The Implementation of Lua 5.0
1 Introduct
Lua was born in an academic laboratory as a tool for in-house software development but somehow was adopted by several industrial projects around the world and is now widely used in the game industry.
How do we account for this widespread use of Lua? We believe that the answer lies in our design and implementation goals: to provide an embeddable scripting language that is simple, efficient, portable and ligthweight. These have been our main goals since the birth of Lua in 1993 and they have been respected during its evolution. These features, plus the fact that Lua has been designed from the start to be embedded into larger application, account for its early adoption by the industry.
Widespread use generates demand for language feature. Several features of Lua have been motivated by industrial needs and user feedback. Important examples are the introduction of coroutines in Lua 5.0 and the implementation of incremental gargage collection in the upcoming Lua 5.1. Both features are specially important for games.
In this paper, we discuss the main novelties of the implementation of Lua 5.0, compared to Lua 4.0:
Register-based virtual machine: Traditionally, most virtual machines intended for actual execution are stack based, a trend that started with Pascals Pmachine and continues today with Javas JVM and Microsofts .Net environment. Currently, however, there has been a growing interest in registerbased virtual machines (for instance, the planned new virtual machine for Perl 6 (Parrot) will be register based). As far as we know, the virtual machine of Lua 5.0 is the first register-based virtual machine to have a wide use. This virtual machine is presented in Section 7.
New algorithm for optimizing tables used as arrays: Unlike other scripting languages, Lua does not offer an array type. Instead, Lua programmers use regular tables with integer indices to implement arrays. Lua 5.0 uses a new algorithm that detects whether tables are being used as arrays and automatically stores the values associated to numeric indices in an actual array, instead of adding them to the hash table. This algorithm is discussed in Section 4.
The implementation of closures: Lua 5.0 supports first-class functions with lexical scoping. This mechanism poses a well-known difficulty for languages that use an array-based stack to store activation records. Lua uses a novel approach to function closures that keeps local variables in the (array-based) stack and only moves them to the heap if they go out of scope while being referred by nested functions. The implementation of closures is discussed in Section 5.
The addition of coroutines: Lua 5.0 introduced coroutines in the language. Although the implementation of coroutines is more or less traditional, we present a short overview in Section 6 for completeness.
2 An Overview of Luas Design and Implementation
As mentioned in the introduction, the goals in our implementation of Lua are:
Simplicity:We seek the simplest language we can afford and the simplest C code that implements this language. This implies a simple syntax with a small number of language constructs, not far from the tradition.
Effciency: We seek fast compilation and fast execution of Lua programs. This implies a fast, smart, one-pass compiler and a fast virtual machine.
Portability: We want Lua to run on as many platforms as possible. We want to be able to compile the Lua core unmodified everywhere and to run Lua programs unmodified on every platform that has a suitable Lua interpreter. This implies a clean ANSI C implementation with special attention to portability issues, such as avoiding dark corners of C and its libraries, and ensuring that it also compiles cleanly as C . We seek warning-free compilations.
Embeddability: Lua is an extension language; it is designed to provide scripting facilities to larger programs. This and the other goals imply the existence of a C API that is simple and powerful, but which relies mostly on built-in C types.
Low embedding cost:We want it to be easy to add Lua to an application without bloating it. This implies tight C code and a small Lua core, with extensions being added as user libraries.
These goals are somewhat conficting. For instance, Lua is frequently used as a data-description language, for storing and loading configuration files and sometimes quite large databases (Lua programs with a few megabytes are not uncommon). This implies that we need a fast Lua compiler. On the other hand, we want Lua programs to execute fast. This implies a smart compiler, one that generates good code for the virtual machine. So, the implementation of the Lua compiler has to balance between these two requirements. However, the compiler cannot be too large; otherwise it would bloat the whole package. Currently the compiler accounts for approximately 30% of the size of the Lua core. For memory-limited applications, such as embedded systems, it is possible to embed Lua without the compiler. Lua programs are then precompiled off-line and loaded at run time by a tiny module (which is also fast because it loads binary files).
Lua uses a hand-written scanner and a hand-written recursive descent parser. Until version 3.0, Lua used a parser produced by yacc, which proved a valuable tool when the languages syntax was less stable. However, the hand-written parser is smaller, more effcient, more portable, and fully reentrant. It also provides better error messages.
The Lua compiler uses no intermediate representation. It emits instructions for the virtual machine 'on the fly' as it parses a program. Nevertheless, it does perform some optimizations. For instance, it delays the generation of code for base expressions like variables and constants. When it parses such expressions, it gener
Lua 5.0的实现
1 介绍
广泛的使用产生了对语言特性的需求。Lua的一些特性是由行业需求和用户反馈驱动的。重点的例子有Lua 5.0对协程的引入和即将发布的Lua 5.1对垃圾收集的增加。这两个特性对游戏来说是极其重要的。
在这篇论文中,我们讨论了与Lua 4.0 相比 Lua 5.0实现上的主要优点:
基于寄存器的虚拟机:通常,大多数虚拟机为了执行都是基于栈的,一个从Pascal的Pmachine持续到今天的Java的JVM和微软的.Net环境都是这个趋势。然而,现在对基于寄存器的虚拟机的兴趣在增加(例如,计划中的Perl 6(Parrot)将是基于寄存器的)。据我们了解,Lua 5.0是第一个广泛应用的基于寄存器的虚拟机。这个虚拟机将在第7章节讲解。
新算法对tables用于数组时的优化:与其他脚本语言不同的是,Lua 没有提供数组类型。然而,Lua 程序员使用普通表配合整数下标来实现数组。Lua 5.0使用一个新的算法来检查tables是否用于数组,并且在真正的数组中自动存储关联到整数下标的值,而不是将他们添加到Hash表。这个算法将在第4章节讨论。
闭包的实现:Lua 5.0 从语法上支持第一类型函数。这个机制对于使用基于数组的栈来存储活动记录的语言来说,是一个众所周知的难题。Lua使用了一个新颖的解决方案来实现闭包的功能,这些闭包将局部变量保存在基于数组的栈上,并且只在他们超出作用域,同时又被包含的函数引用时,才会被移到堆上。闭包的实现将会在第5章节讨论。
协程的加入:Lua 5.0 引入了协程。尽管协程的实现有些传统,我们在第6章节进行概述来保证文章的完整性。
2 Lua设计与实现概述
可移植:我们希望Lua尽可能运行在更多的平台上。我们希望能够在任何环境编译Lua核心而不需要修改Lua源代码,希望能够在拥有配套Lua解释器的每个平台运行Lua程序而不需要修改。这意味着Lua是一个纯净的ANSI C实现,同时对移植性问题(如避免C和C库的死角)特殊关注,并且保证作为C 编译时也是纯净的。我们寻求没有警告的编译。
可嵌入:Lua是一个扩展语言;它被设计成为更大的程序提供脚本基础设施。这个目标和其他目标意味着存在一些简单和强大的C API,而它们大部分依赖内置C类型。
我们认为,我们达到了我们的设计和实现目标。Lua是一个高度可移植的语言:它运行在任何拥有ANSI C编译器的机器上,包括从嵌入式系统到主要框架。Lua是真正的轻量级:例如,在Linux上它是一个独立的解释器,完整包含所有的标准库,只占用不到150KB磁盘空间;核心小于100KB。Lua是高效的:独立的性能测试表明,Lua的实现是脚本语言(即,解释和动态类型语言)中最快的语言实现之一。我们还认为,Lua是一个简单的语言,与Pascal的语法相似并且与Scheme的语义相似,但这种观点是主观的。
3 值的表示
Lua用带标记的联合来表示值,也即,通过键值对(t;v)来表示,其中,t是一个表示值v的类型的整数。这个联合是一个实现Lua类型的C语言联合(union 类型)。Nil只有一个值。Booleans和numbers作为'未装箱'值来实现的:v直接使用联合来表示这些类型的值。这意味着,这个联合必须拥有足够的空间来存储double。Strings,tables,functions,threads,以及userdata的值通过引用来实现:v包含执行实现这些值的指针。这些结构拥有一个通用头部,用来保存垃圾收集需要的信息。结构的其他部分是每个类型特有的。
图1 Lua值实现
图1 展示了Lua值实现的概况。TObject是这个实现中主要的结构:它表示上述带标记的联合(t;v)。Value是实现值的联合。类型nil的值并没有明确的在union中表示,因为标记就足以标示它们。union中的域n是给numbers(默认情况下,lua_Number是double)用的。域b是给booleans用的。域p是给轻型userdata用的。域gc是给其他类型用的(strings,tables,functions,重型userdata,以及threads),这些都由垃圾收集来释放内存。
使用带标记的联合来表示Lua值的一个结果是,拷贝值有点昂贵:在一个32位的机器上使用64位doubles,TObject的大小是12字节(或者16字节,如果double是8字节对齐的话),因此拷贝一个值需要拷贝3(或4)个机器字。然而,使用ANSI C实现一个更好的值表示方式是困难的。一些动态类型语言(如,Smalltalk8的原始实现)使用每个指针的备用位来存储值的类型。这种技巧在大多数机器上凑效,因为,由于对齐,指针的最后2到3位总是0,从而可以用于其他目的。然而,这种技术既不具备可移植性,也不具备ANSI C可实现性。C标准甚至没有保证一个指针符合任何整型,从而没有标准方法来完成指针上的位操作。
像早期的解释语言一样,如Snobol和Icon,Lua 使用hash表内化了strings:它使用每个string的单一拷贝而没有使用复制。此外,strings是不可变的:一旦被内化,一个string就不能修改。string的Hash值由一个简单的表达式计算,这个表达式混合了位处理和算术运算,从而使所有的位得到处理。当string内化时,Hash值得到保存,所以允许高速string比较和table索引。如果string太长,hash函数不会计算string的所有字节。这允许长string的快速hash。避免处理长string时的性能损失是非常重要的,因为这在Lua中很常见。例如,Lua中常见的处理文件的方式,是通过将他们完全读入内存,保存在单个的长string中。
4 表
直到Lua 4.0,tables一直是实现成严格的hash表:所有的键值对都是明确存储的。Lua 5.0引入了一个新算法来优化使用表来表示数组:它通过不存储键而在一个真正的数组中存储值,来优化拥有整型键的键值对。更准确的说,在Lua 5.0中,表实现成混合数据结构:他们包含一个hash部分和一个数组部分。图2展示了一个可能的设置,这个表拥有键值对'x' -gt; 9:3, 1 -gt; 100, 2 -gt; 200, 3 -gt; 300。注意右边的数组部分:它并没有存储整数keys。这种分离仅仅是在底层实现的;访问table的域是透明的,甚至对于虚拟机(来说,也是如此)。表根据他们的内容,自动地、动态地适配这两部分:数组部分尝试存储key为1到某个有限的整数n相关的值。非整数key或整数key超出数组大小的值将会存储在hash部分。
图2 一张Lua表
2、使得在n=2 1到n之间,至少有一个位置被使用(避免当n=2时重新计算n)。
这个表就要扩展来匹配新的key。Lua将会选择n=1作为新的数组部分(只有一项 1-gt;v)。hash部分仍然为空。