在AMD K8和K10中的分支预测外文翻译资料

 2022-08-27 10:25:38

3.11 Branch prediction in AMD K8 and K10

BTB organization

The branch prediction mechanism of the K8 and K10 AMD processors is connected to the code cache. The level-1 code cache has 1024 lines of 4*16 bytes each, 2-way set associative.

Each 16-bytes block in the code cache has an associated set of branch indicators. There are nine branch indicators, associated with byte number 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 of the code block. Most branch instructions are two or more bytes long. A branch instruction that is two or more bytes long will have at least one branch indicator even when there are only indicators for the odd addresses and address 0. The extra indicator at byte 0 covers the case where a branch instruction crosses a 16-bytes boundary and ends at byte 0.

Each branch indicator has two bits of information to cover the following cases: (0) no branch or never jump, (1) use branch selector 1, (2) use branch selector 2, (3) use branch selector 3. There are three branch selectors in addition to the nine branch indicators. Each branch selector has an index into the branch target buffer as well as a local branch prediction information. The local branch prediction information can be 'never jump', 'always jump', 'use dynamic prediction', or 'use return stack buffer'. There is also an indication of whether the branch is a call. This is used for pushing a return address on the return address stack (see page 34).

The branch target addresses are saved in the branch target buffer (BTB), which has 2048 entries. Return addresses are stored in the return address stack, which has 12 entries in K8 and 24 entries in K10.

The branch prediction mechanism works as follows: A branch that is never taken gets no branch indicator, no branch selector and no BTB entry. The first time a branch is taken, it gets a branch selector which is set to 'always jump' and a BTB entry to indicate the target address. If the branch is later not taken, then the branch selector is changed to 'use dynamic prediction'. It never goes back from 'use dynamic prediction' to 'always jump' or 'never jump'. The dynamic prediction mechanism is described below. The predictor bits can indicate at least the following values: 'no jump', 'always jump', 'use dynamic prediction', 'use return stack buffer'. The K10 also has predictors for indirect jumps.

Some documents say that return instructions occupy a branch target entry which is used when the return stack buffer is exhausted, but experiments seem to indicate that returns are always mispredicted when the return stack buffer is exhausted.

The branch indicators and part of the local branch prediction information is copied to the level-2 cache when evicted from the level-1 cache. The index into the BTB is not copied to the level-2 cache due to lack of space. There is a branch target address calculator which can calculate the target address for direct jumps and calls in case a BTB entry is missing or the BTB index has been lost due to eviction to the level-2 cache. The calculation of a lost branch target address takes an extra 4 clock cycles, according to my measurements, which is less than the cost of a complete misprediction. This allows conditional and unconditional jumps and calls to be predicted correctly, even if they have been evicted from the BTB and/or the level-1 cache. The branch target address calculator cannot calculate the targets of indirect jumps and returns, of course. Returns are mispredicted if they have been evicted from the level-1 cache even they are still in the return stack buffer.

A drawback of this design is that there can be no more than three control transfer instructions for every aligned 16-bytes block of code, except for branches that are never taken. If there are more than three taken branches in the same 16-bytes block of code then they will keep stealing branch selectors and BTB entries from each other and cause two mispredictions for every execution. It is therefore important to avoid having more than three jumps, branches, calls and returns in a single aligned 16-bytes block of code. Branches that are never taken do not count. The three branch limit can easily be exceeded if for example a switch/case statement is implemented as a sequence of dec / jz instructions.

A further problem is that the design allows only one control transfer instruction for every two bytes of code. Most control transfer instructions use more than one byte of code, but return instructions can be coded as a single-byte instruction. This can cause two kinds of problems. This first kind of problem occurs if two branches share the same branch selector. If a branch instruction ending at an even address if followed by a single-byte return instruction at the following odd address, then the two instructions will share the same branch selector and will therefore be mispredicted most of the time.

The second kind of problem relates to single-byte return instructions having no branch selector. This can happen when there is a jump directly to a single-byte return instruction or a single-byte return instruction follows immediately after a mispredicted branch. If the single-byte return instruction is at an even address not divisible by 16 then the branch selector will not be loaded in these situations, and the return will be mispredicted.

The first kind of problem can be avoided by placing the single-byte return instruction at an even address, the second kind of problem by placing it at an odd address (or an address divisible by 16). Both kinds of problem can be avoided by making the return instruction longer than one byte. This can be done by inserting a segment prefix or F3 prefix before the return instruction to make it two bytes long, or by coding the return instruction with an offset operand of zero, which makes it three bytes long. It is recommended to make return instructions longer than one byte if there is a conditiona




3.11在AMD K8和K10中的分支预测


K8和K10 AMD处理器的分支预测机制被连接到代码高速缓存中。 每个一级的代码缓存有1024行的4*16个字节,2路组相联。



分支目标地址被保存在转移目标缓冲器(BTB),其具有2048的条目。返回地址存储在返回地址堆栈,其中有以K8 12项和K10 24项。




这种设计的一个缺点是,可以存在用于每个代码排列16个字节块不超过三个控制转移指令,但不包括那些从来没有采取分支。如果在代码相同的16个字节块超过三个分支采取那么他们将继续互相窃取分支选择和BTB条目,并导致两个预测失误对每个执行。因此,重要的是要避免在一个单一的代码排列16个字节块多于三个跳转,分支,调用和返回。这是从来没有采取分支不计。可以很容易地超过三个分支的限制,如果例如switch/ case语句实现为DEC / JZ指令序列。







在AMD使用两级自适应分支预测器具有全局8位或12位的历史,第14页解释的。简单重复的模式和一个重复小环路计数到9或13可以通过该机制来预测。 13页的规则告诉其重复分支模式可以完美地预测。







返回堆栈缓冲区在K8 12项和在k10 24项。这是绰绰有余的,除了递归过程的正常应用。对于返回堆栈缓冲区的说明,请参见第34页。


AMD的推土机有一个新的分支预测设计,它没有连接到代码缓存,不同于以往的模式。该预测机制被描述为与局部预测器和一个全局预测器的混合体。最有可能的分支预测是基于感知器。一个感知器类似于一个神经元,它获知通过在分支历史跟踪的相关性。不像自适应两级预测,感知器预测可以学到很长的分支模式。分支目标缓冲器(BTB)有两个层次,按AMD的软件优化指南。 Level-1的BTB组织与128组*4路=512项一组相联高速缓存。2级BTB在推土机和打桩机中1024组*5路=5120项,大概10240项在压路机中。























在P1没有返回堆栈缓冲区,但使用相同的方法作为回报间接跳跃。后来处理器有一个返回堆栈的缓冲区。这个缓冲器的大小是4在PMMX中,在Atom中是8,在AMD K8是12,在PPro,P2,P3,P4 P4E,PM酷睿2和Nehalem中是16,并在AMD的K10中是24。这个尺寸似乎相当小,但它足以在大多数情况下,因为只有最内子程序事宜中的执行时间。返回堆栈缓冲器可能不足,虽然,是在一个深深嵌套递归函数的情况。

为了使这一机制工作,你必须确保所有调用都与返回相匹配。从来没有跳转一个子程序没有返回,从不使用返回作为间接跳转。它是确定的,但是,以取代用JMP MYPROC在CALL MYPROC/ RET序列16位和32位模式。在64位模式下中,服从栈对齐的标准,可以用JMP MYPROC取代SUB RSP,8/ CALL MYPROC/ ADD RSP,8/ RET。

在大多数处理器上中,您必须确保远调用与远的返回及近调用附近返回相匹配。这可能是有问题的16位代码,因为汇编器将取代远远调用程序在同一网段用PUSH CS随后近调用。即使你防止汇编由硬编码在远调用这样做,链接器可能转化远调用PUSH CS和近调用。在连接使用/ NOFARCALLTRANSLATION选项,以防止这一点。建议使用小型或平面内存模式,使您不必远调用中,因为无论如何远调用和返回是昂贵的。





在PPro,P2,P3,P4 P4E静态预测


; Example 3.6. P4/P4E static branch prediction hint

DB 3EH ; Prediction hint prefix

JBE LL ; Predicted taken first time




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