
 2023-03-15 15:21:13



Yun Quan

The General Education College of Xirsquo;an Eurasia University

摘要:信息技术日新月异,,而电子商务平台的需求也在不断增长,开发一个高效、高质量的电子商务平台系统具有很大的研究价值。本项目基于主流最新的前端开发框架Vue.js构建技术开发平台的前端部分,后端采用主流框架采用Java SSM和MySQL数据库进行设计和实现,使运营商能够更好地管理和维护自己的平台,为企业和用户带来极大的便利。











SSM,Spring SpringMVC的三个开源框架的集成框架





























@RequestMapping(value = '/addCompParam.action',method = RequestMethod.POST,produces

= 'application/json') @ResponseBody

public JSONObject addCompParam(CompParam compParam){ JSONObject ret =new JSONObject();

try {

String beforeId= compParam.getBeforeId();

CompParam afterId= compParamService.getAfterId(beforeId); if(null==afterId){

compParam.setCreateDate(MyDateUtils.getDate('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')); String userId = ShiroUtils.getUserId();

compParam.setUserId(userId); compParamService.addEntity(compParam); ret.put(Constant.RTN_CODE, Constant.SUCC_CODE); ret.put(Constant.RTN_MSG, Constant.SUCC_MSG);

}else {

ret.put(Constant.RTN_CODE, Constant.DEFAULT_ERROR_CODE); ret.put(Constant.RTN_MSG, ' This parameter is configured!!!'); }

} catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();

ret.put(Constant.RTN_CODE, Constant.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_CODE); ret.put(Constant.RTN_MSG, Constant.DEFAULT_EXCEPTION_MSG);


return ret;












In the era of network information, information technology is widely used in all walks of life, and e-commerce websites have become an important sales channel. The construction of e-commerce website not only realizes service informationization, but also opens up network transaction and payment functions, which facilitates peoples daily work and life while improving service quality.

Many people who mention online shopping immediately think of mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Tmall, and Jingdong. Many brands, various corporate stores, and official flagship stores want to share a “flow” on the big platform. In addition to relying on large e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and Jingdong, more and more businesses are starting to build suitable online stores for their products, thus creating a more convenient shopping platform for their accumulated customer base.

Technology has changed lives, and e-commerce sites have become the most direct carrier of this change. How to develop websites efficiently and quickly becomes the key to success for the company. Since the e-commerce business carried out on the Internet is not


Design and Implementation of E-commerce Platform based on Vue.js and MySQL

Yun Quan

The General Education College of Xian Eurasia University, Xirsquo;an, Shaanxi 710065, China. quanyun@eurasia.edu

Abstract. Information technology is changing with each passing day, and the demand for e- commerce platform is also growing. It is of great research value to develop an efficient and high- quality e-commerce platform system. This project is based on the mainstream and latest front-end development framework Vue.js to build the front-end part of the technology development platform. The back-end uses the mainstream framework of Java SSM and MySQL database for design and implementation. The system enables operators to better manage and maintain their own platform, which brings great convenience to businesses and users.

Keywords: Vue.js MySQL, e-commerce, electrical component selection.


In the era of network information, information technology is widely used in all walks of life, and e-commerce websites have become an important sales channel. The construction of e-commerce website not only realizes service informationization, but also opens up network transaction and payment functions, which facilitates peoples daily work and life while improving service quality.

Many people who mention online shopping immediately think of mainstream e-commerce platforms such as Taobao, Tmall, and Jingdong. Many brands, various corporate stores, and official flagship stores want to share a “flow” on the big platform. In addition to relying on large e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and Jingdong, more and more businesses are starting to build suitable online stores for their products, thus creating a more convenient shopping platform for their accumulated customer base.

Technology has changed lives, and e-commerce sites have become the most direct carrier of this change. How to develop websites efficiently and quickly becomes the key to success for the company. Since the e-commerce business carried out on the Internet is not the same, each e-commerce website has different implementation functions. This project is built on the e-commerce platform for the selection of electrical components. The following picture shows the website login interface.

Fig. 1 System login interface

Main Technical Introduction


The traditional development method mixes the front-end code and the back-end code, such as ASP, JSP technology, etc. This development mode needs to be interspersed in the front end and the back end, resulting in poor readability of the code and low development efficiency. In view of the above reasons, the development structure of the separation of the front and rear ends was born.

This project adopts the front-end part of Vue.js technology development platform based on mainstream and latest front-end development framework, which improves the development efficiency of the website, clearer code logic, easier to cope with the changing needs, and the system is easier to maintain and integrate so as to reduce development costs.

Java SSM Framework.

SSM, the integration framework of the three open source frameworks of the Spring SpringMVC


SSM is often used as a framework for simpler Web projects for data sources. Spring is a lightweight control inversion (IoC) and aspect-oriented (AOP) container framework. SpringMVC separates the roles of controllers, model objects, dispatchers, and handler objects, making this easier to customize. MyBatis is an excellent persistence layer framework that supports common SQL queries, stored procedures and advanced mapping.


MySQL is one of the most popular relational open source database management systems. It saves data in different tables and is fast and flexible. The system uses MySQL to realize the functions of storing, modifying, deleting and querying data, which enables more systematic and scientific management of data.

The front desk and the back office are two aspects of system design: the buyer corresponds to the front desk design, and the background corresponds to the system user. The front desk of the system can realize online shopping for users, and the front desk provides users with functions such as dynamic browsing, information viewing, user registration, login, online ordering, shopping cart and the like. The administrator privileges include data maintenance, order processing, product information management, and the more. Through the development of the background, the electrical components products are effectively displayed on the website. The front-end, back-end and database form a complete e-commerce website. The structure of the website is shown in Figure 2.

Fig. 2 Website structure

System Function Module Design and Implementation

According to the demand, the e-commerce website for selecting electrical components can be divided into several main functional modules such as user management, component background maintenance, component ordering, and online payment, as shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3 System function module

User Module

The user management module mainly includes functions such as member registration, login, member personal data management, and member history information management. In the process of managing personal related materials, historical information, and online messages, the system needs to ensure the security of the members personal information.

Component Maintenance

There are many kinds of products in the enterprise. The website uses the database to provide accurate and fast information searching and querying services for the viewers, so that the customers can easily and quickly find the required information in the e-commerce databas



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