
 2022-12-05 17:00:16

Smart Location-Based Mobile Shopping Android Application

journal of Computer and Communications, 2014, Vol.02 (08), pp.54-6

1. Introduction

Nowadays, the technology keeps improving drastically, especially on smart phones and mobile devices. Since the last decade, their hardware and software capabilities have been improved rapidly. We are able to think that the current mobile phones are as strong as computers and also they are able to compete with computers. One example is that, they have multi-core processor. It means that they are as fast as a computer, in other words, their capabilities are very broad. Therefore, the customersrsquo; requirements will increase year by year. In addition, the sales have increased tremendously in recent decades.

As more people have more smart phones, they are more willing to use them for purchasing, searching and other purposes, instead of using a computer. The survey proves that smart phones are used as a reference to get information . In addition, the big companies get benefits from mobile devices and smart phones. PayPal is experiencing an exponential growth in mobile payments and growing from $750M in 2008 to over $4B in 2011, with $20B expected in 2013 [2]. More than 3 million people have paid using the Starbucks Card Mobile appli-cation, making Starbucks the nationrsquo;s largest mobile payment network. It presents in 6800 Starbucks and 1000 Target locations [3]. According to all this information, the mobile market becomes an important part of the world trade. Therefore, mobile applications are needed and produced by mobile developers.

“Online shopping” is one type of mobile application on smart phones. Furthermore, we are able to see that the web market is losing the peoplersquo;s focus, on the other side the focus is shifting towards the mobile market. Moreover, the people have a limited time nowadays because the technology has been improving and tons of work must be finished in a specific time; therefore the time becomes important for our daily work. In addition, the people want to decrease time consuming tasks on daily routine works by using the mobile devices. Accord-ing to it, market analyst says that the people use their phones more than that in the last two decades.

In general, the people are willing to buy the cheapest products. Also, the location of shopping malls is an im-portant factor, too. People prefer to choose closer shopping malls for buying a product even though the productrsquo;s price is high. Furthermore, they prefer to buy the cheapest product in the closest shopping mall. Therefore, the people have to search the location of shopping malls and products which are available at each shopping mall. Consequently, the location information is the key value for mobile applications. The location information is used as a standard feature which is used in the other applications and also, this mobile shopping Android applica-tionrsquo;s coverage is not limited. The application is easily extendable according to the usersrsquo; requirements. The Android application is developed in Android 2.2 version, Application Programming Interface (API) level 8. Be-sides this information, the system architecture is designed by using Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF) based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) and object-oriented programming language is used in development process. Designing with UML is simplifying complexity of the system and helps us to understand the architecture of this paper project. In the development process, the usersrsquo; input data which has been brought before searching products in the nearest electronic super-stores and also the names of local shopping stores are used in a “Smart Filtering algorithm”. Moreover, simple filtering and cleaning technics such as Agglomerative Clustering Algorithm, Greedy Search Algorithm, and a Levenshtein distance are used in SAGO mobile shop-ping application. Although the mobile application is developed for android devices, it will be easily adopted and developed for iOS devices. By using this android mobile application, the users are able to search the products in closer areas without knowing the location of the shopping mall, and compare the prices that are getting from each local electronic super-store and subsequently decide where to buy. According to these, the users save both their money and time by using the android mobile application.

2. Architecture of Sago Mobile Shopping Application

The system architecture diagram was created by using SOMF depends on UML. SOMF has been proposed by author Michael Bell as “a holistic and anthropomorphic modeling language for software development that em-ploys disciplines and a universal language to provide tactical and strategic solutions to enterprise problems” [4]. In short, SOMF is a service-oriented development life-cycle methodology.

As seen in Figure 1, the system architecture depends on three layers; Resource Layer, Data Access and Ex-traction Layer, Presentation Layer.

The top layer of the system architecture is “Resource Layer”. This layer includes the related data which is used in the SAGO mobile shopping Android application. The most part of the data is collected from internet re-sources which are the electronic local stores in Turkey. The local electronic stores which are used in the SAGO mobile shopping Android application are; Teknosa, Darty, Bimeks, Vatan Computer, Electro World.

There are also many other local electronic stores. These are the most popular electronic stores in Turkey. In future development, the other electronic local stores will be able to be added to the SAGO mobile shopping An-droid application. Another part of the data is gathered from Google. Google provides a variety of data to the de-velopers and researchers. In this paper, the two Google Web APIs are used to collect the data. The first one is Google Places API and the s



计算机与通信学报,2014,(08),pp.54-63 vol.02


1. 介绍



一般来说,人们愿意购买最便宜的产品。同时,购物中心的位置也是一个重要因素。人们更愿意选择靠近购物中心购买一个产品,即使产品的价格高。此外,他们更愿意在最近的购物中心买最便宜的产品。因此,人们必须可以在每一个购物中心搜索购物中心的位置和产品。因此,移动应用程序的位置信息是关键值。位置信息作为标准功能,用于其他应用程序,Android手机购物采用的覆盖范围并不局限。根据用户的应用程序很容易扩展的需求。Android应用程序是在Android 2.2版本中,开发的应用程序编程接口(API)8。除了这个信息外,系统架构设计通过使用面向服务的建模框架(SOMF)基于统一建模语言(UML)和面向对象的编程语言是用于开发过程。设计与UML是简化系统的复杂性和帮助我们理解本文的建筑项目。在开发过程中,用户的输入数据已在最近的搜索产品电子以及当地购物商店的名称中使用“智能滤波算法”。此外,简单的过滤和清洗工艺如凝结的聚类算法,贪婪的搜索算法,Levenshtein函数用于西米移动shop-ping应用程序。虽然是android设备开发的移动应用程序,它将很容易采用和开发iOS设备。通过使用这个安卓移动应用程序,用户可以搜索产品更紧密的地区不知道购物中心的位置,和比较价格从每一个地方电子超级商场,随后决定购买。根据这些,用户节省他们的钱和时间使用android手机应用程序。




系统的顶层架构是“资源层”。这一层包含相关数据用于西米移动购物Android应用程序。大部分收集数据从互联网资源上的在土耳其当地的商店。当地的电子商店用于西米移动购物Android应用程序;Teknosa,Darty Bimeks Vatan计算机,电子世界。

也有许多其他当地的电子商店。这些都是在土耳其最受欢迎的电子商店。在未来的发展中,当地其他电子商店能够被添加到西米移动购物An-droid应用中。另一部分的数据来自谷歌。谷歌为开发人员和研究人员提供各种数据。在本文中,这两个Google Web API用于收集数据。第一个是Google Places API和第二个是谷歌地图API。

系统架构的第二层是“数据访问和提取层”。这一层包含的数据访问工具和数据提取工具,命名为Jsoup,定义为“Jsoup是一个Java库处理真实世界的HTML。它提供了一个非常方便的API来提取和操纵数据,使用最好的DOM,CSS和JQuery-like方法”[5]。Jsoup是一个Java超文本标记语言(HTML)解析器和一个开源项目。这个项目分布在麻省理工学院,经过(MIT)许可。这执照允许开发人员在他们的应用程序自由使用它。本文Jsoup使用HTTP协议来收集数据从web资源。此外,收集的数据也从Google API通过REST web更好。此外,在收集从Google API,需要过滤消除不必要的和相关的信息。



3. 智能过滤算法














4. 总结



Jsoup这是一个Java HTML解析器,从互联网收集数据资源用于西米移动购物Android应用程序。这个解析器连接到网络资源通过HTTP协议和收集数据。每个连接到互联网资源有一个超时时间。默认超时时间为3秒。当Jsoup西米应用程序收集到数据,互联网资源的响应时间变化了,导致超时,因此链接下降,数据无法检索。这个问题是由增加超时显示到了5秒。改变超时时间告诉我们,如果超时增加更高的数据,比如10秒,Jsoup不丢失任何数据。然而,这种变化影响到总集合时间。需要大约2分钟收集数据从五个互联网资源使用默认超时。如果增加超时时间,总集合时间会超过2分钟。在一些操作后,设置超时时间为5秒,总集合时间5分钟。




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