为他们是以RSS中聚合器这种特殊的格式设计出来的。这种聚合器将会定期调查网站,通知你是否有什么是新的,并提供内容。这真的是一个真正的节省时间的网站。

2 .提供Web服务





科里是针对记者和媒体行业,但这一观点同样适用于设计行业。在Web 1.0时代,我的网站设计都是建立在引人注目的一个地方。但网站的内容是不能包含在一个地点的,至少不会对社交网络的性质和内容锁定在一个安全的网站。

网页设计在Web 2.0是关于构建事件驱动的经验,而不是网站。并非巧合的是,RSS是一个关键的构建块。他可以让人们看到最新的,最概要的内容并且在一个聚合,没有多余设计的设计模式中阅读它。




由于Web 2.0的重新合成方面,大多数内容将第一次遇到内容离域的情况。因此,大部分的用于达到一个特定的项目的导航可能会反而远离正确导航而专门设计。这种分布式导航可能会在提要阅读器的形式,博客上的链接,搜索引擎或其他内容聚合器的地方出现。

其中的一个副作用是,有用的信息的来源和途径将不断变化,并且用户不一定知道到哪里可以找到它。幸运的是,内容聚合器有一个内置的答案他们可以追踪人们在做什么。通过记录的微内容,什么是最常访问,聚合器可以使用过去的用户行为预测他们将来会去发现的最相关的事物链接。在del . icio . us,Blogdex提要中,明显的是:人们可以发现有关过去将来可能有用的某种联系。因为相关性决定了在这些第三方接口中,用户甚至可以不用知道内容的来源就可以阅读到内容。导航计划,正如我们所知,将越来越少。最常用的导航系统将会从用户的行为来分析而不是“设计”专门导向于哪一方面。


Web 1.0的一个启示,似乎,彻底改变了传统设计方式的是总是想方设法改变设计思路的这样的能力。在网络上,没有“版本”或“印刷”就像打印机的世界一样,无限复制,复制。有简单的网站正好符合它当前状态。现在我们习惯于这种模式,一个乐观主义者只能希望Web内容将随着时间的推移变得更好:元数据将被添加,将得到更深层次的描述,主题更明确,更全面的引用。我们所看到的发生在Web 2.0是一个在此之上的进步,这种进步使用户可以添加自己的元数据。在Flickr和del . icio . Us上,任何用户都可以将标签附加到数字媒体项目(文件、书签、图片)。虽然,这些服务的标记方面不是最有趣的部分。最有趣的是当我们看到每个人的标签是什么,并且放在一起时。嗯,例如,我们标记在del . icio . us书签“Web2.0”。然后我们可以访问del . icio . us /标签/ Web2.0,从而发现那些我们可能不知道存在的其它标记的商品,从而发现有价值的内容。一个搜索引擎搜索元数据所得到的结果是由设计者设计的,但是del . icio . us因为利用元数据应用的人不一定适合模具而做出变革。


在Web 1.0中,视觉网页设计有两个阶段。在早期,设计师使用gif动画和表格等聪明的,有趣的甚至可怕的应对技巧。在过去的几年里,CSS逐渐流行起来,他可以帮助我们完成页面风格和结构的分离以及外部CSS文件中定义的样式信息。即便如此,人们关注的视觉设计仍然是区分内容和吸引用户注意的主要方式。进入Web 2.0世界,视觉风格是xml很少定义的地方。但XML在Web 2.0的突然转型迎来了成功,所以词汇和语义比表示和布局更重要。内容是通过编程方式所访问的。在一个非常现实的意义上说,我们现在设计的东西是为机器设计超过为人设计。这可能听起来像是我们进入一个死局,但Amazon.com的首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯说过,“Web 2.0hellip;为了让互联网对电脑有用。

这对网页设计者来说意味着什么?它意味着设计师不得不开始考虑如何组织网站的内容。这意味着设计师必须熟悉Web服务和超越现在的api,要更加具有适应性。简而言之,这意味着设计师需要变得更像程序员。套用贝佐斯的话说,Web 2.0是一个短暂的世界发展趋势,他为以后的发展提供了强大的后台。

  1. 总结

Web 2.0的影响是深远的。像所有的范式转换,它影响的那些使用过它的人,使他们对社会、文化、甚至政治产生不一样的认知。受影响最严重的群体之一是设计人员和开发人员,不仅仅是因为他们的技术技能将会改变,而且他们需要改进的东西,,如果他们愿意将是作为一个统一的整体的一部分,一个生态系统。

总而言之,这些都是我们所看到的覆盖在Web 2.0设计世界里的六个主题:

当我们独自前进,我们希望设计师可能对新技术的特点方面多加揣测,来帮助我们更好地关注实践方面的东西,Web 2.0是微妙的,但真正的变化是在(我们将会像哪个方向发展)的设计。


In Web 1.0, a small number of writers created Web pages for a large number of readers. As a result, people could get information by going directly to the source: Adobe.com for graphic design issues, Microsoft.com for Windows issues, and CNN.com for news. Over time, however, more and more people started writing content in addition to reading it. This had an interesting effect—suddenly there was too much information to keep up with! We did not have enough time for everyone who wanted our attention and visiting all sites with relevant content simply was not possible. As personal publishing caught on and went mainstream, it became apparent that the Web 1.0 paradigm had to change.

Enter Web 2.0, a vision of the Web in which information is broken up into “micro content” units that can be distributed over dozens of domains. The Web of documents has morphed into a Web of data. We are no longer just looking to the same old sources for information. Now wersquo;re looking to a new set of tools to aggregate and remix micro content in new and useful ways.

These tools, the interfaces of Web 2.0, will become the frontier of design innovation.

The evidence is already here with RSS aggregators, search engines, portals, APIs (application programming interfaces, which provide hooks to data) and Web services (where data can be accessed via XML-RPC, SOAP and other technologies). Google



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