Fluid Mechanics
5.1 Introduction
Damper oil is usually a selected light mineral oil, sometimes instead a synthetic oil which is more
expensive but which may have reduced variation of viscosity with temperature. The usual damper mineral oil contains sulphur compounds, giving it a lingering noxious smell. The relevant fluid properties include those in Table 5.1.1. The primary values are the density, typically varying from 850 to 860 kg/m3, and the viscosity varying from 5 to 100 mPa s. Both of these are significantly temperaturedependent. In a damper, the viscosity helps with lubrication, but is otherwise a nuisance. Lowerviscosity oils would perform well, but have a higher vapour pressure and would be prone to cavitation.The old vane type dampers used very high viscosity oil to minimise leakage. Parallel-piston lever arm dampers reduced the viscosity requirement, and the telescopic type has reduced it further. Nevertheless,there is significant variation in the oils chosen.
The influence of liquid properties on the related problem of metering in carburettor jets has beenstudied by Bolt et al. (1971), and actually for dampers by Dalibert (1977).
The compressibility of the pure oil is small, less than 0.05 %/MPa, because it depends on distortionof the molecules, but in service conditions with absorbed gas, minute gas bubbles, etc. the practicalliquid compressibility may be much greater, and important. A gas, such as air, has high compressibility,so its density varies easily with pressure variations. Nevertheless, the methods of lsquo;incompressible flowrsquo;analysis may be applied to either, provided that the density varies little. Modelling a gas asincompressible really means that the pressure variations are sosmall that the density is nearlyconstant, so the phrase lsquo;incompressible flowrsquo; really means lsquo;approximately constant density underconditions applyingrsquo;.
Bernoullirsquo;s equation makes this modelling assumption of effectively constant density fluid.
Despite the small variations of density that always occur, incompressible flow methods form the
basic approach to analysis, with compressibility to be dealt with as a deviation from this ideal model ofthe damper oil.
Even an ordinary passenger car damper must be able to withstand hot conditions (air temperature30C) coupled with severe actuation, raising fluid temperatures to over 100C, giving a considerableoperating temperature range. Manufacturers may specify that the damper should operate satisfactorilyfrom 40 to 130C. Reduced damper forces at high fluid temperatures have often been observed indamper tests (e.g. 0.1%/C to 0.3%/C), and it is often stated that this is due to the viscosity reductiongiving a higher discharge coefficient by an increased velocity coefficient. In fact density variation dueto thermal expansion is also important. The volumetric (lsquo;cubicalrsquo;) expansion coefficient of oil is about 0.1%/ C. Thus a 50C temperature rise, easily created in vigorous testing, gives a 5% densityreduction, which for a given volumetric flow rate would reduce the force by 5%, giving a variation
coefficient of 0.1%/ C. Thus, although temperature rise has a much more drastic effect on theviscosity than it has on the density, the consequences of density change may be just as important. Highdamper oil temperature is hardly a problem for a normal passenger car, but it may arise from hardworking of the damper at speed on rough roads. Obviously this can be a problem for competition rallycars. Racing cars may also have problems, particularly at the rear, because engine radiator cooling airmay pass over them and they may be in close proximity to the exhaust system. Desert racing lsquo;buggiesrsquo;in high air temperatures are a classic extreme case, and may require water cooling of the dampers by adedicated radiator. At the other extreme, a damper may be required to operate after having been leftovernight in cold weather conditions. The basic density and viscosity of the fluid are therefore specifiedat some known reference temperature, e.g. 15C, with the important variation with temperatureaccounted for by appropriate equations and coefficients.
The fluid flows through passages of various shapes and through deliberately restrictive valves. The nalysis of pressure losses and flow rates may involve all three basic principles of fluid mechanics:
(1) the Principle of Continuity — volume or mass;
(2) energy analysis—Bernoullirsquo;s equation covers variations of pressure, speed and height for constant
density flow; and may be extended to include friction losses;
(3) momentum analysis — to investigate forces on valve parts.
The pressure losses are obviously of prime importance in a damper, but, despite the wealth of information available on the such topics, in practice it may be difficult to calculate the damper behaviour accurately from first principles. This is because the flow passages are of complex shape, and the losses are somewhat unpredictable. Nevertheless, theory does provide useful grounding for understanding the behaviour of fluid flow in dampers.Fluid mechanics is a complex subject. The summary material here is offered only as an aide memoireand relevant handy reference, for those with existing experience of this field of study.
5.2 Properties of Fluids
The term lsquo;fluidsrsquo; means liquids or gases. Automotive dampers are based on liquid, although in somecases including some emulsified gas. Separated gas is frequently present in the damper. Somenonautomotive dampers do actually use gas alone, and the use of air has some obvious avantages,especially where only small forces are needed, as for damping camera mechanisms, eliminating the problem of leakage which occurs with liquids. Air dampers have also been used on pedal bicycles with suspensions.
The properties of the damper liquid, normally a mineral oil with some additives, may be classified under several headings, basically chemica
液体性质在化油器喷射计量方面的影响已经被博尔特等人于1971年研究完成,而且通过达利贝尔实际运用于减震器在1977年。纯油的可压缩性很小,小于0.05% MPa,因为这取决于变形的分子,但在吸收气体的服务条件,微小的气泡等条件下,压缩性可能会更大,而且更重要。气体,如空气,具有很高的可压缩性,因此其密度随压力变化而变化。尽管如此,不可压缩流体的方法可以应用于任意一个,只要浓度变化不大。把气体当做不能压缩的真正意思是,气压变化如此之小以至于密度是恒定不变的,所以那句不可压缩流体的真正意思是,在应用条件下近似恒定密度。
(1)连续性原则 - 体积或质量;
(2)能量分析 - 伯努利方程涵盖了恒压,速度和高度的变化密度溢流;并且可以被扩展到包括摩擦损失;
(3)分析气势 - 以调查对阀门零件的力量。
3. 压力范围 4. 压缩 5. 导热系数 6. 热容量 7. 热膨胀 8. 粘温敏感性 9. 粘压灵敏度 10. 表面张力 11. 空气吸收系数 |
化学性质包括液体基本规范的分子,因此他可能被指定为矿物油(即碳氢化合物)原油中提炼出来,与给定的平均相对分子质量(分子量), 或者作为硅基油等合成油,或聚异丁烯等。大量的添加剂通过质量或体积和个人规范,如抗磨损添加剂,消泡剂等等。这样细的规范主要是省生产商的阻尼油。阻尼器工程师自己通常只允许指定一个或多个产品的石油生产商名字和规格数量。阻尼油是易燃物品,但很少是一个火灾的隐患。然而该油的氧化性可引起长期恶化,这也是为什么抗氧化剂可以包括在内。
一个典型的阻尼油分子的相对分子质量大约是350kg/kmol,化学式大概是C25H52. 阿伽德罗常数是6:02251026 molecules/kmol,所以这种油一个分子的质量是0.5801024kg。计算出分子的平均体积是0.676nm3.
液体密度对阻尼器性能有重要的影响。它可能是大约860 kg / m3 (0.860克/立方厘米)。大的碳氢化合物分子有一个更高的氢碳比,密度更大。
密度必须和相对密度区分开来,方便的使用参考密度1000公斤/立方米(这是纯水的密度最大,4 摄氏度),因此
5.6 压缩
正常参考压力P1通常是使用一个标准大气,101 325 Pa,约为0.10 mpa。纯油的体积弹性模量大约是1.5的绩点,所以压缩系数的值约
为了 传统阻尼矿物油在干净的新条件下。因此一个实际工作压力5mpa将会增加纯油密度百分之0.35。合规格的钢的压力缸可能对体积的影响更大,在操作条件下,压缩系数大大增加了少量的乳化气体,考虑之后,纯清洁油对汽车减震器没有价值意义。为出现明显的测量F(v)效果,必须0.5%/mpa以上。加汽油的情况况下,经常产生泡沫,是他高频率操作中或者阻尼力的象征。
飞机起落架油压腿设计中,油压缩作为一个重要的因素,但是压力使用的非常高。通常为设计做的压缩系数假设是0.07%/MPa。这个值可能高达0.10%/MPa对特别可压缩的油,例如7和10% 在100 MPa,在更高的压力下会更低。
5.7 粘度
m是动态年度系数,国际单位是N s/m2 或者帕斯卡每秒 Pa s。这恰好在数值上与老的单位厘泊相等。上文隐藏的含义就是粘度和速度成比例,因此抗剪力与速度成比例。这并不是准确的,这只是一个流体模型。在流体的实际条件下,这是一个很好的模型,适用于阻尼油。一些流体的粘度值与速度的差异很大,甚至是在近代。
- 在不同速度下,热扰动会导致相邻层之间分子交换,发生动量交换和能量损失。
- 相邻分子之间的次级键不断形成,并断开发出能量。
- 长分子变得复杂,接着分开,让能量耗散。
因为高温对粘度的影响相当大,所以油的粘度应该引用一个特定的温度。室温15摄氏度,通常作为一个默认值。典型的阻尼油,通常回事轻矿物油,动态粘度系数大约是40mpa s 15摄氏度。相比之下,谁的粘度是1mpa/s 。高室温粘度在低温时是不确定的,但是低室温粘度是令人讨厌的,由于高蒸汽压和高温润滑不足,在高温的时候。
大概是0.02/Cor 2%/C。因此气温上升10度,可能会使粘度降低20%.因为粘度变化的范围很大,这个简单的线性表达式无法准确的表达。粘度可以更好的由Guzmann-Carrancio 方程式
m15是粘度在15摄氏度时,适用于0:003 lt; m15 lt; 0:300 Pa s。添加剂可以降低敏感度。硅油可能占矿物油敏感值的一半。
轻油的粘度代表是mfrac14;10 mpa在288 K,与log10eth;m15THORN;frac14;2。预测温度灵敏度系数Cfrac14;3717 K(使用以e为底的对在Guzmann-Carrancio方程)。这是未被利用石油中最坏的情况。图5.7.1说明了粘度与温度急剧变化时所需的工作温度范围。
图5.7.1矿物油粘度相对于其室温粘度(粘度敏感性Cfrac14;2000和3000 K)。