
 2022-11-04 16:56:47

Web servers dish out billions of web pages a day. They tell you the weather, load up

your online shopping carts, and let you find long-lost high-school buddies. Web

servers are the workhorses of the World Wide Web. In this chapter, we:

bull; Survey the many different types of software and hardware web servers.

bull; Describe how to write a simple diagnostic web server in Perl.

bull; Explain how web servers process HTTP transactions, step by step.

Where it helps to make things concrete, our examples use the Apache web server and

its configuration options.

Web Servers Come in All Shapes and Sizes

A web server processes HTTP requests and serves responses. The term “web server”

can refer either to web server software or to the particular device or computer dedi-

cated to serving the web pages.

Web servers comes in all flavors, shapes, and sizes. There are trivial 10-line Perl

script web servers, 50-MB secure commerce engines, and tiny servers-on-a-card. But

whatever the functional differences, all web servers receive HTTP requests for

resources and serve content back to the clients (look back to Figure 1-5).

Web Server Implementations

Web servers implement HTTP and the related TCP connection handling. They also

manage the resources served by the web server and provide administrative features to

configure, control, and enhance the web server.

The web server logic implements the HTTP protocol, manages web resources, and

provides web server administrative capabilities. The web server logic shares responsi-

bilities for managing TCP connections with the operating system. The underlying

operating system manages the hardware details of the underlying computer system

and provides TCP/IP network support, filesystems to hold web resources, and pro-

cess management to control current computing activities.

Web servers are available in many forms:

bull; You can install and run general-purpose software web servers on standard com-

puter systems.

bull; If you donrsquo;t want the hassle of installing software, you can purchase a web server

appliance, in which the software comes preinstalled and preconfigured on a

computer, often in a snazzy-looking chassis.

bull; Given the miracles of microprocessors, some companies even offer embedded

web servers implemented in a small number of computer chips, making them

perfect administration consoles for consumer devices.

Letrsquo;s look at each of those types of implementations.

General-Purpose Software Web Servers

General-purpose software web servers run on standard, network-enabled computer

systems. You can choose open source software (such as Apache or W3Crsquo;s Jigsaw) or

commercial software (such as Microsoftrsquo;s and iPlanetrsquo;s web servers). Web server

software is available for just about every computer and operating system.

While there are tens of thousands of different kinds of web server programs (includ-

ing custom-crafted, special-purpose web servers), most web server software comes

from a small number of organizations.

In February 2002, the Netcraft survey (http://www.netcraft.com/survey/) showed three

vendors dominating the public Internet web server market (see Figure 5-1):

bull; The free Apache software powers nearly 60% of all Internet web servers.

bull; Microsoft web server makes up another 30%.

bull; Sun iPlanet servers comprise another 3%.

Figure 5-1. Web server market share as estimated by Netcraftrsquo;s automated survey

Take these numbers with a few grains of salt, however, as the Netcraft survey is com-

monly believed to exaggerate the dominance of Apache software. First, the survey

counts servers independent of server popularity. Proxy server access studies from

large ISPs suggest that the amount of pages served from Apache servers is much less

than 60% but still exceeds Microsoft and Sun iPlanet. Additionally, it is anecdotally

believed that Microsoft and iPlanet servers are more popular than Apache inside cor-

porate enterprises.

Web Server Appliances

Web server appliances are prepackaged software/hardware solutions. The vendor pre-

installs a software server onto a vendor-chosen computer platform and preconfig-

ures the software. Some examples of web server appliances include:

bull; Sun/Cobalt RaQ web appliances (http://www.cobalt.com)

bull; Toshiba Magnia SG10 (http://www.toshiba.com)

bull; IBM Whistle web server appliance (http://www.whistle.com)

Appliance solutions remove the need to install and configure software and often

greatly simplify administration. However, the web server often is less flexible and

feature-rich, and the server hardware is not easily repurposeable or upgradable.

Embedded Web Servers

Embedded servers are tiny web servers intended to be embedded into consumer prod-

ucts (e.g., printers or home appliances). Embedded web servers allow users to

administer their consumer devices using a convenient web browser interface.

Some embedded web servers can even be implemented in less than one square inch,

but they usually offer a minimal feature set. Two examples of very small embedded

web servers are:

bull; IPic match-head sized web server (http://www-ccs.cs.umass.edu/~shri/iPic.html)

bull; NetMedia SitePlayer SP1 Ethernet Web Server (http://www.siteplayer.com)

A Minimal Perl Web Server

If you want to build a full-featured HTTP server, you have some work to do. The

core of the Apache web server has over 50,000 lines of code, and optional processing

modules make that number much bigger.

All this software is needed to suppor



  • 对多种使用不同类型软硬件的web服务器进行调查。
  • 介绍如何使用Perl编写简单的诊断性Web服务器。
  • 一步一步地解释Web服务器是如何处理HTTP事务的。

为了对问题进行具体的说明,例子中使用了Apache Web服务器及其配置选项。

5.1 各种形状和尺寸的Web服务器



5.1.1 Web服务器的实现




  • 可以在标准的计算机系统上安装并运行通用的软件Web服务器。
  • 如果不想那么麻烦地去安装软件,可以买一台Web服务器设备,通常会是一台安装在时髦机架上的计算机,里面的软件会预装并配置好。
  • 随着微处理器奇迹般地出现,有些公司甚至可以在少量计算机芯片上实现嵌入式Web服务器,使其成为完美的(便携式)消费类设备管理控制台。


5.1.2 通用软件Web服务器




  • 免费的Apache软件占据了所有因特网Web服务器中大约60%的市场。
  • 微软的Web服务器占据了另外30%。
  • Sun的iplanet占据了另外的3%。

图5-1 Netcraft的自动化调查估计的Web服务器市场份额


5.1.3 Web服务器设备

Web服务器设备(Web server appliance)是预先打包好的软硬件解决方案。厂商会在他们选择的计算机平台上预先安装好软件服务器,并将软件配置好。下面是一些Web服务器设备的例子:


5.1.3 嵌入式Web服务器

嵌入式服务器(embeded server)是要嵌入到消费类产品(比如打印机或家用设备)中去的小型Web服务器。嵌入式Web服务器允许用户通过便捷的Web浏览器接口来管理其消费者设备。


5.2 最小Perl Web服务器

要构建一个特性完备的HTTP服务器,是需要做一些工作的.Apache Web 服务器的内核有超过50000行的代码,那些可选处理模块的代码量更是远远超过这个数字.



这个简单的 type-o-serve实用程序并没有实现大部分的HTTP功能,但它是一种很有用的工具,产生服务器响应报文的方式与Telnet产生客户端请求报文的方式相同(参见例5-1)。


例5-1 type-o-serve ——用于HTTP调试的最小型PerlWeb服务器


use Socket;

use Carp;

use FileHandle;

# (1) use port 8080 by default, unless overridden on command line

$port = (@ARGV ? $ARGV[0] : 8080);

# (2) create local TCP socket and set it to listen for connections

$proto = getprotobyname(tcp);

socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die;

setsockopt(S, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack('l', 1)) || die;

bind(S, sockaddr_in($port, INADDR_ANY)) || die;

listen(S, SOMAXCONN) || die;

# (3) print a startup message

printf(' lt;lt;lt;Type-O-Serve Accepting on Port %dgt;gt;gt; ',$port);

while (1)


# (4) wait for a connection C

$cport_caddr = accept(C, S);

($cport,$caddr) = sockaddr_in($cport_caddr);


# (5) print who the connection is from

$cname = gethostbyaddr($caddr,AF_INET);

printf(' lt;lt;lt;Request From %sgt;gt;gt; ',$cname);

# (6) read request msg until blank line, and print on screen

while ($line = lt;Cgt;)


print $line;

if ($line =~ /^ /) { last; }


Example 5-1. type-o-serve—a minimal Perl web server used for HTTP debugging (continued)

# (7) prompt for response message, and input response lines,

# sending response lines to client, until solitary '.'

printf(' lt;lt;lt;Type Response Followed by .gt;gt;gt; ');

while ($line = lt;STDINgt;)


$line =~ s/ //;

$line =~ s/ //;

if ($line =~ /^./) { last; }

print C $line . ' ';





  • 首先,管理员启动了type-o-serve诊断服务器,在一个特定的端口上监听。由于Joe的五金商店已经有一个产品化的Web服务器在监听80端口了,所以管理员用下面这条命令在端口8080(可以选择任意未用端口)上启动了type-o-serve服务:%type-o-serve.pl 8080
  • 只要type-o-serve开始运行了,就可以将浏览器指向这个Web服务器。在图5-2中,浏览器指向了http://www.joes-hardware.com:8080/foo/bar/blath.txt
  • type-o-serve程序收到来自浏览器的HTTP请求报文,并将HTTP请求报文的内容打印在屏幕上。然后type-o-serve诊断工具会等待用户输入一条简单的响应报文,后面跟着只有一个句号的空行
  • type-o-serve将HTTP响应报文会送给浏览器,浏览器辉县市响应报文的主体。

图5-2 type-o-server使用程序让用户输入服务器响应,将其回送给客户端

5.3 实际的Web服务器会做些什么


  1. 建立连接——接受一个客户端连接,或者如果不希望与这个客户端建立连接,就将其关闭。
  2. 接收请求——从网络中读取一条HTTP请求报文。
  3. 处理请求——对请求报文进行解释,并采取行动。
  4. 访问资源——访问报文中指定的资源
  5. 构建响应——创建带有正确部首的HTTP响应报文。
  6. 发送响应——将响应会送给客户端
  7. 记录事务处理过程——将与已完成实物有关的内容记录在一个日志文件中。

图5-3 基本Web服务器请求的步骤


5.4 第一步——接受客户端连接


5.4.1 处理新连接




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