
 2022-11-29 15:55:17

Research on Information Architecture Model in Building of Online Community

Zhou Shanshan1,2, Bi Qiang2

1.Jilin Medical College, Jilin City

2.Jilin University, Changchun City

Keywords: Online community; Decision Analysis; mode; information organization; personalized

Abstract. With the development of modern information technology and the popularity of the Internet, peoples lives, learning, work and exchanges have been profound changes, more and more people use QQ, MSN, E-mail Blog, BBS tool cyber space exchanges and communication, and gradually formed one by one based on individual interests and the common information needs of different network aggregates, that is the online community. The network thus also entered the era of community, online communities are popular, is becoming popular in the online world users to access, an important platform for exchange and dissemination of information. From the micro-, macro-different aspects of a comprehensive analysis of online communities, information on the organization mode, and focus on the individual needs of community members as the starting point, put forward the online community in the personality of the information the organization mode of the build program, improvements to the online community information organization mode and optimization of important reference value.


Mode of organization of information in the online community, from the point of view of the system, mainly by three factors: the network community content, members of the online community, online communities supporting technologies, they are most closely related to three of the organizational model of the network community aspects of the three elements constitute mode of information organization. The author of the relationship between expressed as shown below:

Network community content, including text information, graphics and video information, audio information, video information, it is the main body of the model; network of community members, including the information users, information providers and information managers, this mode of activity; network community support technologies, including hardware technology (such as a variety of network equipment, online community equipment, communications equipment such as the use and maintenance) and software (such as the retrieval software, community platform, management software, etc.), it is normal operation and development of the community environment protection. These three elements influence each other, interact and mutually reinforcing. As the activities of those community members for information collection, processing, sorting and utilization, but also by the promotion of information and constraints. Community platform to support the use of technology success or failure, is directly related to the accumulation of information, transmission, mining and development, a direct impact on the degree of utilization of community information resources. The close contact of the various elements of the mode of information organization and that they are correct, efficient organization, is a sign of success of this mode.

Online community is a modern intelligent electronic devices that running automatic in accordance with the procedures and processing high-speed of massive data. Online community is the greatest scientific and technological inventions in 20th centurys. It has extremely important impact on human activities and social activities, so online community technologies have been rapidly development of strong vitality. Online community and related technologies is an important symbol of mankind enters the information age. Many years ago, futurists predicted the era of information explosion has been out there in front of us, with the emergence of the Internet and the rapid development, Online community has become a necessity for human life. Although the world economy or in accordance with the

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Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 321-324


trajectory of post-industrial era, doing the inertial flight, but we are already well aware that everything around us is undergoing extraordinary changes. Online community building cases are not uncommon for online community fraud, online community theft, and an endless stream of new types of building, online community building should receive wide attention and research.

The main ideas of the domestic and foreign scholars and the Criticism

Increasingly wide range of academic attention and research on the online community and cyber building. There are three theories about how to define on the online community and cyber building, namely, macroeconomic theory, microeconomic theory and intermediate theory.

  1. A macro-theory is the relationship between the online community and online community research, to define online community building. So this theory, called the relationship between theory, this theory was also defined as the relevant theory and theory of abuse. The related theory is that: Where the buildings of subjective or objective related to online community building, known as online community building. American scholars in the initial study is the concept of online community building (online community building). American scholar Don B. Parker (Parker): Online community Bui











    1、宏观理论是利用在线社区与网络社区研究之间的关系,来定义网络社区行业。所以本文将理论称为理论之间的关系,这一理论也被定义为相关理论和滥用理论。相关的理论是指:凡是主观或客观建设相关的在线社区行业,都被称为网上社区行业。美国学者在最初研究的是在线社区行业的概念。美国学者Don B. Parker(帕克):在线社区行业是指在线社区直接参与建设,从而进一步限制网络社区建设的条件。

    唐bull;B Parker的定义有其局限性。他开始研究网上社区建设,只在电子证据的定义和收集方面,定义了网络社区的建设,只是把网络社区作为一个数据存储器,没有足够重视网络社区建设的作用。日本研究学者:所谓的在线社区行业是指与网络社区相关的建设。滥用理论观点:在线社区行业,是指在网上社区使用过程中发生的所有活动。欧洲合作与发展组织(OECD)认为在在线社区信息的自动处理过程中,违背了法律和职业道德,不被许可的行为应该被看作是一个在线社区行业。欧洲合作与发展(OECD)这个定义包含了在线社区信息异常自动处理的行为。这种观点把所有的一般违法行为和信息实践的道德行为都称作为建设,不区分,而是混淆,我认为定义的范围太大。


    1. 最近备受关注的微网社区行业以及在线社区行业,这是否是一个在线社区系统。例如,瑞典法律对网络社区行业提出了以下定义:侵犯个人隐私、在线社区行业,包括未经授权的在线社区和保存私人文件等所有违反数据保护的行为。德国学者认为在线社区行业的特点在于它是一种破坏财产的行为,这种行为有关电子数据。
    2. 中间理论的观点看来,需要构建在线社区行业工具,用于在线社区的建设以及网络社区资产的保管。这种理论中谈到的建设工具是指在线社区信息系统,包括不同层次的在线社区技术。本文将中间理论界定为网络社区行业、宏观理论与微观理论的融合、处理手段的构建以及两者之间的刑法目的的关系。显然这个定义更全面、更科学。








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