
 2022-08-11 15:09:27

Automatic instrumental platform for the measurement of the characteristics of ferromagnetic materials based on LabVIEW

Monia Ferjani JAAFARlowast; Center for Research in Industrial Engineering (CEREP), Department of Electrical Engineering, The National Higher Engineering School of Tunis, University of Tunis 1, Tunis, Tunisia

Received: 21.04.2015 bull; Accepted/Published Online: 05.02.2016 bull; Final Version: 24.01.2017

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a complete automation of the different measurements of ferromagnetic materials dynamic characterization according to the CEI60404-6 standard. The measurement bench consists of two major parts: hardware and software. The hardware part comprises a programmable function generator MTX-3240, an electronic card for the magnetic inductionrsquo;s waveform control, and an NI PCI-6225 acquisition card. The software part is developed in the LabVIEW environment to enable the generator and the acquisition card control. It also allows for the processing of obtained experimental records and the correction of static errors. The identified characteristics are mainly the first magnetization curve, the static and the differential permeability, the hysteresis loop characteristics, and the core loss measurements.

Key words: Experimental design, hysteresis loop, magnetic properties, ferromagnetic losses, data acquisition, virtual instrument, LabVIEW, synchronous detection

  1. Introduction

In electrical engineering, it is required to identify the magnetic characteristics of a ferromagnetic material in order to optimize its design economically and technically. The functioning of the classic electrical devices such as engines, alternators, or transformers depends on its magnetic circuit characteristics.

With the major progress in digital technology and computer-aided design, several automated magnetic measuring systems have been developed. Novikov et al. proposed an instrument where the coordinates of the hysteresis loop points are converted with an analog-digital converter into coupled digital code pairs stored and processed in a microprocessor [1]. Others developed instruments that are based on the ferrometric approach consisting of phase-sensitive rectification of signals from the magnetizing and measuring coils of the ferromagnetic sample. Subsequent averaging is applied to find the instantaneous field intensity and magnetic induction [2]. Krokhin and Sushchev proposed a digital compensating ferrometer that uses a modification of the ferrometric method [3]. With the progress of virtual instrumentation, Pacute;olik and Kuczmann and other research groups developed different computer-controlled measurement systems applying the National Instruments NI-DAC Data Acquisition Card and the National Instruments LabVIEW software package [4].

Our efforts in this field concern the improvement of an automatic instrumental platform for the measurement of the characteristics of ferromagnetic materials. We apply an accuracy measurement converter called a synchronous detector, usually used in the field of instrumentation and digital signal processing. Our methodis inspired by the modified ferrometric method and the system is controlled by the NI-DAC and LabVIEW software.

In this paper, we present the design of a test bench for the automatic magnetic characterization of a ferromagnetic sample such as a first magnetization curve, static and differential permeability, hysteresis loop, remanent induction, saturation induction, coercive field, and total losses.

The measurement principle is based on the electromagnetic induction law. The measurement of the magnetic characteristics is performed on a thin ferromagnetic ring sample in the dynamic regime with a sinusoidal magnetic induction conforming to the international standard CEI60404-6 [5].

  1. Architecture of the measurement system

The essential parameters characterizing a magnetic material, such as coercivity field Hc , magnetization at remanence point Br , saturation induction Bs , static permeability micro;stat (Hm), differential permeability micro;d (Hm), iron losses PHF (Bm), and features that allow the quantification of losses in the material for a definite stimulus, are deduced from the hysteresis loop [6]. Figure 1 shows an example of a hysteresis loop with the essential parameters that can be derived from this characteristic.

The measurements of the magnetic characteristics of a ferromagnetic sample are based on the identification of the hysteresis loop. The identification of magnetic properties of ferromagnetic material requires the use of a closed magnetic circuit to prevent submitting the sample to an internal demagnetizing field, which might be the origin of an error source difficult to quantify [7]. For this reason it is recommended to use certain types of circuits [8]. Moreover, the proposed measures are based on the induction law. The measurement circuit has two windings, one for excitation and one for measurement. The magnetic flux variation can be obtained by measuring the induced voltage in the secondary coil [9].

However, considering the nonlinearity of electromagnetic phenomena and the need of measurement standardization of ferromagnetic materialsrsquo; characteristics in the dynamic regime, it is necessary to take measures for a sinusoidal waveform according to the CEI60404 standard. For this purpose, and in order to have the same operating conditions of an electrical machine and to ensure the reproducibility of measurements, the control of the waveform requires the presence of feedback. The synoptic plan and the general structure of the characterization bench of ferromagnetic materials are presented in Figures 2 and 3.

Figure 4 illustrates the constitution of the test bench of ferromagnetic materials characterization. This system is controlled by a PC via a functional user interface in the LabVIEW environment and it consists of anNI-PCI-6



Monia Ferjani JAAFAR工业工程研究中心(CEREP),电子工程系,突尼斯突尼斯大学突尼斯国家高等工程学院,突尼斯突尼斯1号大学

文摘:本文根据CEI60404-6标准,提出了铁磁材料动态特性测量的完全自动化。测量台由硬件和软件两大部分组成。硬件部分包括可编程功能发生器MTX-3240、用于磁感应波形控制的电子卡和NI PCI-6225采集卡。软件部分在LabVIEW环境下进行开发,实现对生成器和采集卡的控制。它还允许处理获得的实验记录和修正静态误差。确定的特性主要有第一磁化曲线、静态磁导率和微分磁导率、磁滞回线特性和磁芯损耗测量。


1. 介绍






2. 测量系统的架构

基本参数描述磁性材料,如矫顽力Hc,磁化剩磁时候Br,饱和感应Bs,静态渗透micro;stat (Hm)、微分渗透率micro;d (Hm),铁损公积金(Bm)和特性,使量化材料损失的一个明确的刺激,推导出磁滞回线的[6]。图1显示了一个带有基本参数的滞后循环的例子,这些参数可以从这个特性中得到。



图4说明了铁磁材料表征试验台的组成。该系统由PC机通过LabVIEW环境下的功能用户界面控制,由annii - pci -6225采集卡[10]和可编程功能发生器MTX-3240组成,其中的电子卡控制波形,保持磁感应B(t)的正弦波形。

LabVIEW测量软件通过一个光学串口RS232[11]控制MTX-3240的振幅和频率。该发电机可自动校正,频率范围由0.1 Hz至5.1 MHz,最高可达20v。从正弦信号开始,伺服卡保持磁感应的正弦形状,以确保测量的标准化。利用NI-PCI 6225采集卡采集了代表磁感应VB的电压和磁激励VH的电压图像。

设计并实现了与图5所示的正弦磁感应形式相对应的电子控制卡后,得到的输出信号如图6所示。获得的数据将在LabVIEW环境下进行处理,并可计算安装在测试台上的铁磁环形样品的特性。采集卡连接到电子伺服卡的输出VB和VH。它有80个模拟输入通道,一个分辨率为16位的模拟-数字转换器,采样频率为250 kHz。


信号发生器MTX-3240、采集卡NI PCI-6225的控制和测量处理都在LabVIEW环境中进行。



在这里,N1和N2分别励磁线圈的匝数和传感线圈,lmoy环形样品的平均长度,我(t)是通过无电感的励磁电流测量的低值电阻RN,年代样品的部分,VB (t)是传感线圈中的感应电动势终端。式(2)中积分的计算需要确定不易获得的积分常数。因此,只要VB (t)满足公式(3)所给出的周期性和反对称性关系的条件,就可以采用同步检测的方法。









——第一个磁化曲线Bm (Hm),从静态micro;stat (Hm)和微分渗透率micro;d (Hm)可以推断通过方程式的实现。(6)和(7):

-不同Bm振幅的滞环B(H)网络,根据公式(8)[12]的最大诱导,可以识别出铁的损耗PHF (Bm):


4. 结果


磁力测量程序的前面板如图10所示。它有13个显示领域的数值结果,如Br -剩余感应,Hc -强制激励,Bsat -饱和感应,PH-滞后损失,和PHF -核心损失。


随着(V)步长逐步增大励磁电压,我们可以计算出每次增大对应的H(t)和B(t)的最大值。当图上这些点Bi (Hi)相连时,就得到了第一个磁化曲线。图11为铁磁材料(钢E42)环形铁芯样品第一次磁化曲线实测值。静态渗透micro;stat (Hm)和微分渗透率micro;d (Hm)推断从第一磁化曲线和图12所示。

5. 测量误差评估







6. 结论







作者感谢突尼斯第一大学(University of Tunis I)生产研究中心(CEREP)主任Anis Chalbi教授提供的资金支持,以及突尼斯国立高等师范学院(ENSIT)。


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